Chapter 8: Let Me Love You

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I've been able to avoid Peeta all day today well for the rest of the week actually, I always whoosh him when he tries to talk to me in our classes together, I know I'm just overreacting at least that's what everyone is telling me but no one knows how hard it is to love again after your entire family were killed... how could I get as close to someone as Peeta wants without fearing that they'll somehow leave? Why doesn't he date someone like the head cheerleader Glimmer Roberts? Or Lauren Douglas? Why would he want to date plain, boring and crazy Katniss Everdeen? What's there to love about me? I carry nothing but sorrow and fear.

I stay behind in Mr Cinna's class, the bell has gone for lunch but I don't feel like leaving yet and so I take my sweet time at helping him pack away, Mr Cinna has always been my favourite teacher of all time, he was the only teacher who actually acknowledged me and tried to help me come back to reality, he would stay behind just to finish helping me with my project, he never judged me

"You know you'll be in here all lunch by the time you finish" he says

"It's okay... I'm not in a rush to get to lunch" I reply with a small smile

"Is something bothering you?" He asks, I might as well tell him right?

"Do you ever feel trapped? Wanting to come out from the shadows to spread your wings but too afraid to actually find out what the outcome will be?" I ask and he chuckles

"Sometimes. What are you so afraid of?" He asks and I shrug

"Living I guess. I'm afraid I'll lose the people around me if they get too close to me" I reply

"There's no way you can prevent accidents happening but you can prevent yourself from making one by making the wrong decision" he quotes then leaves the room without another word, I try so hard to understand what he meant but I can't wrap my head around it, what did he mean by that? Sighing I continue to clean up with nothing but my own thoughts filling my head.


"You'll be okay on your own right?" My aunt asks, my uncle, aunt and cousins are going to visit Effies side of the family this weekend leaving me home alone

"I'm going to be fine. You can call in if your feeling that I'm not. I promise I'll answer" I smile

"Okay. We'll see you Sunday night" she says as she walks out the door, I quickly shut it and go back up to my room where I continue to do my Science homework, I hate Science actually no I hate my Science teacher... Mr Crane is such a creep, I swear he's hooking up with some of the girls in my class because I can spot panties hanging from the pocket of his dress pants. After I finish my homework and go onto taking notes for English there's a knock on the door, I get up knowing it's Madge because she always come over on Fridays, as I open the door I'm shocked to see Peeta and he just walks in so I shut the door

"I'm getting straight to the point. I know your afraid Katniss. I know you don't want to lose me but by you acting like this I'm losing you. I care about everything about you. All of your flaws and everything that makes you, you, but I can't live like this... I can't live without you. Let me love you Katniss... let me show you not to be afraid to get the things you want" Peeta confronts me

"I don't get why you want me when you can have someone from the cheer team or something" I mumble looking down at my shoes, he walks up to me and lifts my chin

"Because your different, you're so much more than those girls, that's what draws me to you" he replies and without thinking my arms go around his neck, it's so unfamiliar at how right this feels, my arms around his neck, his arms around my waist with our foreheads against each other's

"Will you allow it? Will you allow me to be with you? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks softly

"I'll allow it" I whisper making him smile.

I pull my phone away from my hear as Madge screams into it, Peeta just went home about an hour ago and I'm cooking myself some noodles for my dinner, he said if I wanted to go out tomorrow... I said yes of course

Oh my god!!!!!! You said yes!!! Finally!!!!!

Oh my god Madge calm yourself it's not like we're getting married

Don't ruin my dreams! You don't know how beyond happy I am! I'm definitely coming over tomorrow because I'm going to help you get ready for this date

Sure because I don't know myself what I'm going to wear

Well then I'm definitely coming over. Do you know where he's taking you?

Out to dinner and then going to his place to watch movies

Hmmm. This one is a tricky one but no need to worry! Madge will come up with something and save the day!

Oh my god Madge

I'm going to let you make your noodles. I've got a lot to plan!

Before I could even say goodbye she hangs up on me which just makes me roll my eyes, I start to finish up with my noodles and sit in the lounge to continue on watching PPL, I can't help myself but to get all giddy for my first ever date tomorrow, I didn't think it would feel like this to actually have a boyfriend. I didn't think that I'd actually ever get one if I'm completely honest with myself but I did and I feel great.

Next chapter you'll see a fangirly Madge and Everlark. :))

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