Chapter 17: Prom?

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I wake up rather early this morning but not by choice because I hear something tapping at my window. I look at my clock and groan as it says 6:00, I swear to god if those stupid kids from across the street have decided to annoy me again... this early, boy they will never see the light of day. I get up tiredly and walk over to my window but I gasp when I see that Peeta stands outside my house in the middle of petals shaped as a heart and in a button up, tie and jeans, with his hands behind his back. I smile and immediately run out of my room to go downstairs and out of the house.

As I enter outside I ignore the chilly breeze of the morning and walk over to where he stands. He takes my hand and I step into the outline of the heart with him

"I know that this is cliché. I want this to go just right" he smiles and I do too, he pulls his other arm away from behind him to reveal a beautiful flower crown

"I uh... I drove to where you use to live. I went to the same place that you're dad would go to and I... I hope it doesn't upset you but I really want you to come to the Prom with me. It'd make me extremely happy, so what do you say? Will you do me the honours in joining me at Prom?" He asks with a charming smile

"Of course I will! Peeta... I can't believe you actually drove there. Is that what you were doing last week? Why you missed school on Friday?" I ask and he smiles giving me the beautiful crown

"I wanted to do something special for you. Thought that this'd be it" he smiles, I grab his face and pull it to mine to join in a passionate and loving kiss

"No words can explain how much I appreciate this..." I whisper and he smiles then kisses my forehead, how can someone be so incredibly happy in a moment?


I walk through school with a big smile on my face while walking to my locker I can see my amazing boyfriend leaning against it. Once I reach him I walk into his arms for a hug even though I literally saw him this morning but I missed being with him already

"How long have you been here?" I chuckle doing my locker combination

"Not too long but long enough" he replies with a smile, I just roll my eyes at him. Madge eventually arrives not long after I did, well she was late and so it was halfway through homeroom which was a little awkward, and when I did she nearly throws a party in the hallway when I told her how Peeta asked

"I didn't know that you were such a romantic" Madge says to Peeta as he walks us to our first class

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for that stuff" he chuckles

"Well, lucky me I'm going to two different Proms this year, the one at this school and Gales one. This'll be interesting" two Proms? I know a lot of girls who'd want that. We stop outside of Madge and I's first class

"I'll see you next class" he smiles and I nod, he kisses my cheek before leaving to go to his own class

"You two seem pretty serious" Madge admits as we sit down

"I mean, yeah. I love him a lot but I am worried about telling him that I got into another college instead of his one" I sigh

"I'm sure he won't be mad. If anything he'll be proud knowing you've conquered a major fear of yours, growing even more independent" she replies

"Him getting mad isn't what I'm worried about. I know he hides it but he's just as scared and nervous of letting me go so far away from him as I am" and that is true because I've been with Peeta long enough to know about that look that he gives me whenever we do talk about it

"Well, maybe it's something he's just going to have to get over. It was suppose to happen eventually, better sooner rather than later. You need to tell him, Katniss"

"I know, and I will I promise" I say, as our class starts I have a million thoughts running through my mind on what could happen when I tell Peeta.


Peeta sits on the couch in my house with my legs across his lap, we've decided to watch a movie that I haven't been able to concentrate on because of this whole college situation. It's a Friday night which is date night for use, lounging date was agreed but now is the time to tell him seeing as we're both in a good mood

"Peeta... there's something I need to tell you" I say nervously, sitting up, he nods his head telling me to tell him

"I... I found out what college I'm going to... but it's not yours" I tell him

'Oh... well that's okay" he replies

"Really? I thought you'd be mad?" I question but he just chuckles

"Katniss, I wanted you to come to my college because you weren't going to any other ones. Which one did you get into?" He asks

"The one in Boston. I thought you'd be mad because we'll have to break up when we leave" I frown but then his eyes grow wide

"Break up? We don't have to break up just because we're going to different colleges. I love you, Katniss and no amount of long distances can stop that. I want us still to be together. I want to marry you some day, I want to start a family with you some day" he replies taking my hands in his

"Peeta... you know how I feel about marriage and children" I reply, I know what he thinks about them though, he's wanted those to things almost his entire life. That use to be me. When I was a little girl I dreamed of marrying a nice man and having my own children... that's of course when I still had my family

"I don't care. I still want to be with you my entire life. Marriage or no marriage, children or no children. You're my love and my only love. Nothing can change that, you'll always be my forever and always. Do you understand?" He explains and I nod, he brings our lips into a kiss, a kiss proving a promise, that no matter what the road he'll always be with me.

Long time no see! Damn.... it's been 8 months. I'd like to apologise for my inactive ness, I've been having no inspiration when it comes to my books. My updates with some may be a little slow so pretty please guys bear with me during this time, that'll be much appreciated :))

Love you all and I hope you enjoyed this one xx

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