Chapter 4

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-next day-

  I have science. The test is now. As I was waiting for the teacher to arrive I was watching Alex talking and laughing with his friends. He looked up to notice me staring, which I guess I was doing so. He smiles at me, right then Mr.Davis walked in. Alex looked away and the class became silent. Mr.Davis started handing out the tests, I sat there waiting for him to come around to give me mine.

 He gave me it and I wrote down my name and the date, then got started.

 I found it quite easy. I was the first one done, but I just sat there waiting for someone else to finish not wanting to be the first person to hand it in. Someone got up and handed in theirs... so not long after I did the same and sat back down. As usual, I began drawing in my binder.

 Before I knew it the bell rang, I picked up all my stuff and walked out the class. I have gym this period. I headed to the gym, seeing Alex walking alone... which was rare but I took nothing of it.

 We didn't really have do much in class today, since the dance was being set up in that room. The dance is in a couple hours. I wasn't looking forward to it one bit. I just sat on the bleachers and listened to music while everyone around me was decorating or hanging out with their friends. I was there for a while, when I felt someone tap my leg. I took out an earbud to see what they wanted. It was Alex..

 "Uhm, yes..?" I asked. He kinda laughed. "Whatcha listening to?" he asked. "Um, music," I replyed. "No shit. What band dumbass?" he asked in a joking way. "Blink 182," I said quitely. "Seriously? I fucking love them," He said kind of smiling. "Well, they're great so..yeah. Anyways, what do you actually want?" I asked

 "Wanna help me with like decorating or something? I'm bored," He asked. "Uh, I guess..." I replied. He started walking and I got up and followed him.

 We didn't really talk a lot. We didn't really decorate either, we both just kinda sat there awkwardly. I mean, we did a couple things.. but why bother? "So are you wearing a costume for the dance?" He asked breaking the silence."That'd be a no," I replied with a short laugh. "What about you?" "Uh, no." "Oh, okay then." I said as I saw Todd and his friends walking towards us. 

  "What are you doing hanging with this fag?" one of them asked Alex as he pushed me. "Dude, Chill. Don't gotta be so harsh." Alex said. "What are you gonna do about it?" I heard Todd say in a rude tone. Alex laughed "Stop trying to act so fucking tough." "Shut the fuck up," He said to Alex as he looked over at me. "Okay then, why don't you just go away?" Alex said kinda smiling. "Fuck You Alex," He said and he walked away, the rest of them following.

 They all usually followed Todd, I don't get why when he's such a fucking dick. "Dude, thanks," I said as I got up. "Uh, no big deal.. he's a douche, he deseved it," He said looking away. 

"Alex!" Allison said, walking towards us. Allison was Alex's girlfriend, or so I've heard.

 Alex got up and wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned down to kiss her. Apparently I heard right. I got up and walked back to the bleachers to sit down, not wanting to embarrass Alex infront of his girlfriend for hanging out with me.

-later that night-

 I didn't bother getting there early, I wasn't gonna stay long anyways. Not like I had any reason to.

 I sat down on the bleachers as they played shitty music and almost everyone was dancing or hanging out with friends as the strobe lights flickered. There was a few other kids on the bleachers, but I didn't actually know most of them. One was a girl that was in a few of my classes, but I forgot her name.

 I've been awkwardly sitting here for a while. I wanted to get a drink or something, but to push through the crowded room full of sweaty, half drunk teenages wasn't gonna be fun. So I just stood up and leaned against a wall still looking down as somebody pushed into me. I sighed. If it was Todd or one of his friends, it was going to make this night hell. I looked up hoping it wasn't one of them...It was only Alex. "What the fuck dude?" I asked annoyed.

 "Ah man, Sorry," He said while laughing. "JACK! How's my good friend Jack doing?!" He said loudly as he stumbled over a bit. I was confused at his excitement, we were barely even friends. Then I realized it, he was drunk.

 "Um, I'm fine.." I replied, hoping he'd just go away. "Boo, You're fucking boring!" He said laughing some more. "Aw thanks," I said sarcasticly. "Drink this!" He said handing me his cup. Knowing it was alcohol instantly by the smell, I took it and chugged it down and gave him the cup back. "I don't want your garbage!" He yelled and threw it at me. I just laughed. "Wanna hang out?" he asked. "Sure" I replied,  though we could barely hear each other over the horrible music. "Okay, wait here," he said and rushed off. I sat back down on the bleacher and waited for him.

 He came back with two cups and gave me one. It contained alcohol like the last, I had no idea where he was getting it from but I took it anyways. He sat down beside me. "How much have you had to drink?" I questioned him. "A few," he replied. I started drinking my drink. "Hey, wanna go outside?" he asked. I said sure and we did so.

  We started walking, When he grabbed me and threw me down into a pile of leaves. "What the fuck Alex?!" I said loudly. "I'm just messing with ya!" he said laughing. "Well, then.." I said grinning as I grabbed his legs and pulled him down. "Asshole!" he said jokingly. "Hey, you're the one who started it," I said laughing, getting to my feet. "Help me up?" He asked smiling. I reached down and grabbed his hand. "I think, I need more drinks!" He said. "I'll be right back!"  I really didn't know where he was going, but I sat back down and waited for him. 

 It wasn't long after when he came back with another drink and stumbled down beside me. "Maybe you've had enough?" I suggested. "You can never have enough!" He said as he started chugging. He got up and started walking so I followed. "Where are we going?" I asked as I tumbled over my foot and fell on the sidewalk.

 He just laughed like crazy. "I dunno man, But heck.. that was funny!" He said still laughing. I got back to my feet. "You sir, are a dick," I replied. He just laughed as he sat down against the wall, We were behind the school now. There wasn't anyone around. Which came to a surprise, I thought there'd be kids back here smoking up or whatever.

 I sat down beside him not saying anything and he  just looked at me. "Dude, stop staring." I said "S-sorry, I just.. you look nice right now," He said. "Haha, shutup. You're drunk," I said laughing. "No... I didn't even drink that much" He said looking away. I laughed. "Yes, you have."

  "It's probably getting late..." I said slowly. "Yeah, so?" he said, I just barely made out what he said. "Do you need a ride or anything? And, I can barely understand you! "I mentioned. "Hmmm..maybe," he mumbled as he got to his feet kinda tripping. I got up too. I just kinda stood there not knowing what to say. I looked up and Alex grabbed me and before I knew it, he kissed me! I didn't want it, but I didn't exactly argue. We held that kiss for a good few minutes.

"What the fuck Alex?!" I heard someone yell.

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