One Moment Chapter 2

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Sorry about that the other day Liza caught me writing. My journal is super private and I don't want ANYBODY to see what it says. It's my one place that I can go to and not feel empty.... haha that was a weird moment... so anyway. ..."Margaret will you put that thing down and get ready, your mother will be home soon", says Liza. "Ugh! Fine!" I muttered. "And it's MEG!!" Liza gave me a look that means seriousness.

"Sorry Liza, Im just still mad at mommy from her last visit." Liza walked over an put her arm around my shoulder, "awww honey why are you mad at her?" "Well", I started "Last time we had dinner together was when she announced that she took on another job. And that we wouldn't see her for awhile." I started to get sad thinking about it but deep down I have a rage for my mother a HATRED so strong that I can't control at times. I don't know why but it's always been there ever since the winter of 06 but that's another story for another day.

"Hello? Anybody home?", said a familiar yet stranger voice. "Oh Marlene dear! It's so nice to see you!" Liza is a loving and kind red head who always puts her hair up in a bun. She never does a good job though cause strands of hair are EVERYWHERE like a red tornado. She would make the perfect mother except her husband died at the age of 32 of brain cancer and she refuses to remarry. But she is a mother, my mother. I've had her as a nanny for 7 years of my life.

"Oh sweetie you look so thin you could fit through the eye of a needle. What you need is a hardy meal to plumpen you up!" That's Liza for you, always worried about nutrition. "Haha Liza it's so good to see you again." Mommy hugged Liza awkwardly and looked in my direction. "Meg? Is that you! Oh honey you look so big! Oh my gosh you've got boobs!", mommy was being extra happy tonight... that's means that there is bad news.

"Hi mom", I said I never call her mommy in person but in my journal that's her name. "Awww sweet heart! I've missed you so much", she kissed me on the check. With my mother when she's happy it means there is bad news. She just gave me a kiss!! She HATES kisses!! Which means the news is VERY BAD!!! Oh no now if she gives me a hug it means that this is SUPER VERY BAD NEWS!! No! She's getting closer to me!! No!!

"AAAWWWWWWWW", I scream. "Margaret! What's wrong?!? Why did you scream deary?" Liza is the first to respond not my own birth mother. "I...I... I saw a rat", wow nice save idiot I was thinking. "That's impossible! We've never had any kid of rodent or insect in our house that wasn't supposed", Liza stated. "Oh well idk then haha", I knew after I said that they didn't believe me. "Well ok honey whatever you say", mommy gave Liza a look that meant its all lies.

"Can we just eat dinner Im hungry", I actually wasn't but I wanted something to distract them from my scream earlier. "That's sounds like a great plan Marg... I mean Meg. I have meatloaf prepared your favorite Marlene", Liza is obsessed about family dinner. Which is quite funny since neither of us have a family..

"So Meg you probably haven't noticed but I have some important news to tell you", mommy said. I have noticed but she doesn't know that... "Meg, sweetie. I got a promotion and we are moving to Boulder, Colorado."


Wow! Now that's a way to end a chapter!!! See what happens next when I post chapter three!!! Thank u all:*

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