Chapter 10

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 It was late, I'd say about 4am. I know we had only spent two nights together but I felt wierd without Jack's arms around me. I wanted him here, now. And I was tired, I mean we did pull an all nighter last night, but I'm not tired enough to stop missing him. I feel so crazy, but these feelings were so, strong. I've never felt this much toward anyone. Nor have I ever liked a guy before him, because yeah, girls are fucking hot. But Jack, I don't know what it is about him that makes me want him so badly... but I do.I'm starting to really realize how I feel about him. And I really don't care care what people think- wait, I couldn't say that. Because I do care, I just- I like him so much it hardly matters anymore. I just want to hear his voice... I thought maybe I'd call him, then I realized it was really late, so I just texted him asking if he was awake.

 Not long after I got a text back saying he was. We talked for a while until I got the idea to sneak out. I just wanted to see him. So i asked him and he agreed. I got my sweater and told him I'd meet him by the park that was close to both our houses. I went downstairs quietly and went out the back door, walking down the back lane to the park.

 When I got to the park he was already there. He walked over to me, we both looked tired as fuck but  of course he still looked amazing, as always. "Hey," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. I cuddled into him. "Hi" I said quietly. 

 I pulled away and grabbed his hand, heading towards the swings. I got on the swing and he did the same. We both started swinging, still hand in hand.

Hours past and we sat there talking . It waslight out now, Well... it is like 6:30am. I figure, I should go home, but I really don't want to. "You need to go home right?" I asked him. "No, I already showered and stuff, I couldn't sleep so I just got ready." He said. "Then come home with me?" I asked. "Fine" he replied and gave me one of his cute little smiles.

 When we got home I went through the back again, hoping my mom was still asleep. But just my luck, she wasn't. She was in the kitchen. Fuck. "ALEX GASKARTH, Where have you been?" She yelled. "I- um, uh." I said as I tried to think up an excuse but what kinda lie could I make, when Jack was here right beside me. "Alex?" She said sounding pissed. "K, fine I snuck out."

She sighed "Fine, no going out this week then." "BUT! Rian's party is on the weekend!" I said "Well, I'm sorry. But you can't just sneak out like that Alex!" She replied.

Jack was allowed to stay until we had to leave for school. It's so shitty I can't go to Rian's party, but maybe I could beg my mom into letting me go. I got ready fast, not even bothering to shower then went back downstairs and found Jack watching cartoons. "Aw, how cute." I said, sitting down beside him. "I guess" he replied. "We should leave" I said and got up, Jack doing the same.

 We got to school. When got there Rian came up to us, "You guys comin to my party?!" He said sounding excited "Dude, I'm grounded. And wait, aren't you mad at me?" I murmured. "No, I just.. of course not, just... shocked." He said "But I'm okay with it, ok? You're my best friend Alex, don't forget that." I gave him a smile, I then turned to see Todd was approching us, if he fucking touches Jack-...

"Look at this fag!" Todd said as he walked close to us, I thought he was coming for Jack.. but I thought wrong, before I knew it I was being pushed around, then I hit the pavement outside the school. I could hear Rian yelling to stop. Then Jack tried to help, but that only made things worse. In a flash he too was on the ground beside me and they were beating on him as well.

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