Chapter 5: Old Friend

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A Month Later

I sigh as I help my aunt, uncle and cousins set up the Christmas tree, with Christmas just around the corner everyone is getting excited but really I don't see the big deal? Well the present part that is... the religious side of Christmas I understand but why is everyone so big on presents on Christmas? All it is is your parents placing presents under the Christmas tree.

 I mean I stopped believing in Santa Clause a while ago because I never got no where near what I wanted, all I wanted was a picture of my family but instead I got a bike or make up or the newest iPhone but all I wanted was a photo of my family and when I realised that my aunt and uncle didn't have the guts to look at photos of my family... I never got it.

It wasn't till I was around fifteen when I found these two cardboard boxes in the attic labeled Everdeens when I opened them it was filled with pictures and thinks that belonged to my parents and Prim, I didn't speak to them for an entire month, I also took the two boxes and they now sit in my room.

"I know you just got here but can you help me go through some boxes?" I ask Peeta as he walks in

"Sure I will" he smiles, when I told Leevy and Clove about Peeta and I being friends they couldn't believe it and has said a few words to me here and there now, we enter my room and we sit on the floor

"Okay you go through this box and I'll go through this one" I explain and he nods, I take a deep breath before opening the box and on top of everything is the familiar stuffed goat toy

"Who's is that?" I hear Peeta ask

"My little sisters... she got it from the market, she said it looked exactly like her goat Lady and so she called it Lady" I explain hugging it close to me

"We don't have to do this Katniss" Peeta tells me but I look at him

"No... I need to do this. This will give me a sense of peace, it'll make me feel close to my family again" I reply and he nods, he pulls out a dusty photo frame and wipes the dust of the glass then smiles and shows me, it's one of the last pictures I ever took with my little sister, I'm laying on the floor, resting my chin in my hands while smiling brightly and then Prim lays on her back with her arms wrapped around my neck

"Is that your little sister?" He asks and I nod with a smile

"It was one of the last photos that we had taken together" I admit and he sadly smiles

"Why'd you choose to go through these now?" He asks

"I was too scared before but I feel like now is the time to let them go and live on in the after life" I sigh

"Well I'm sure they're proud and looking down at you to protect you" he smiles and I do too, Peeta and I manage to get through the two boxes and I'm actually able to find things I totally forgot we had like my every first flower crown when I was just a newborn baby and as we start to finish re-packing the boxes there's a knock on my bedroom door, I feel my eyes lighten as my old childhood best friend walks in

"Madge!" I squeal, I stand up and get her into a huge bear hug

"Katniss!" She squeals back

"What are you doing here?! I mean you came from a while away" I ask her shocked

"Well my family and I decided to move here seeing as dad got transferred here" she giggles and only now notices Peeta, she looks at him with a sweet smile

"I hope you don't mind but I need to speak with Katniss for a little bit" she tells Peeta, she doesn't give him time as she drags me outside to the hallway while also shutting the door

Flower Crowns: An Everlark Story   {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now