Chapter 12: Jealousy

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I sigh as again Peeta doesn't even try to cuddle me, I'm currently sleeping in his bed and usually we cuddle but he's still not cuddling me... this has been going on for days now. Have I done something wrong? Why is he giving me the cold shoulder? I turn to look at him but see him asleep, I let out a frustrated huff and turn back around, I stay up till two in the morning just thinking at why my boyfriend is pissed but I can't think of anything. The next morning he only gives me a quick morning, a quick kiss and goes in his bathroom to change then I take this chance to change as well, after we're both changed then we get into his car and head to school... still silence which just makes me even more annoyed at him.

As I enter our school I walk far ahead of Peeta and I swear steam is coming out of my ears, he's just having his moments where he be's an asshole.... I just never thought that Peeta Mellark was capable of that and so sensing that I'm mad at him he just walks straight past me, why do I feel so much pain?

"Katniss... are you okay?" I hear Madge ask, I'm done with lying about my feelings and so I be honest, I shake my head, she takes me to the girls bathroom and locks the door so no one can get in

"What's happened?" She asks

"Peeta's just being an asshole and giving me the cold shoulder for a reason that I don't even know" I explain trying not to cry

"Really? That doesn't sound like Peeta" she replies

"I know. It's just stupid that he doesn't give me a reason why he's so mad" I frown

"Then ask him and give him that look you have when your angry if he doesn't then he'll definitely tell you" she comforts making me chuckle a little and she smile, I can always count on Madge to cheer me up.


"Peeta. We need to talk" I say firmly as his car sits by the curb outside of my house, I take his quietness as a yes and start talking

"Why are you being such an ass? I don't know what I've done but it can't be that bad because I don't remember doing anything that bad to upset you" I ask him making him sigh deeply

"You want the reason? I don't like that you spend your weekends and after school free time with Gale. That's my reason... it's like I'm not even important to you anymore. Answer me this do you love him more than a friend?" He replies

"How could you ask that?! You're seriously asking me that?! Of course I don't! I love you in that way but apparently that's not enough for Peeta Mellark! He needs to be shown attention 24/7, well guess what the world doesn't evolve around you so just quit being a baby and be a man but obviously you'll let jealousy ruin your relationship with me! You know what?! Don't call or text me because it's obvious that my love for you isn't enough!" I yell at him with tears streaming down my face, I get out of his car and slam his door then run to my house and to my bed, a few minutes after crying I hear a knock on the door and someone walks in

"Are you okay darling?" I hear my aunt Effie ask

"No..." I sob, I hear her walk over and sit on my bed which makes me lay my head in her lap

"What happened?" She asks softly

"Peeta and I.... we got into a big fight.... I don't think that he ever wants to talk to me again!" I cry

"Oh honey... everyone fights in as a couple, a relationship like that is never easy, I know it's hard darling but guys are always stupid and say the wrong things, even guys like Peeta. I know it hurts but you both will eventually sort things out but for now try to get over the fight and eat ice cream" Effie wisely comforts, I sit up hen wipe away my tears

"Thank you Effie..." I smile, she kisses my forehead before leaving my room and shutting the door, my aunt is right....


"You know Peeta keeps asking for you" Madge says as we walk around our local library for some new books that I can read

"I don't care. I'm not talking to him" I stubbornly reply making her roll her eyes

"Oh come on Katniss! He was just jealous of you hanging around Gale! I mean I don't blame him, Gale is a sight to look at" Madge smirks

"He's also my best friend and Peeta knew that but chose to be an asshole" I say making her give me an 'are you serious?' Look but I just shrug it off and continue for searching a new book to start reading

"You guys have to talk eventually. You can't leave something like this unresolved" she sternly tells me

"That's what everyone keeps saying! I know that but I'm still angry and if I'm ever face to face with him there's a high chance that I'll slap him" I reply but she just sighs as I get my book scanned, we walk outside and start to walk on the sidewalk

"Anyways. Have you met up with Gale yet?" She asks

"Once. Why?"

"No reason... how's he doing these days?"

"Good..." I reply with a raised eyebrow, does Madge like Gale? Oh my god she does!

"You like him!" I squeal and she blushes a deep red

"Shhhh! Quiet your voice down!" She hisses quietly which makes me smirk, little did she know how much he likes her too

"So. When'd you realise?" I ask

"When all us three hung out and went to that arcade. He helped me at the shooting game and I felt butterflies in my stomach..." she admits

"Awe! That's adorable!" I smile

"Oh shut up"

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