Chapter 15: Love In The Air

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"Okay so my aunt Peggy is super judgemental so don't be offended if she says something to you. It's what she does, she judges me all the time" Peeta explains as we help set out the food on the table for the guests that'll be arriving at his home in just an hour, it's March 25th and that means it's Peeta and Challahs birthday today and I was invited this year to celebrate, I'll be meeting Ryes girlfriend today for the first time, they found another apartment complex that would have them on such short notice seeing as they don't want to still be living with his parents, Peeta's parents were happy to know that Rye moved out not long after he moved in.

Peeta's family members start to arrive and soon his aunts, uncles, cousins and cousins children have arrived but I hang on to Peeta's arm and shyly greet each family member he introduces me to. Peeta was right about his aunt Peggy, she eyes me every time I'm in her line of vision... it's like she's analysing me or something... it's really creepy. Peeta and Challah have their first drink seeing as their eighteen, Challah goes nuts whereas Peeta just sticks to one just so I feel comfortable... he's so considerate of me and it definitely makes me feel loved...

"So Katniss, how many siblings do you have?" Aunt Peggy asks me but I just look at my hands, these people are practically strangers to me... how can I share something so personal with them, luckily Peeta saves my ass

"Her parents and little sister passed away in an accident" he replies, I hear a lot of sad 'awes' and quite a lot of shaming Peggy

"I live with my aunt Effie, uncle Haymich and two cousins Clove and Leevy, they kindly took me in" I add to Peeta's statement and they all nod

"How do you find school?" Another one of his aunts ask

"Great. I'm always getting straight A's and B's, it's kind of always been that way for me. I had so much free time that all I done was school work and study" I reply, the more I talk with his family the more I get use to being around them and more open to them, I met Ryes girlfriend who's very beautiful and nice so is all of his family members except aunt Peggy I've grown a sudden... dislike towards her, she's always asking offensive questions that I just ignore at least that's what Peeta tells me to do.


When everyone goes home and everything's cleaned up I decide to give Peeta's present from me to him, I bought him special paints that he wanted and a new sketch book

"Katniss... this is the best. I can't believe you actually got this for me" he tells me and I smile

"I'm glad you like it. Would've sucked if you didn't" I reply making him chuckle, Peeta and I decide to go on a walk to the park, it's late afternoon so not many people are around the park... thankfully. As we walk around hand in hand we spot a familiar couple... Madge and Gale? It looks like... their kissing?! We'll love is in the air after all between those two, we walk closer to the couple and it is indeed Madge and Gale

"Well it's about fricking time. I've had to listen to the both of you blabber on about one another for ages now" I say approaching them

"Oh my god we should all go on a double date! That would be so much fun!" Madge squeals

"Where would we go? There's not much to do here" Peeta says

"Let's go to that trampoline park a little outside of town" she suggests

"I guess that's okay" Gale says, I look over to Peeta who smiles

"Okay. We'll join in, it's a double date then" I agree which makes Madge excitedly squeal

"Yay! This is going to be so much fun!" She smiles, trampoline park doesn't sound so bad for a double date.


"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" Peeta asks as I lay on his bare chest, the second time was even better than the first...

"A lot actually" I giggle

"Well your beautiful. Very beautiful" he replies, we're lucky that we were alone tonight... Challah is at a party and Peeta's parents are going on their usual date night seeing as it is Friday

"I'm nervous you know... about getting into your college" I admit

"Don't be. They'd be stupid not to accept you" he replies

"But what if I get kicked out because my grades aren't high enough?" I ask

"Katniss. Your grades are already as high as they can be plus our principle already said that the scholarship to my college is looking good for you" he reassures me

"My parents would've really liked you... a specially my dad. You both support the same football team" I admit honestly, making circle shapes on his chest with my finger

"I would've loved to meet them..." he sighs

"I think so too. I think Prim would've charmed you, she was smart, kind, caring and everything you can think of. I miss her being around.... a lot" I reply and he rubs my arm in comfort

"I'm sure she misses you just as much. So do your parents" he says and I smile, finally feeling happy with my life.

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