Chapter 13: Not Talking

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Few Days Later

It's been a couple of days since Peeta and I had our fight and if I'm completely honest I miss him... I miss his arms around me, his comforting words when I have nightmares... but of course my stubbornness takes over and I ignore every call and text he sends which Madge scolds me for but of course again my stubbornness takes the reigns and I see no bad in doing what I'm doing to Peeta. I never that Peeta would've done what he did... I know it was out of jealousy but that's not an excuse to just being an asshole of a boyfriend to me. Gale put his own opinion in and said 'your stupid because your ignoring him. He was only jealous' but of course I didn't listen to him and why should I? Why should people take charge of my life? I take charge of my own life, no one else.

"Have you seen Peeta around?" I ask Madge as we walk in the meadow

"Yeah.... he's in pretty rough shape" she sighs while giving me a look

"Don't look at me like that. I don't like being looked at like that" I tell my best friend

"It's my life and I'm tired of other people other than me taking charge of it" I add

"I'm not trying to take charge of your life. If you saw how happy he makes you then you'd understand that I want nothing but happiness for you" she replies as we look out at the tree line

"He makes me feel it too.... I just... it takes me a while to forgive people when they overreact" I admit

"I wouldn't call what he done overreacting... I'd call it unnecessary jealousy..." she reasons but I roll my eyes

"Oh come on Kat! Put yourself in his position. If his childhood best friend who was a girl moved to town, they knew each other so well and their spending all their free time together" Madge explains making me look down at my shoes

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves Madge" I reply making her smirk knowing what my answer would be, I'd be pretty jealous...

"Oh come on you. Don't start acting all smart just because you proved me wrong" I smile at my best friend making her giggle and lock her arm with mine as we walk.


I giggle at Madge as she gushes at how 'handsome' and 'gentlemen like' Gale is but as we get to the park there's a circle of people who are yelling... what the hell? So Madge and I cautiously walk over then push through the crowd, what I see makes my eyes widen, I see Peeta tackle Cato to the ground but Cato flips him over and goes to punch him but I use all my force I can to push him off Peeta

"Shows over people! Nothing left to see!" Madge shouts over the yelling, as I help Peeta up off the ground he searches around for Caro who's already fled, Peeta snatches his arm out of my grasp and starts to walk away but I run after him

"What the hell do you think your doing?! Acting like a wild animal?!" I yell at him

"Who are you to judge me?! Huh! Little miss ignore her boyfriend! I thought we were going to make it work but obvious that it isn't" he says and turns his back

"Are you breaking up with me?" I croak and he turns around and shrugs

"I don't know. I just need time to think now. Goodbye Katniss" he says and then continues to walk, I feel my heart break in two... Madge comes running over and hugs me after I tell her what was said through my tears

"Awe Katniss.... I'm sure... he didn't mean it" Madge comforts but I shake my head as I cry

"No. He meant it I could tell. What have I done?!" I cry

"Come on... let's get you home" she coos as we start to walk towards my house.


I sit against the Willow tree as I twirl a long strip of grass in between my finger and thumb... it's been two days and I haven't received a call or text from Peeta, I really wish I would, I know how he felt when I wasn't answering anything from him now... every time I send him a message and it comes up with seen but he never replies my heart tears some more, I shed more tears then I had done before. I was only able to pull myself together today... at least stop my crying but I still feel a huge emptiness in my heart every time I think of Peeta...

"Daddy.... I really do wish you were here... to give me guidance. Peeta hates me and he's the only one who has ever loved me since you, mom and Prim died... he cares for me and I care for him but I messed up badly and now he hates me" I sniff and feel a cool breeze softly hit me making me give a small smile to the sky

"I still wear your flower crowns that you made me all those years ago... I actually told Peeta the reason why I wear them and he just smiled. If only you were still here to bring me more" I sigh as I stand from where I was sitting

"I love you daddy. Goodbye" I sigh and turn to walk back to the path, about ten minutes into my walk someone is walking next to me and when I look up it's Gale

"Madge told me about what happened between you and Peeta..." he admits

"Yeah... I don't want to talk about it okay?" I mumble

"No. We're going to talk about it. It's obvious that you're not trying harder with Peeta" Gale states, I look at him with a shocked expression

"Do you love him?" He asks

"With all my heart" I answer

"Then stop moping around and try harder. He's feeling like that you don't love him, he needs to know just how much you care for him..." Gale explains

"But... I'm too scared to say it like that"

"Which is why he'll know that you mean it" Gale points out, I sigh

"Since when did you become so wise?" I smirk

"Since you needed me to Katnip" he chuckles, Gales right I'm not trying harder and I need to tell Peeta about how much I actually care for him.

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