One Moment Chapter 6

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That night I had a nightmare. It was about my daydream I had earlier. The one with the family.

*nightmare scene*

I wake up thinking this is real life but I look over and there is another bed. I get up quickly and realize that this isn't my room. I run out of the room and see a LONG hall that looks like it goes on forever in each direction. Along the walls are doors, thousands and thousands of doors. Curiously I open one and inside I see another snapshot of that family.

It was a Christmas scene. The father was sitting on the couch and in his lap was an already opened present of socks. The mother was bringing a tray of cookies and milk glasses in. And in the corner was the most beautiful Christmas tree I've ever seen. It wasn't green but it was silver! And had LED lights on it, with multi colored bright ornaments. Underneath the tree are gorgeous professional looking wrapped packages. The two children are there again playing with newly opened presents of Polly pockets. The one that vaguely reminded me of me was smiling at the mother and said thanks mommy. Then the other child which I have no memory of was sitting on the fathers lap. I couldn't take this so I shut the door and walked down the hall to the right.

After awhile I open another door. This scene was of the woman who looks like my mother getting an ultra sound. In the chair next to her was that man. I know who that man is but I can't put my finger on it. Then the father picked up a small child from the floor and set it on his lap. He said, "look there Margo. That's your new baby sister." The small child laughed and said baby and started to reach out for the mother. I closed this door and think. Is the small child me? Is this my family? No! This can't be. Mom only had one kid and that was me. That is not my birth father. I run. I run as fast as I can down the hallway while tears spilled through my eyes. As I ran all the doors started opening showing scenes like. Halloween, birthdays, births, Christmas, and thousands of family snapshots with the husband, wife, and two kids. They all look so happy.

I stand still in the hallway and the room seems to be spinning I fall down on the floor and it keeps spinning. Then as I hold my head in my hands. A picture flashes in my head for a millisecond but I capture what it looks like just enough so I could make it out.

It was of an overcast day and there was a bridge. It must have been fall cause all the people in the picture where wearing light jackets. There was a murky brown river going underneath the bridge. There was about 5 people in the photo. One was a woman who looked like the mom from the family. She was crying and her hands where intertwine in her hair. It looks like she saw a murder or something with the expression on her face. Next to her was the man from the family and he had his arm around the woman. He looked like he was crying hard too. The other three people where surrounding a lump that was black. I focused in and saw that that black lump was a body in a garbage bag. The bag was cut open in the front and what laid inside almost made me puke. Inside was the little girl from the family. Her face and body were shriveled up from the water, and her face was cut up. Her body was black and blue and broken. Then I heard a high pitched scream from the woman. "AVA!"

*end of nightmare*

I screamed as I hard as I could and woke up drenched in sweat. I will never EVER forget the picture I saw in my dream. I will never forget that family. I will never forget the name Ava...

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