Chapter 17

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So we told Jack's mom I was kicked out and she said  I was welcomed to stay as long as I needed. She was a sweet woman, I see where Jack gets it. Anyways, I'm in last period and there's like 2 minutes left. "Students, Remember tomorrow is an inservice so, no school." The teacher told us. Fuck yeah, I forgot about that. I didn't bother doing much this period simply because the work we're doing is boring as fuck.

 The bell rung. I got up and rushed out of the class. I went straight to Jack's locker and kissed him. He obviously wasn't expecting it, but he ended up kissing back. We didn't really care anymore. Everyone kind of knew about us now, so it shouldn't matter. "Hey!" Rian said as he walked over to us. "Hey." We both replied. "So, since it's a long weekend I was thinking maybe we could ask my parents if we can use the cabin." He said. "That'd be cool." Jack and I agreed.

 Rian gave us a ride home today. We were going to leave tonight so we had to go ask and get what we need for the cabin. Nat was there too because she was coming with us. Rian called his mom on the way there to ask and she said we could.

 We went inside and asked Jack's mom if we could go. She said we could so we went upstairs and packed. I had gone home and grabbed most of my clothes a few days ago so I packed them, but I still wear Jack's shirts a lot. I don't know why, I just love to. Jack packed his stuff quickly and we went down stairs.

 "Bye mom." Jack yelled. "Bye honey, have fun!" She yelled back. We ran out and Rian was waiting for us in the drive way. We got in the back seat. "Hey Alex wanna call Matt and Zack and see if they wanna come?" Rian asked him. "Sure" I replied.

"Who are they?" Jack asked. "Zack's Rian's friend and Matt is both our friends. We use to hang out a lot." I told him. "Oh Okay." He mumbled and looked down. "Hey, can Jenny come?" Nat asked. "Yeah sure, call her and we could pick her up." Rian said

 Jack was looking out the window while I was on the phone. They both could come, Matt said he'd pick up Zack and Zack's girl friend was also coming. We were on our way to Jenny's house. She's the typical hot, popular, bitchy slut. She has blond long hair and chocolate brown eyes, She's tall and skinny. She was kinda the opposite of Nat. Nat's pretty short with brown hair pulled back in a pony tail, and has green eyes, she's popular as well, but not like Jenny. And Nat was super nice, Jenny is a total bitch. But somehow they're best friends.

When we got there Jenny put her bag in the trunk and came and sat in the back with us, so I had to move over to the middle. Which I was fine with because then I was closer to Jack. "So who's he?" Jenny asked looking at Jack. "Jack, from school." I replied. "Oh, why is he here?" She questioned in her usual bitchy tone. "Oh, um, He's my kind of boyfriend." I told her laughing because of how funny that sounded.. I mean, we haven't confirmed it so could I really call him my boyfriend yet? "Oh, so you're gay now?"

"Well, I do still like girls, but I like Jack more." I said. "Oh." was all she said then she pulled out her cell phone and started texting. I put my head on Jack's shoulder "Hey babe, what's up?" I whispered. "Not much, listening to music." He replied. I grabbed one of the ear buds and listened with him.

 We were now on the highway. Me and Jack were quiet most of the ride. Nat and Jenny talked, Jenny mostly talking shit about everyone and Nat just simply agreed, first time Nat actually shuts up. While Rian was driving he was pretty quiet too. The radio was on low and all windows but Jack's were open. It was warm out for it being mid- November.

I took off my seatbelt and went and sat between Jack's legs and  leaned up with my head resting on his neck while he had his head on the window. I didn't wanna sit so cramped up anymore and I wanted to be closer to Jack. We were still listening to the music from his iPod. And he put his arms around me pulling me closer to him. It's a really long drive there so we wouldn't be there for a while. I was starting to  get kinda bored, it was only like 6 so I desided to doze off for a while.


"Alex, Jack wake up!" Rian yelled and the car was stopped. I looked out to see the lake and cabins. We both got out of the car and stretched. "What time is it?" Jack asked whoever was listening. "It's around 7:30." Nat said.

It was starting to get dark, the sun was setting and it looked beautiful. We carried all our stuff inside. Rian said Matt and Zack should be here in about half an hour. So I desided to take Jack down to the lake. I took off my shoes and walked along the shore. Jack did the same. We walked beside each other in complete silence.

Not long after we heard Matt and Zack with his girlfriend. We started to walk back. "Hey!" Matt called over to me. "Hey." I replied. "Oh and who's this?" He asked. "Hi, I'm Jack." Jack said. "This is Matt and that's Zack" I told him. I walked up to Zack and Jack followed. "Hey" I greeted Zack. "Hey, how ya been?"

 "I've been great, what about you?" I asked. "I'm good. This is Jessica by the way." He said . "Hi, nice to meet you." She said. "Yeah you too, I'm Alex." I replied. "Oh and this is Jack." I said as I pulled him closer by his waist. "Oh, I hear you guys are like, a couple." Zack mentioned. "Yeah, something like that..." I replied.

 We went in the house and picked our rooms There was 4 bed rooms. Me and Jack, Zack and Jessica, Rian and Nat shaired. Jenny got her own room and Matt went and slept on the couch. It was a pretty big cabin. I haven't been out here for about a year now, so it was nice. Rian use to take me along ever weekend last year, but he hardly comes out here himself anymore.

 We were all hanging out in the living room, having a drink and just talking. I was sitting on the floor and Jack was on my lap. It was kinda late so I got up and desided to go to bed. Of course Jack came too.

 I closed the door and turned off the lights. I then took off my clothes so that I was just in my boxers. Jack did the same and we got into bed. He curled up beside me while I laid on my stomach and had my arm thrown over him. He fell asleep quickly. And it wasn't long after when I did too.

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