Chapter 9: First Date

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I do my hair nervously as Madge chooses from one of many flower crowns that I have and eventually goes with a pretty white and blue one. Tonight is Peeta and I's first date and I can't express just how nervous I really am, I mean what will he think after he sees how I've dressed? Is it too much? Is it too underdressed? I'm so nervous that he won't approve, after curling the tips of my hair I'm finally done, just in time as well because there's a knock at the door, I look to Madge who gives me a reassuring smile and with that I walk down the stairs then to the front door, as I open it I see Peeta... handsome like always

"I uh I bought you a green rose because it's your favourite colour and well you wear mostly roses on your flower crowns" he nervously states as he extends the beautiful single green rose, I take it from him with a smile, the scent is beautiful

"I'll put this away. You two go and enjoy yourselves" Madge smiles while taking the smile and I nod, Peeta and I walk to the car that I guess he drove here and we get in

"So I booked us a spot in this restaurant, it's kind of romantic but it's not expensive or cheesy. I promise" Peeta says as he starts to drive off, the snow on the ground now starting to get thinner and thinner and making it easier to drive

The restaurant isn't that far of a drive when we get there, it actually sounds like a great place to have a first date at Papa's Pizza, as we walk in the smell of cooked pizza fills the air making my mouth water. We get to the reception and they explain that we get to actually make our own pizza and then they cook and serve it. I of course go for a detailed plain pepperoni whereas Peeta makes a meat lover one with barbecue sauce but with black olives on top. After our pizzas have been made we order two cokes and sit down at our table with the correct number

"Are you having fun so far?" Peeta asks with a smile and I return it

"I actually am... I never knew having a boyfriend would make me feel so happy" I sigh making him chuckle

"It makes me super happy to know that you feel that way" he smiles and I blush, it's not too long after talking about our families that our pizza is delivered, Peeta says that his mother is a beautiful woman but is extremely hard to impress well it is for others apparently by Peeta having straight A's and B's has impressed her more than enough, he tells me that his brothers tease him at being the 'golden child' which I giggle at because what's not to love about him? The way he talks about his mom just makes me smile

"So do you have any other family?" He asks

"Yeah. I've got a bunch of other cousins and other aunts and uncles but I haven't seen them since the accident" I reply before taking a bite into another slice of my perfect cooked pizza

"Have you decided on what college you want to go to?" He asks and I shrug

"I'm too scared to fly in planes now and the ones that do look like what I want don't do an online course" I explain quite embarrassed

"Why don't you go to a community college then? You don't have to fly or do an online course" he suggests

"What about you? You'll be all the way at the other end of the country and I'll be stuck here" I answer

"Then come with me... the college I got accepted into is only a few hours drive from here" he replies and I sigh

"I don't know Peeta... wouldn't I distract you though?" I ask

"No you won't. I know. Put an application in at my school and if you get accepted then you can come to my school" he cheerfully explains, I guess that could work... well I've got a while to think about it anyway

"I'll think about it. I need to get my grades up first" I reply and he smiles

"I'll help you as well" he suggests, this date is going well so far.


I sit in Peeta's lounge, snuggling up to his side in his sweatpants and t-shirts that's way too big for me but it's comfortable.... we're in the middle of watching Captain America when I start to get board and start playing with Peeta's fingers, linking them with mine

"This has been the best first date ever" I sigh, I feel him rub my arm suddenly making it warm

"I'm glad you think that. I always imagined you saying yes. Imagined" he replies and I look at him

"You've liked me for that long?" I ask

"Since we were twelve. You were wearing your hair in two braids instead of one, white skinny jeans, black and white converse that went up to your knees, an AC/DC tank top with a black jacket and you had a black and red flower crown on that day. I remember it like it was yesterday" he admits, we look at each other for a while before we both lean in... our lips touch and they fit together like a puzzle, I do what Madge says guys love and tug at the hairs at the back of his head, he lifts me so that I'm on his lap and we continue our heated make out session, completely forgetting the movie, before we can even continue we hear his front door open which is enough to get me off him and lucky I do cause it's his parents that walk in

"Oh yes you must be Katniss. Peeta told us about this" his dad smiles, I stand up along with Peeta, I guess I'll be meeting his parents shorter than I thought...

"I'm James. Peeta's father" he introduces and I shake his outstretched hand

"This is my wife Julie. Peeta's mother" he introduces again and I shake her head

"A pleasure to meet you both. Your son is very romantic" I compliment and this turns Julie's scowl into a smile

"That's my boy. He's been raised to respect women"

"Well you done a good job of it" I honestly reply to her and she smiles at me

"Why thank you my dear. My my where did you get that flower crown? It's beautiful, I've been looking for flowers like that for years!" Julie compliments

"My dad made them when he was alive...." I reply guessing that Peeta has told them about what happened to my family which I'm perfectly fine with

"Well I love it! He done a fantastic job with it!" She compliments

"Well we better get to bed. Night mom and dad" Peeta smiles, after saying a polite goodnight to his parents he takes me to his room where he starts to set up a bed on the floor

"You take the bed. I'll take the floor" he politely explains but I feel bad...

"No come sleep up here with me. I don't want you to sleep on the floor. Pleeeeeease?" I beg him which makes him chuckle

"You're positively sure?" He asks

"100% sure" I reply and so he joins me in his bed after turning off his light

"My mom really likes you. I've never seen her like that in my other relationships or even both of my brothers relationships" he admits

"Really?" I smile and he returns it

"Really. I think you and my mom will get along just fine"

Flower Crowns: An Everlark Story   {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now