Chapter 16: Double Date

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I never thought that I'd find this happiness again but as I look at my boyfriend and two friends laugh with each other just tells me that maybe what I've been telling myself these past years were a lie because I have found that happiness I use to have. I feel Peeta kiss the top of my head and I look up at him with a big smile, it's crazy to say but I feel like we're going to be together for a long time but it's not any feeling because it's like it's coming from my heart, the one place Peeta managed to win over and that just alone is a reason why I do think we'll still be together in the next years to come.

"Oh come on Katniss! If you had to live without pizza or Peeta which would you choose!?" Madge replies with a cheeky look in her eyes

"I already told you! I can't choose! It's too hard because I love both" I groan

"Don't be such a party pooper" she frowns, I sigh knowing she won't stop annoying me till I give her a proper answer that she wants to hear

"Fine. If I had to choose between the two, I'd choose Peeta" I reply making Peeta smirk at me knowing that I'd usually never choose any person instead of pizza but I did with him, I blush under his look not being use to that look

"You're like a little school girl. It's weird, I remember that you'd never blush" Gale scoffs but I just poke my tongue out at him and he does it back, we go on making other conversation but mostly Gale and Peeta debate which has been the best Batman out of either Michael Keaton or Val Kilmer whereas Madge and I talk about what we plan on doing this Summer, she's staying for her birthday but then she's going on holiday with her family for most of the summer but I'm just going to stay here, I know Peeta is.


After we get back home Peeta and I both decide to go to the meadow where we lay next to each other looking up at the puffy white clouds. We both try finding familiar shapes that the clouds have taken on but only a few that needed explaining but then it fell silent and it wasn't the silence that makes you want to hide away forever, this silence is peaceful and allows you to take in your surroundings, especially my boyfriend who lays beside me

"You don't know how happy you make me" Peeta admits, breaking the silence

"But you weren't happy before? I was miserable before I met you" I reply sitting up

"I was happy, I had a family who loved me. I wasn't this happy because you weren't in my life, so I couldn't be entirely happy" he sighs as he sits up next to me

"Do you think we'll be together? For the rest of our lives?" I ask him too afraid to look at him as I do but I hear him chuckle

"I have honestly. I've imagined me proposing and us having children far into the future" he replies, I finally look at him and see just by his expression that he really means what he says

"You know... I've never had a strong opinion on children, marriage I can be okay with completely. Children is a shaken step for me... I don't know... I just have all these ideas in my head that stop me ever thinking that I want one" I admit with a frown

"It's okay, Katniss. Really, we haven't even crossed that road yet anyways. We've still got a while" he chuckles kissing my cheek, I straddle his lap so I'm facing him and smile

"You're real good to me, better than good actually..." I sigh dreamily

"Well, you deserve it. After all the grief you've suffered, you deserve some goodness in your life" he replies

"You're my goodness in life, you're the light in my life and the only guy for me" I admit to him before I kiss him and we practically make out right there but I didn't care seeing as not many people are around here seeing as how far from the busy side it is

"I just love these plush lips of yours" he mumbles and I giggle as we continue to kiss, after everything I've been through my life has rewarded me for keeping alive and I really enjoy my reward.


Right now it's the middle of the night and I'm extremely tired, I look next to me to see Peeta sleeping which makes me smile at how cute he is when he does. I honestly cannot be bothered getting dressed properly and so I just put on Peeta's shirt, another one that I'll just have to steal... as I walk to my door I can hear some shuffling around and when I do open my door I see that it's Marvel leaving Leevy's room, I furrow my eyebrows but he just winks and smirks as he walks by, proceeding down the stairs then out of the house... I don't even want to know what just happened... so I go downstairs for my glass of water but as I drink it my mind won't leave it alone.

After finishing my glass, I go back upstairs and into my room to find that Peeta is sitting at the edge of my bed now in his boxers, he looks at me and chuckles as he shakes his head which leaves me confused

"I was starting to think that that's where my shirt went" he smiles

"Well, too late. It's mine now" I shrug getting back into my bed

"I don't care, looks better on you" he sighs cuddling up to me

"I saw... Marvel coming out of Leevy's room... he winked and smirked at me which I thought was weird" I say and I feel him tense

"Please tell me that I don't have to deal with another Cato" Peeta frowns, I turn to look at him with a small smile

"It's okay, Peeta. You're the only one I want, no other man can compare. There's no need to worry" I reassure him, I kiss him just for that extra push

"Okay... I feel a little better now. Although, why would he be here this late? Are they together at all?" He asks

"Not that I know of, I've never heard her talk about him or seen them anywhere near each other at school" I reply

"Hmm, I guess you'll have to ask her about it but not right now because I need you with me to sleep" he says pulling me closer making me smile, I sure do love my boyfriend, my everything... Peeta Mellark.

Hey! Long time no see! I totally forgot about this book, sorry for the wait guys xx

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