One Moment Chapter 21

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I woke up... then realized that something was different. Then I remembered that last night was when Tasha stripped me of my dignity. Wait no she didn't do it.. It was the kidnapper. I promised myself that I would find that jerk who wrecked my life.

I get up and walk over to the pile of clothes Tasha threw at me. I found one of my shirts and a pair of pants. The shirt said love in cursive and was grey with black font. The pants were white with a light pink cherry blossom pattern all over it. I threw on my brown leather boots, and Combed my

Hair with my fingers. All ready for the day I grab my backpack and go to the door. I smiled thinking of Drew... I turned the knob... It didn't open. I try again harder. I start to breathe hard. I bang on the door. "Help!! Someone please!!" Then I hear high heels on the tile an the unlocking of the door. I take a step back and Tasha walks in. "What the heck are you doing?" "I.. I... I couldn't open the door." I stutter in response. "Ya dumbo I locked it." "W..why?" "Cause Ian don't want you to runaway." Oh so now Ian wants me? Weird. "Now get the heck out of here and go to school." I put my head down walk past her and out the door.

As I turn the corner away from the view of my prison home I see drew leaning against his car. He has his keys in his hand. He's wearing a purple v-neck that is super sexy, a black letter jacket, and black pants. He has high tops on and gelled his hair back. He smiles and walks towards me. "Hey babe" he pulls me in by the waist and kisses me gently. "How was Tasha and Ian's reaction?" I remember the rules Ian told me

The other night that he would hurt my friends, and Drew. I wiggle out of his hold look into his eyes for a second and started walking away. "Meg, please honey what's wrong?" He asked walking behind me. He grabbed for my hand but I pulled it away.

"Meg, was it something I said Im sorry." I keep walking, I can hear the pain in his voice. "Ya know Meg, you can't feel sorry for yourself. If this is one of those girl phases then I don't like it." I turn around and face him. "Shut up Drew. You don't know what my life is like cause your life is perfect. You can't say you know pain cause the closest you've gotten to it was a paper cut. So shut up and please leave me along." I turn and run. I don't look back. I know what I said hurt him but he has to realize Im doing this for his own safety. Hot tears run down my face as I sprint to school. I make it on time and sit in the back for all of my classes.

At lunch I look towards Hanna and she is giving me the death glare. Great. Drew told her what happened. Im back to friendless loser girl who has no one that loves her. No one. If I die right now, they wouldn't even care to write my name on the grave stone. No one would ever love me. I give up. Are you happy mr kidnapper. Your wish is granted. You have taken EVERYTHING away from me. DO YOU HEAR ME!! EVERYTHING! I cry... I run into the girls room and sit there the rest of the day.

I walk home and see Ian at the card table. He looks up at me. "Margaret, sit." I immediately obey. "I heard you ditched class today..." Dang it. I forgot the school notified parents. "Im very disappointed in you. I've realized that if you can't even handle the responsibility of school, you won't get it." I was actually ok with not going to school. I nod. "Also... You will be moving into the basement." WHAT?! The dirty old basement?!?! He saw the look on my face. "A friend of mine is moving in and he will be getting your room." Could anything get worse!!? "So I will give you the option of choosing 1 outfit to keep, the rest I am selling." I choose the outfit I was wearing.

Ian grabs me by the wrist and walks with me down to the basement stairs I squeal in pain cause his grip is tight. At the bottom of the stairs was a sturdy looking locked door. He grabbed a key from his pocket unlocked it an pushed me in. I gasp. For in the middle of the floor sat a girl who looked younger then me. She was chained in handcuffs and looked beaten up. "Margaret I would like you to meet Carly."

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