Chapter 2: Why Are You So Nice To Me?

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I finish braiding my second plait and I sigh, I really don't want to go too school to be honest, I mean the boy with blue eyes in other words 'Peeta Mellark', he won't stop texting me on Facebook and it's annoying. I don't get it? Why all of a sudden start talking too me? I mean I've never talked to him before, have I? No. I haven't, I don't want him in my life. I don't want anyone in my life. Just me. I don't want anything to do with him, nothing at all.

It's almost my birthday, in just six months. The anniversary of my families death. We were on our way to Australia and well... The plane crashed and I was the only one who survived, four days of hunting in the woods and surviving on my own when I was about six? With just hand made bow and arrow, I got found by a rescue plane almost dying from starvation and dehydration, I kept crying and asking for my daddy but Officer Udersee, the one who questioned me on what I remember happened was nice to me and broke it down easily to me and I cried in his lap and didn't want to leave but... I had too.


"Hey Katniss" Peeta smiles

"Um hi" I mumble shutting my locker

"So... You haven't been answering my messages" he says

"Why? All of a sudden are you so nice to me?" I sigh frustrated

"Maybe cause I think that you're beautiful" he says making me scoff

"Yeah. Like I'm gonna believe some fuck boy" I spit

"Okay. I may be a cool kid. I may have certain images to different people but I assure you. I'm not a fuck boy. I'm still a virgin" he whispers the last bit and I raise my eyebrow

"And how do I know you're not lying?" I ask folding my arms

"I'm going to have to gain your trust aren't I?" He says and I give a sarcastic smile

"Well done Peeta Mellark. You're finally an idiot" I say patting his chest and walking away, smiling to myself. Don't look back Katniss. Don't look back. I'm proud of myself as I keep walking.


I sit on my seat by the window, laying down, I'm mostly at in my room the whole time and so I'm in nothing but a long shirt which is up to mid thigh and my hair in a messy bun

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I sit on my seat by the window, laying down, I'm mostly at in my room the whole time and so I'm in nothing but a long shirt which is up to mid thigh and my hair in a messy bun. This is my usual home from school look which I really like. Soon there's a knock at the door, thinking it's either for my uncle or Aunty or for Clove or Leevy but my thoughts a wronged when Clove and Leevy walk in looking confused

"Uh someone's here for... You..." Clove trails off, I bookmark my book and without setting my book down I walk past them, downstairs and walk to the door, I open it wide open and I literally want to shoot myself

"Hey there Katniss" he smiles

"Peeta! What the hell are you doing?! At my house?!" I say still shocked

"Well you said I had to gain your trust" he shrugs

"Yeah... Not by knocking on my doorstep" I explain like he's a child and he just notices what I'm wearing

"Oi! Mellark! Eyes are up here" I snap and he shakes his head and looks at me

"You uh. You like to read? That's nice." He covers up

"What you reading?" He asks

"It's called Tragic" I mumble

"Tell me more about it" he says at this point I've let him in

"It's about this tragic love story. This woman Sarah runs away leaving her lover Henry behind. Her lover is on this whole search for her. He eventually finds her but... She's with someone else and he ends up saving her life by jumping in front of a bullet for her and before he dies she places a kiss upon his lips" I explain as we enter my bedroom

"Wow. That actually sounds like it's a good book" he admits and I smile

"I've read it 10 times now"

"10 times?! How can you read the same book that much?" He asks puzzled and I shrug

"I don't know but when I read books it's like... It's like the things going on in the real world doesn't exist and it's just me, the book and my imagination. It uh... It helps me escape the horrors of the accident. I've always loved books" I admit and he gives a small smile while we sit

"Wait. Why am I telling you all this? You're probably going to use this against me aren't you?"

"What? Katniss no" he says

"Yes you are! Get out!" I scream and he stands and walks out while I cry he made me bring up the accident... And I hate him for it.

Here's an update!!!! Tell me what you all think of this story so far? Boring? Good? Uneventful?

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