One Moment Chapter 17

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All of a sudden a man in scrubs and white lab coat enters my hospital room. "Aw our mystery patient is awake." He said. Mystery patient what was he talking about? "Now that your awake can you tell us your name?" He asks in a kind deep voice. " My name is Meg." He smiles warmly. "That's a beautiful first name but I would prefer a last." I think... "Im Margaret Thomas." I answer with confidence. "Ok we should contact your father then." He starts to leave but I stop him with a question. "How did I get here?" He stops then walks towards me and sits at the end of my bed. "Well Margaret we got an anonymous call saying they hit a teenage girl walking across the street. We sent an ambulance over and that was that." I start thinking... Ian knocked me out. He must not wanted people to think he abused me so he set up a fake car accident. Makes sense.

A sharp pain rushed from my head. I hold my hand to my forehead. I notice there was an IV in my arm. Then I realize that I was in there for a reason. "Can I have a mirror?" I ask.

He walks Across the room and hands me a hand mirror. I look at the reflection and scream. That face wasn't mine... I had a black eye and a huge line of stitches across my forehead. Then my nose had a plastic cast on it that was blue.i had the oxygen tubes up my nostrils like old people have. "Wha.. What happened?" I ask scared. "Well you were in pretty bad have when you came in. We sewed you up with 37 stitches. Then you had a bad shiner(black eye) and you got glass in your nose so we did a small operation to get the pieces out. Also we had to hook you up to an oxygen machine, because you didn't breathe well when you were in your coma." Wait did he say coma? The look on my face must have told him that I was confused cause he then answered. "You have been unconscious for almost three days Meg."

I freak out!!! 3 DAYS!! I missed school! I missed work! I missed Hanna!! Wait, wait, hanna! Oh gosh I need to contact her... "Am u allowed to call a friend?" I ask he nods then slips out of my room knowing that I wanted privacy. I dial her number and wait. One ring. Two rings. "Hello?" I hear. "Hey Hanna this is Meg." It got silent then she screamed really loud. "OMG R U OK? WHAT HAPPENED?!?" I laugh at her many questions. "Just come visit me in the hospital and I'll answer all your questions. I just wanted to let you know that I am ok." "Ok, ok Im on my way."

Hanna shorty arrives 10 minutes after the call. "Hey how are you?" She asks as she walks into my room. "Im doin good." She nods and sits on the foot of my bed. "Can you please get me out of here?" I ask she laughs. "Yah I'll go find a nurse." After 12 hours of waiting I got to leave the hospital... I fell asleep in the car from the drugs they gave me for pain.

"Meg... you gotta wake up now." Hanna's angel voice says softly in my ear. I blink a few times and realize that the car has stopped. Hanna has a navy blue 4 runner. I adjust my eyes and realize that she didn't bring me home... She brought me to a house that I've never seen before. "W.. Wh... where are we?""shhh Meg, we are at my house. I didn't think you wanted to go home and face Ian so I thought you could sleepover." I nod in approval and let Hanna lead me to the door. Hanna's house is a beautiful mansion next to my dilapidated shack. As we walk in the door she leads me to a bench where I rest while she puts papers from the hospital and her shoes away. "Wow who is this?" A deep gentle voice says. I lift my head and see the cutest guy ever!! I believe it was Hanna's brother. Damn she's lucky. "Oh meg, this is my brother Drew. Drew, this is Meg my friend who recently moved in with Ian Thomas." He gives me a quick look of sympathy. Then back to Hanna. "Ok... what is she doing here?" Hanna looks back between me and Drew then says, "she recently got discharged from the hospital because she got in an accident and her front door was locked so I brought her here to sleepover... As a guest." He nods in approve and flashes me a smile... I think me and Drew will get to know each other more....

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