Chapter 20: Unforgettable Year

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"Katniss, sit still" Madge scowls

"I can't help it. I hate makeup and I'm nervous" I reply

"Well, quit it because I still have Leevy and Clove to do" she says, I sigh and listen to what she says. Tonight is our Prom and every girl went home from school squealing but I just can't get rid of the nerves, I don't know why I'm so nervous, but it may have to do with Peeta seeing me dolled up for the first time.

Clove does my hair while Madge does Leevy's make up, I was surprised when Leevy said she was going to the Prom but she's going to make a statement or so she's said. Apparently her last chance to see the people she hates and tell them how much she really hates them, that made sense to us all on why she chose to go.

The whole process takes so long and I hate it, I'm glad Leevy sides with me on it even though Madge and Clove weren't impressed with our whining. Peeta, Gale and Clove's date for the night arrives not long after we finish getting ready and my god does Peeta look hot in a suit. 

"Picture time" Effie squeals, she takes way too much photos and Clove practically wrestles the camera from her hands which was amusing to witness. I'm thankful that they drove individually because how I plan on this night ending... it wouldn't be very fun if multiple stops needed to be made. 

Our school was able to book in at Panem's most expensive hotel which was a surprise considering much of a cheap our principle is. The dance floor is packed by the time we get there and we find our table that have our names on it, on the other side of the room, away from the people I despise, which I couldn't be anymore pleased about. 

Gale and Peeta go straight to the buffet which was no surprise to me. The two of them have actually gotten pretty close with each other which surprised me, especially when Peeta told me that they hang out just the two of them sometimes but of course I slept with him for being such a gentlemen, he was in a good mood for the whole week and it was extremely amusing.

"You look so beautiful" Peeta smiles as we slow dance, our foreheads pressed softly together 

"Thank you... you know when I saw you in this suit, I was real close in ditching this place" I grin and he does too 

"Well, what do you say that we sneak out?" He suggests 

"Really?" I smile 

"Really. We can go down to the beach" he says, I nod. Sneaking out wasn't an easy task, we got Leevy to distract our Gym teacher who occupied the door which was difficult at first but he let out his inner creep, then we were free. I ditch my heels even before we get to the beach, my feet thanking me for relieving the constant ache, when we arrive at the beach, it immediately soothes my body. 

"I really do love you, Katniss. I know we've talked about it a lot but my love for you is so strong and I don't ever want to be apart from you" he admits, I wrap my arms around his neck 

"I know and I love you too. We can get through the long distance" I reply, we join our lips in a passionate kiss which then escalates into something more and after that moment I can then add beach on our list of places.




"I can't believe that this house won't have any of you girls here" Effie sniffs as I seal off one of my boxes, I give her a sad smile 

"I'll call when I can, I promise" I reply, it's the last week at school which means summer break is coming, the last months that we'll see Effie and Haymitch until we go off to college and Effie can barely keep it in, I can't even imagine what she'll be like when we actually have to leave.

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