Chapter 3: Leave me Alone

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Don't you hate that feeling? The feeling that you want someone by your side but you don't let anyone in, you're left alone in the darkness of reality... Knowing that you're taking this journey all alone and won't be able to deal with it any longer. Cause I do. I feel that feeling every day, every day of my life and I just feel the weight becoming harder and harder to bare each day and I want someone to save me, I need someone to save me, to tell me it's okay, to help me get through the nightmare I live in but I'm just pushing people away but that's how I want it to be. How I need it to be.

I walk out of my home like usual and start walking to school, I don't want a car, I don't deserve any transport all I deserve... Nothing really. I know I deserve death and nothing but death. You know I don't fear death... I fear reality I mean death you can just do your thing and be with the people you love. Reality is a cruel thing people call life... Something I'm not good at and something I'll never be good at. I've got no support but really that's all because I don't let anyone in. I'm knocked out of my thoughts when I see a car speeding right towards me. I'm going to die finally. I'll be with my parents but I don't feel the impact instead I feel arms around me, it's a warm embrace like my fathers which always use to comfort me after nightmares and so I smile and I snuggle into the embrace not even thinking which is something I never do

"You almost died, Katniss" my eyes shoot open and I jump out of the embrace seeing Peeta

"What were you doing" I snap

"You almost died and I pulled you off the road. You were almost hit by that car" he explains

"Are you serious? Peeta why don't you just leave me alone. Just stop what you're doing cause I've just had enough of you. So please you'll be doing us both a favour if you just left me alone" I say and I turn from him and walk away going the rest of the way to school, my eyes filled with tears but I refuse to let them spill.


I sit in the cafeteria at a table in the far corner, away from everyone and away from communication, I make the mistake of lifting my head and see Peeta sitting at his table staring at me but he doesn't turn his head away, he just keeps looking into my eyes and I raise my eyebrow and he just smiles, why is he making this so difficult? Why does he care? I don't want him to care, I don't want anyone to care, it'd be better if no one cared

"Well. Well. Well. Lookie here, little loner Katniss" Cato says and I glare at him

"I'd rather be a loner rather than being an ass kisser to teachers just to get good grades" I snap making the whole cafeteria look our way making all the pressure on Cato and his two friends

"Go on Cato. Make your move" I state as everyone looks to us still and he storms off and out of the cafeteria and I smirk to myself and see Peeta looking over and he smiles when our eyes meet and I look down at my tray of food and I don't look up for the rest of lunch.


I make my walk from school to home, it's a really nice day but I don't like it, I love stormy days, days where people can't go out and it's absolutely miserable, that's my kind of day, it shows how I feel inside all day everyday since my family's death. I wonder if there really is a place after death or is it you just die and that's it, you see nothing, I mean I've put myself in hospital but not enough to make me almost die enough to see if there's life after death and I guess I won't fi--- I'm interrupted from my thoughts by being pushed and I now noticed I'm pinned against the wall, by Cato and his two friends Marvel and Tom behind him smirking

"You little shit. Embarrass me in front of the whole school" he spits

"I see you can't take it like a man and you have to pin me against the wall" I say and I feel him lift off my sweater and he throws it to his friends, I try to run but he's too fast and drags me back pinning me and he licks his lips and leans in against my ear

"Trust me hot stuff. I'm gonna do more than pin you against the wall, I'm gonna take you away right here in a dark alleyway while my boys watch and record, and you'll love it or else I'll go for your cousins" I hear him smell my hair and rips off my flower crown

"This worthless crown means nothing" he scoffs

"It does to me" I snap and he brakes it apart just making me want to cry, my father made that by hand... it took him ages to finish, Cato comes back over to me and presses his body against mine and I feel how happy he is just by him pressing against me but I'm getting no joy from this

"You know... you do have a great body. Just too bad Mellark couldn't get to you before I did" he says unbuttoning my jeans and my breath quickens, scared for my life, I hear the zipper being undone and just as he goes to pull my jeans down he's thrown off me and I collapse on the floor crying and see Peeta standing over Cato punching him repeatedly and I soon see two police officers come running down, one pulls Peeta off and the other comes over to me

"Are you okay darlin?" He asks but I'm still too shocked, I was almost raped in the most horrible way but I was saved, I only now notice how snaked up I am, the officer takes off his coat and puts it around me

"Come. Let's get you to your folks, tell em what happened" he escorts me to the car and I see them putting Cato in a seperate car and Peeta is talking to the other officer but the car starts driving and I just think, at how fucked up my life is.

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