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This time Char really saw red.

"Why are you acting so weirdly?" she asked the robot. Then, she noticed a tab opening on the screen.

"Hey, how did you managed to sneak into Castle?" she heard the familiar voice of her friend asking her. But that made no sense because the figure on the screen was of a pretty lady wearing something that she recalled as 'gown'.

"Gray is that you?" Char asked while turning the display to touchable three-dimensional, out of screen form. She exerted her hand to the figure and it shook her hand in a friendly manner. Technology had enhanced the usage of computers to such an extent that human beings can touch, smell, and feel not only other human beings but also animations and virtual figures. Long gone are the days when humans could only see and listen through computers of different kinds.

"Yes, Char. This is your friend, Gray Gazebo, and the form you are seeing is my beloved Princess." She watched the Princess bow when he mentioned her.

"By the by, how come you are inside the Castle's Walls? Did you lose your job and turn against the Colony?" Gray inquired. Mischief was, without a hint of doubt, echoing in his voice.

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