Chapter 14: First Time

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I nervously walk up to the house of my boyfriends, it's been one stressful Friday at school today, preparing for all of our exams and Prom talk already... I knock on the front door and his mom answers with his dad right behind her, they look really dressed up...

"Oh Katniss! We haven't seen you in a while! Peeta's upstairs, Challah is at a friends house and it's Peeta's aunts wedding rehearsal tonight so it'll just be Peeta here" she explains

"Thank you Mrs Mellark. You both have a wonderful night" I smile before I shut the door behind them, taking a deep breath I slowly walk up the stairs to the door of Peeta's room, I open it and find him sitting on the floor against his wall, his phone on the floor and earphones in as his head bobs to the beat of the music making me smile, he finally notices me and rips the earphones out of his ears and stands, I straighten my posture

"Hey..." he says

"Hey... I uh I've come to tell you something. Do you mind?" I ask and he shakes his head, we sit on his bed next to each other and I decide to tell him

"I love you Peeta... I know we've said it countless times but I really do and being away from you this long pains me. No one has ever loved me the way you could. When my dad was alive he'd read me The Little Mermaid every night before I went to bed and he'd always tell me that one day when I'm older I'll have my own Prince Eric, I've found him... and I'm too scared that I'll loose him" I confess making Peeta sigh

"What you said to me really hurt Katniss..." he admits

"I know... I was stupid to so that to the person that I love the most. I've come to the conclusion that I can take it if we break up" I admit, not sounding so convincing

"I don't like that word to describe our relationship" he sighs and I look at him

"I'm really sorry Peeta. You are the light of my life, I love you with all my heart an—" he cuts me off by kissing me

"You're talking too much" he whispers on my lips then puts his on mine again, I lay back on his bed and suddenly feel this sudden hunger build up inside of my stomach, my hands roam all over his body and his on mine... the more we kissed the more intense we got and soon it happened, it hurt at first but not for long... he made me make noises I never knew I could make... I found myself needing him more and more as we got into it, I love my sweet and innocent Peeta Mellark.


"I never thought... it'd be that mind blowing" Peeta admits as I sit up from his bed after our huge sleep which happened straight after our intense reunion, an ache between my legs but I just smile at the feeling of his lips kissing my bare shoulder

"Thank you... for forgiving me... I know I didn't deserve it" I sigh

"Hey... you deserve it okay? Your my beautiful girlfriend and I'm always going to love and forgive you" he comforts and I look at him but soon start smiling

"What?" He asks with a smile

"Your hair. It's sticking up everywhere, you've got sex hair" I laugh and he does too before me pushes me back down and hovers over me and starts kissing my neck, I let out a low moan which satisfies Peeta

"Peeta... I need... I need to get back home" I sigh playing with his hair

"You promise that we'll see each other again tomorrow?" He asks getting off me so I can get out of bed

"Of course just come by my house in the afternoon tomorrow" I reply putting on my shirt

"I'll drive you home? I don't want you walking home at night" he says as he puts on his boxers

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