Chapter 7: I Don't Want To Be Just Friends

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Nine Days Later

Sadly Christmas break is over and it's back to school... this time round I let my uncle give me a lift with Leevy and Clove to school seeing as it's starting to snow again and there's already a lot of snow which was enough to convince me to let him drive me to school. We get there in just a few minutes later, I greet my uncle a goodbye before getting out of the car and into the school, while walking through the halls I notice Cato's face has started to heal over the Christmas weekend, he doesn't make eye contact with me which makes me smirk, pussy, I guess Peeta really did set him straight... as I get to my locker I put the books I need in my bag before shutting the door, across the other side of the wall I see my familiar best friend

"Hey Madge" I smile walking up to her

"Oh hey Kat! Hey we're right across from each other!" She smiles happily

"I know! Did you get your timetable?" I ask and she nods, I look at it to see that we have a lot of classes together, the only ones we don't have together is cooking and Science but not the same homeroom sadly

"Where's Peeta?" She asks

"Probably with his other friends. He tries to even the attention out" I answer

"Well then... you can be my tour guide" she giggles and I smile, the bell for homeroom goes off and I point out the direction she needs to go for her homeroom then I go to mine and take my seat next to Peeta like always

"I never got to thank you" I whisper to him and he looks at me confused

"For what?" He asks in the same whisper

"For saving me from Cato. He's too scared to even look at me" I reply just as the teacher comes in to settle us all down.


"Brad Pitt or Chris Hemsworth?" Madge asks

"You kidding? Chris obviously, he's the god of thunder" I answer as we set our trays down

"But come on Brad Pitt is pretty good looking too" Madge says

"Sure let's just compare abs" I smirk making her roll my eyes

"You always do that and it's not fair" Madge whines

"Oh come on you should've known by now that I love Chris Hemsworth" I chuckle just as Peeta sits with us along with three others

"Hey. Madge, Katniss these are my friends Finnick, Thresh and Blight, Annie who's Finnicks girlfriend is still in Europe" Peeta introduces, all his friends have one thing in common, attractive and very stocky

"So what were you two chatting about?" Finnick asks

"Whether we prefer Brad Pitt or Chris Hemsworth. Katniss says Chris and I say Brad. There's mixed feelings about this topic" Madge answers

"Okay ladies let's get real here we can all agree that I'm more attractive and just better than both of them combined" Finnick says making me scoff

"Is it funny that I'm attractive?" Finnick questions looking at me

"No. Just that your so full of yourself" I reply

"Your like a real life Gaston from Beauty and the Beast" I add and Finnick flexes his triceps

"What can I say? I do work out" he says which makes me laugh, I think I might like to be around Peeta's friends a lot more now.


"So Katniss... I uh I've been meaning to ask you something" Peeta says as we set up for our science experiment

"Really? What's that?" I ask

"It's uh well I've been thinking a lot actually about—"

"Ms Everdeen and Mr Mellark all I can hear are your voices and no science being done" Mr Crane sternly tells us and we apologise quickly

"Could it wait after class so we don't get detention?" I ask and he nods, after we finish our experiment which was making our own crystals we take some notes about it as Mr Crane writes on the whiteboard. When the bell goes Peeta and I both walk out together

"What was it that you wanted to ask me?" I ask him

"Oh yeah... so I've done a lot of thinking and... I don't want to be just friends with you Katniss. I want to be more. I've been feeling this for a while now but I want to tell you now, I want you to know" he replies and I stop dead in my track to look at him

"But we agreed Peeta... we agreed to stay friends" I tell him as I open my locker to get my homework out

"I know Katniss but I want to be with you more than a friend. I want you to be with me as well" he answers and I sigh shutting my locker

"I don't know Peeta. I don't know if I'm even ready to start caring for someone in that way yet" and without another second thought or word I turn my back to him and quickly walk out to my uncles back, I'm able to hide my face with my hair so I'm not questioned at why tears are falling down my face.

I stay locked in my bedroom just thinking about Peeta and what I should do because I know that tomorrow at school he won't be like he always is after being turned down by me... but what else should I have said?! 'No Peeta I don't like you like that. Leave me alone' because that definitely would've hurt him and it wouldn't have been true because I do like him like that, I know that now from the ache of my heart, I decide to call up Madge who luckily answers straight away

Hey Kat!


Why do you sound so down. What's wrong?

Peeta admitted that he wanted to be more than friends with me

Really?! That's great!

I turned him down

Wait... what? Why?

Because.... what if we break up and we lose our friendship

Awe honey... being in a relationship is difficult trust me I know from experience but I also know that it's the most beautiful thing and the greatest feeling in the world. Don't force yourself not to be in one cause your scared, don't let fear take over your life, remember our talk ages ago?

Yeah... thanks for talking with me. I've got a lot to think about

Of course. Glad to help, call me if you need anything else

I will. Bye


I end the call with a sigh already missing the voice of my best friend but know that I have a lot to think about, why didn't I see this coming before? Why didn't I see how much he really did care for me? What I do see now is Peeta's face when I turned him down, I see our friendship starting to fall from my finger tips. I come out for dinner and try getting my mind off it by having a movie night with Leevy and Clove but it doesn't work because I'm drowning in my thoughts throughout all of the movies up until I go to bed where I have a dream about him

"Peeta" I giggle, he kisses my neck as we lay in bed in our small apartment

"Mmmm. Last night was amazing, perfect way to unstressed me from work" he mumbles on my skin and I sigh

"Your mom called yesterday. Wanted to know if we're still going to her Christmas party" I tell him

"Sure. Haven't seen your aunt and uncle in a while either, maybe we can drop in" he suggests getting out of bed to dress again

"Yeah. You know how Effie is wanting to know the update in our lives" I answer

"She's going to be ecstatic when we tell her that we're engaged" he chuckles

"Definitely. Wouldn't be surprised if she started the planning as soon as we tell her" I reply as he walks over

"I'll start breakfast" he says in his sexy and husky voice making me giggle as we kiss

My eyes open widely, it's still dark out... I look at the clock at my nightstand 2:30 am, what was that dream about? Okay I knew what it was about but why'd it happen? Oh Peeta Mellark what have you done to me?

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