Notes From Drew

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the reads! I am going to update probably for the last time on this book. These are the notes that Drew wrote before he died. Enjoy!


~Hanna's POV~

Meg just left for who knows where. They couldn't tell me. I was going through Drew's room when something catches my eye. In his pillow case was an envelope. I grab it and realize there are four of them. They are labeled, Hanna, Margaret, Jonathon, Kaylen. I sit down on his bed and rip open the one with my name I start reading....

Dear Hanna,

I am sorry sister. You probably heard about the bait thing, I'm so sorry. If they didn't then they would harm you. I couldn't live with myself. I had no idea they would actually kidnap you, but I'm sure no harm was done to you. Please forgive me sister, it kills me. Do not think of me as evil, but protective. I'll tell you.

I was kidnapped after wrestling practice. The person said they liked my atheltic skills and quick thinking. He said to join him or die along with you mom and dad. I had too, Hanna understand. I did it for you. They didn't trust me with information. They asked to use your name so I agreed thinking it was just your name and only that. Take care of Jonathon and KAylen they are like children to me. Raise them well, I know you will. Go live your life, forget the past. Start dating and fall in love, I'll watch from above. Love life and live it to it's fullest. Please deliver this note to Meg if you can and save these letters for the kids when they are 16.

I love you Hanna Banana don't forget that and never EVER doubt it.

~Your Big Brother

I realize I'm crying. I kiss the note then put it back in the envelope. Two people run into the room. It's Jonathon and Kaylen, the most energetic two year olds ever. "Hi auntie Hanna." Jonathon says. I smile, "Auntie Hanna has to go but I'll be back." They frown. I laugh and kiss their heads. Jonathon has Margaret's eyes and MArcus's face complexion.

I get in my car and start driving to Agent Harris's office. He was the one who relocated Meg. I walk in and he greets me. "Hello Hanna! May I ask why you are here?" He asks. "Drew wrote a note for Meg before he died and he wants to give it to her." I say. He nods and I hand it over to him. "I'll see what I can do. One more year till she's back." He says. I smile, one more year till I can see my bestfriend again. We laughed together, almost died together, got kidnapped together, cried together, and loved together.

I head back home praying the letter will reach her.

~Meg's POV~

I got a letter in the mail today, weird it's addressed to Magaret Clink no one says that anymore. Leila snatches the etter and reads it, "Whose Margaret Clink?" She asks. "Oh um it's a friend." I say she tilts her head confused. I grab it back and run outside. She delightly screams after me. I hop on my bike and ride to the beach.

Leila has been getting more questioning about my past. I don't know what to tell her. I arrive at the beach and sit on the soft white sand. It's evening and the brilliant orange sun was starting to turn pink and purple. I breathe, I love the beach. "Want some company?" I hear Jacob say. I smile. "I would LOVE some company." I say, He sits next to me and pulls me onto his lap. After a year of dating I opened up to JAcob and told him mostly everything. He gave me a promise ring a month ago. We plan on marrying after high school, and he agreed to accept Jonathon and KAylen as his kids. We also agreed to have kids of our own.

He's so amazing. But whenever I look into his eyes a small pain is in my heart. His eyes sparkle the same way Drew's did. There isn't one day where he isn't on my mind. I told Jacob about Drew also. He comforted me and promised never to leave me. "What's that letter?" He asks. I pull it out, and open it.

Dear Maragert,

I'm sorry I left you. If anything were to happen to you because of my stupid actions, I would die. I wrote letters for you, Hanna, Jonathon, and Kaylen.

I hope you found an amazing family, and can actually live without the fear of death every day. I'm so sorry about everything. I love you and that's not a lie. My assignment was to make sure you stay in the area when I actually fell for you.

I hope you forget the past and live in the present. I hope you find a boyfriend, get married and have beautiful children. I hope you grow old together. I hope every single day he admires your beauty and gives all the love in his life to you. I hope you two go somewhere exotic for your honeymoon. I wish it were me, but you deserve better.

You probably think about me. Well don't. You need to move on, focus on now. Focus on your fututre, school, love, and family.

You taught there was more to life, you taught me how to love, how to smile, how to laugh, and how to commit. I wanted to teach you so many things. I wanted to teach you how to playvideo games, how to hunt, how to understand football, and how to have the best relationship. But all I did was put you in harm's way and hurt you.

I love you MArgaret. I want you to know my last words were your name and I died with you in my head. I release you from my life and I give you permission to do the same to me. Forever mine, my baby girl.

~Drew Smith siging out for the last time with love his heart

I cry and Jacob holds me and craddles me. "I love you Meg." He says and kisses me. "I love you too I say. He stands up and tarts walking I follow then stop. I look at the ocean and sigh. I take the last piece of evidence of Drew's life and crumple it into a ball. I pick up a heavy stone and wrap the note around it. Then launch it into the ocean where it will stay forever.

I walk back to Jacob and before the beach leaves my sight I whisper something that I hope he can hear in heaven. "I release you Drew Smith."

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