One Moment Chapter 15

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It's been three months since i moved in and Im perfectly happy with how I live. I do just as my schedule says and get barely enough sleep. But on Saturday and Sunday mornings I can sleep in till whatever I want. The job that Ian got me was somewhat easy. Im a cashier for the night shift at Walgreens. Weird, I didn't know that they hired 14 year olds. Anyway life was good and I was become handy with money. I get ten dollars an hour and I work 2 1/2 hours per day so that 25 dollars a day. I work 5 nights a week.... So that makes 125 dollars a week. Which is pretty good. Ian makes me pay him 50 dollars a week for electricity, water, and food. That still leaves me 75 dollars a week.

My alarm woke me up. It was a beautiful autumn morning. I stretch then climb out of bed. Grab my outfit laid out on the trunk from the night before and stuff it in my bag. I also go into my bathroom and put in my toiletries. I sneak out the door and grab a protein bar from the pantry. I grab the spare key that Tasha hides for me in the cookie jar. I unlock the door and put the key in my bag. Then I start my walk. I memorized the route to school and it was become less long to me.

I enter the building from a different entrance that is always open. I go down to the locker room and set my bag on the bench. I take my dirty clothes off. (Most my clothes are dirty cause no laundry at home). I turn the knob and let the hot clean water run along my body. I then pull my fingers through my hair. I don't have any shampoo or stuff just water. After the shower I use one of my overused dirty towels from home I dry myself off. When I reach for my bag I realize that it was on the ground and all the contents spilled out. My heart thuds. I go through the things on the floor, everything was there but.... Oh no. THE KEY!! The key is missing. Ian's gonna beat the crap out of me. I need to calm down. The first bell rang. I need to get up there. I'll just look for it later.

I go to first hour English and the day flies by. I haven't made any friends yet at my new school. Well true friends. People still seem unsure about me since I live with Ian Thomas. I don't see what's so bad about him. Well anyway during lunch a girl came up to me. "Hi." She says cheerfully taking a seat next to me at my empty lunch table. I look around trying to see if someone dared her to talk to me. "Ummm hi?" I replied. "My name is Hanna!" She says with a bright tone. "Oh hi Hanna my name is..." "I know who you are silly." She cuts me off. "You're Margaret Clink, the mysterious new girl." I laugh at how he said the last part. "Do you want to be friends?" She asked. Wow this girl really cuts to the chase... I like that. "Umm sure?" I respond unsure if that was the correct answer. "OMG YAH!! I finally have a friend and you do too!!"

Well after that me and Hanna just seemed to see each other a lot. She also got a job at Walgreens so we work together. We have most classes together. And we have been to each others homes... I remember the day she first came over....


"Now Hanna there are some things I need to tell you about before we go in." I tell her as we stand by the front door. I was so excited that Tasha agreed that I could have her. over. "Ok shoot." She says in her normal confident voice. "Only speak when spoken to and answer in a short form. No questions, no buts, follow me, and keep quiet. That's about it." She takes a breathe. "Im ready." I laugh. Then hold open the door for her. Tasha is in the kitchen reading the newspaper while eating potato chips. We creep past her and go into my room. Hanna came in last and turned around from facing the door. "What the? Honey you need a room make over!!!" I giggle." Yah I guess it does need some work." She walks around eyeing everything out. "Do you have any extra spending money?" She asks. "Of course I do! I have like 1000 dollars saved up." She walks over and puts her hands on my shoulders. "I will make this room beautiful or kill me." I flinch at that word... Kill. The picture of the little girl in the bag flashes real quick and I take a step back. "Are you ok?" Hanna asks with concern in her voice? "Yah Im fine." I say. She smiles and I smile. Our friendship is real...

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