One Moment Chapter 14

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Ian and Tasha were both sitting at the folding table at the end of the kitchen. "Meg, please join us.", Ian says. I walk over and sit at a chair by the table. "How was your first day of school?" He's asking about me day? Weird. "It was good, thank you for asking." He looks over at Tasha then back to me again. "Lets cut to the chase. I don't want you here you don't want to be here. Lets both try to make this work. Now you've probably noticed that you have no electricity in your room. That's because I never use that room. So if you want electricity you will have to pay. Cause Im not paying for an extra body in my house. You will have to get a job. Also... Rent. I have to pay for your food so I will charge you a weekly rent. The rent you can work off by doing chores around the house, but the electricity thin is your money to spend. If you don't want it then u don't need to pay. If you do want it then come up with the money some how. You have to be home by 11 every night or I will lock you out of the house and leave you to die. Understand?" I nod trying to follow. "Tasha will give you the chores. Im afraid I have to go now. I will see you later Meg. Bye."

"Ok Meg, I know this is a lot for you and it's all happening really quickly but try to keep up. Here is your chore list. I will sign anything that needs to be sign and bring dinner to your room." I feel half asleep as I walk In my room and shut the door. Electric bills? A job? Im only 14 people. I haven't even had my first kiss. I take out my binder and flip to an empty page then label it this:


4am- wake up

4:30am- make breakfast for everyone and eat

5am- start walking

5:30am- shower at school

6:30am- start school

7am- 2pm- school

2:10- start walking home

2:40- arrive at home

2:50-4:00- homework

4pm- clean house

5:30pm- make dinner

6:30pm- eat dinner

6:45pm- start walking

7:30start shift at job

10pm- shift end. Start walking

10:30- shift end arrive home

11- go to bed

Ian applied me for like seven jobs but I got one! I don't know what I do but I guess I will find out tomorrow! Im so tired...


It's the little girl. The one that I saw dead in the garbage bag. She's walking down a street at dusk. She's wearing a polka dot dress with red Mary Jane shoes. Her hair is in two ponytails and she's smiling and skipping. Then a white van comes out if nowhere and a masked man jumps out next to the girl. "Do you like ice cream?" The masked man asks. The little girl smiles even bigger and nods excited. "Well I have every kind of ice cream in my truck, come ill show you. Follow me." The little girl innocently follows the man who promised her the frozen treat. When she was close to the van the man grabs her and pulls her in.

*end of dream*

What is happening to me? Im I delusional? Why Im I dreaming these things? I can't handle

This!!! I go to the bathroom and grab some of my pills. I know that if I took these things in my hand all the pain would go away. No more Margaret Clink. A forgotten name like her mothers. Then as I was about to kill myself there in my room. A heard a voice. It sounded like the jolly

Man from the happy family. This is what he said. "Margo. Don't. Honey your stronger then this. I love you . Please. Don't." I cried. Not because of the strong part but the fact that some one loves me enough to tell me. I've never heard that. I go on my mattress curl into a ball and cry myself to sleep. Thinking of the love he said he had for me.

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