Chapter 10: Looking up

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A Month Later

I feel warm arms wrap around my waist, I smile as I put my small teddy bear and rose in my locker, usually days like Valentines Day disgusted me but now I get the whole lovey dovey thing... I feel Peeta kiss my neck and I turn around in his arms and placing a quick kiss on his lips but he comes in for a bigger one, god I love this boy... even though I haven't said those words... yet... but I have stolen a whole heap of his shirts that I now sleep with one of them on instead of my normal bedroom attire

"Thank you for the presents that you didn't need to get" I giggle and he chuckles

"Anything to make my girl happy" he smiles while kissing my cheek and then the bell goes

"Come on we're in the same homeroom so let's not be late" he says taking my hand and intertwining our fingers as we walk down the hall.


"So is your boyfriend not taking you home?" I hear Cato's voice say next to me, I look next to me and glare at the blonde

"He's still in art" I snap feeling really small next to this tall and stocky guy

"Has he slept with you yet?" He smirks and I glare at him again

"Don't you have something better to do rather than invading in my personal life?" I spit and hear someone approach me and an arm going my waist, finally Peeta's here

"Are we going to have a problem with you talking to Katniss?" Peeta asks which makes Cato coward down even though he's like an inch or two taller than Peeta, instead of answering him he just walks off

"He's really scared of you" I giggle as we start to walk on the sidewalk

"Well he shouldn't touch my girl" he points out making me smile to myself. We make it to his house, we go up to his room and well make out on his bed... my fingers running through his hair as his hand sneaks up my top I'm wearing, just as things start getting interesting his door opens wide and I quickly push him away and I see his older brother standing there with his arms crossed as he smirks

"Well well. I thought I'd never see the day to know that my baby bro felt up a girl finally" his brother finally speaks but I grab my sweater not liking to be this exposed to his brother, I know we're fully clothed but it's still weird

"You can leave now" Peeta snaps and his brother rolls his eyes and leaves

"Sorry about that... he never knocks no matter how many times I tell him to" Peeta apologises, I give a shy smile

"It's okay really. I just want to cuddle a bit, maybe have a nap" I sigh which makes him chuckle and start going through his draws for his t-shirts, he turns his back so I can change and when I'm finished he turns back around, I get into is bed then he also joins me

"I applied to your college" I sigh

"Really? I really hope you get in" he replies and I whisper a 'me too' before I can hear what he says next, all I can think about is how much things are starting to look up for me.


I look down as my beautiful girlfriend sleeps against my chest, I take this moment to take a picture of her on my phone, I admire the photo, smiling, the girl that I'm looking at right now... I want to make it my mission to marry her... have children with her, I know it's a little far fetch for a seventeen year old but when I think about it... waking up next to her everyday doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world and neither does having having her children... I just hope that in the future she feels the same way.

It's a little while till Katniss wakes up, she cuddles more into my side and I kiss her cheek, we haven't said 'I love you's' yet... I came close to saying it but I've never really had the balls to actually say it to her but I think I'm ready

"You have no idea how much I care about you" I whisper and she looks up at me with a smile, her flower crown fell off in her sleep and this is the first time I've seen her without one on...

"You don't know how much I care about you" she smiles, she straddles me and I chuckle knowing that she likes doing this, she leans down and kisses my lips... I take this time to say it and so I do

"I love you..." I whisper making her break away quickly

"What?" She asks like she didn't hear me right

"I-I love you... a lot" I tell her sounding more confident this time, she blushes

"You do?" She smiles and I nod

"Good because I love you just as much" she giggles, I turn us over so now I'm resting in between her legs as we make out on my bed but breaking the moment there's a knock at the door

"Peeta. Is Katniss eating here? We ordered Chinese, is she okay with that?" I hear my mom ask from outside the other door, I look down at Katniss who nods

"Yeah. We're coming now" I reply and get off Katniss, we both walk out hand in hand and all the way downstairs where of course my brother Rye is

"Your still here?" I ask

"Your still retarded?" Rye fights back

"Rye!" Both Katniss and my mom say making me smirk

"Leave my baby boy alone" mom defends, Rye grumbles under his breath knowing I've got both Katniss and mom on my side, Rye moved back in six months ago because he lost his apartment due to having too much fun if you know what I mean... yeah my brother is a man whore... mom and dad weren't too happy about that reason but welcomed him back with open arms. I sit next to Katniss at the table as dinner is served we dig in and we eat and talk, the whole time I can't take my eyes off Katniss as she listens to my dad's story at how one time I swapped the flour with icing sugar for the cake for Ryes sixteenth birthday that he was making and I just think to myself... wow I'm really lucky to have this girl in my life.

We're going to see a jealous Peeta in the next chapter!!!!!

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