Chapter 4: I Know Why

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AN; We get to find out why Katniss where's flower crowns in this chapter!!!!

I walk through the door of my school walk down the hallway looking around, seeing people talking and laughing, couples kissing, it's disgusting, letting someone touch you like that in public... but what do I know? I've never had a boyfriend in my life. Everyone is getting boyfriends these days... would I like a boyfriend? Maybe... can I get one? Definitely not, boys just treat me like trash and like I mean nothing to the world and so I just tend to stay away from boys in general but of course there is one who really wants to just get me to let me in, it's not going to happen though, I don't want it to. Because Cato didn't actually do anything to me they let him off but he gets watched by an officer all day and night for two months but that doesn't make me feel any safer.

As I get to my locker I sigh as I see none other than Peeta leaning against it, what does he want? Why doesn't he just stop trying to be nice to me

"Hey there wildflower" he smiles and I look at him unamused

"What do you want Peeta?" I say as he moves off my locker and I do my combination

"Just to tell you... that I know" he whispers and I look at him with my eyebrows raised

"You know what?"

"I know why you get stares. Why everyone's curious about you" he explains in a hushed voice and I look at him as if to say he doesn't

"I do know that your family died in a plane accident, that you survived in the woods for three days. All I don't understand is why you wear flower crowns" he explains and I gulp, he knows everything...

"How did you find out" I say and he shrugs

"That I cannot tell" he says and I glare at him

"I swear if you tell anyone I will personally murder you" I snap and he smirks

"You don't know how hot you sound right now" he states and the bell goes and I shut my locker and walk to class fast so Peeta can't catch up.


I sit in my usual lonesome table at lunch and instead of eating my lunch I just pick at it with my fork, I haven't eaten much since what happened with Cato and that happened last week but I still can't eat... or sleep, I see now why Cato done that, he knew I was carrying a lot on my shoulders and because I'm weak he wanted to put even more of a burden on me... as I try not to thinks about it I feel someone sit next to me and when I look up I see that it's Peeta with his tray, not sitting with his friends

"You know you don't have to protect me. He won't try anything while he's being watched" I admit to him now realising why he's being more annoying than usual this week, he wants to protect me from Cato

"Maybe I want to protect you" he replies and I stand from where I sit

"Maybe I don't want you too" I snap while walking away to where the football field is and I just sit on the bleachers but of course Peeta followed me

"Why are you trying so hard? I'm not the kind of girl you want to be around" I say

"Maybe cause I like you... a lot" he replies honestly while sitting next to me, by now lunch is over and everyone is heading back inside but Peeta and I stay put

"Why?" I ask looking at him and he shrugs

"I just like how strong you are and how beautiful you are" he explains

"If your trying to make me cry then it won't work" I tell him while looking at my shoes

"You know Katniss... People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long" he replies and I look at him with tears in my eyes wanting to fall

"It hurts... knowing that since my whole family died... you're the only one who actually cares about me" I sniff finally letting the tears spill

"Katniss. I know that it's hard to open up and I'm not going to force you but I would like to know more about you, so you don't have to carry it all on your own" he comforts

"I'm here to be your friend" he adds and I look up at him

"I haven't had one of those in a while" I say making him smile

"Well now you have one" he replies and I do something I never thought I'd do, I hug him and he hugs me back

"Thank you for not giving up on me. Do you promise to stay with me?" I ask

"Always" he whispers to me as we hug and right now that word to me is much more bigger than a promise.


Peeta and I walk around the park after school, I actually have a friend around here... I'm surprised at who Peeta really is, I always thought of him as a player who slept with the entire school but it turns out his actually a very funny, caring and loving guy. He makes me laugh which I haven't done in years but he asks me the one question that I don't want to answer

"I've told you about me now it's your turn to tell me more about you, I hardly know you other than your stubborn and really good with a bow" he says as we sit on a bunch

"That really just sums me up" I reply

"There's more you just don't want to tell me. You know the way this whole friend thing works is that we tell each other the deep stuff" he replies

"Deep stuff? Oh no like what?" I reply

"Like... what's your favourite colour?" He asks

"Alright now you've stepped over the line" I joke making him laugh

"Seriously though what is it?" He asks

"Green. It reminds me of my family and of the country green farm land that we use to own" I reply

"You like the country side?" He asks

"I love it. The whole idea of owning a land and taking care of animals and having your own crops. I just love it" I smile

"What about you? What's your favourite colour?" I ask

"Orange. Not the kind you're thinking of right now as well. More of a sunset kind of orange" he admits

"That's a nice colour" I agree

"Yeah I paint it all the time" he says

"You paint? Wow I'm learning more and more about you by the minute" I say and he chuckles

"Will you finally tell me why you wear those flower crowns?" He asks

"I guess... when my family was alive my dad was the business person on our farm and so he'd travel a lot, even though he'd be gone for weeks, every time he returned he brought a hand made flower crown home for both me and my little sister, he always made them with such detail and Prim and I always waited at the gate for when my dad returned to give us our flower crowns but when my family died... I knew I wasn't going to get any flower crowns, I knew that the ones I have now are the only ones I'll ever have" I explain the story, actually feeling a sense of closure by telling someone about why I'm so fond at wearing flower crowns

"Wow... I never knew they'd mean so much" he admits

"I know but now you know and I'm happy I told you, it feels nice to finally tell someone about it" I sigh

"I'm happy that you told me" he replies and in this moment I'm actually happy and I'm thankful that Peeta didn't give up on me.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but here's a chapter that most of you were waiting for and I hope it's lived up to you expectations and that you enjoyed it :))

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