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I can't believe that I made it... it's the day of my graduation and it feels liberating to be able to walk across that stage. I look at myself in the long mirror in my dorm room as I prepare myself for this huge moment in my life.

"Come on, Brainless. You're taking years" Johanna scowls, I roll my eyes and follow her out of our dorm and make our way to the main auditorium on campus. As I get there I see him leaning against the building, I smile and my heart flutters.

"Peeta!" I squeal, he looks to me and grins. Our bodies crash together as I wrap my legs around his waist, kissing him passionately 

"I thought you said you couldn't make it because you had last minute things to do?" I ask going back on my feet but I keep my arms around his neck and our bodies pressed together

"Nope. I just told a little lie. Thought us not seeing each other for a whole year... would've been a nice surprise for you" he grins, I kiss him again but even longer and much more suggestive

"Let's stop the snogging. I want to graduate already" Johanna scowls, Peeta chuckles 

"Good to see you, Jo" Peeta grins

"Yeah whatever, Lover boy" Johanna replies walking into the building 

"I'll let you go but I'll be cheering from the crowd" he says, I nod and kiss him one last time before we walk into the place where this chapter of my life will end and a new one starts.

Peeta did indeed cheer the loudest and made sure to whistle really loud but I couldn't find the room to be embarrassed because I'm just glad he's here. Effie and Haymitch couldn't make it because they have to go to Clove's and Leevy's which is today and tomorrow but I made sure to tell them no hard feelings, that their kids come first. 

All I care about is that Peeta was able to come to see me get my well deserved diploma and the accomplishment I felt... it was something else and I could feel my family with me. I was so happy that I could combust, all I can think about is what happens now? Do I go back to Panem? Does Peeta want to go back to Panem?

"There's the graduate" Peeta grins kissing me. "How does it feel to be able to be a psychologist?" He asks 

"Great. I can help children that I can relate to. I think I'll enjoy it" I smile. "What happens now? Where do we go?" I ask 

"I'll follow you. Anywhere you want to go, I'll go too" he replies 

"I don't really know... I've always wanted to go home... my home town" I admit and he grins

"Well, we'll just have to see won't we?" I see the wheels in his head turning but can't quite find what it is he's planning.




Peeta and I move back to Panem for the time being, he begins working at his family bakery which meant he could afford his own apartment which I gladly moved into after his very convincing question... I would've said yes either way but I did enjoy how he asked, much too explicit to even admit to.

We spend our first few months in Panem, enjoying the working life and making up for the time we spent apart which we make up for every night and morning. Peeta's mood changes a little bit after Halloween, he seems distracted but not necessarily in a bad way, just that there's something that he isn't telling me. 

When he approached me about spending the weekend away to a surprise location, I was cautious of it, especially when he said about the four hour drive. I agreed after his promise of a romantic stay which led me to now, humming softly to the song on the radio as Peeta drives us to the mystery destination. 

Flower Crowns: An Everlark Story   {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now