Chapter 6: Undersee Christmas Party

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Three Days Later

I walk downstairs as I keep trying to adjust my flower crown, I go directly to the kitchen to make myself some warm hot chocolate, I'm always the first person up in this house like always because every morning I wake up at 7:30 in the morning, I woke up that early when I was little and so I'll still wake up that early now, when I wake up this early it gives me some me time before I'm surrounded by my cousins and their parents. I decide to start the fire now before everyone wakes up then I sit on the couch, looking at the overly decorated Christmas tree, people always over do Christmas... my aunt for example... it's all about the ugly Christmas sweaters and drinking nothing but eggnog, I mean technically I'm not an Abernathy so I don't participate but no matter how much they don't really act like family towards me they always make me amused around the holidays, a specially Effie with her crazy hair and outfits.

As the time goes on everyone starts to wake up and we all sit around the Christmas tree, first Leevy opens her presents, then Haymich and Effie, Clove is next and then it's me... only one present is there, I pick up the square shaped present that's wrapped in Effies favourite wrapping paper, I look up at them with disappointment that they didn't even try this year and so sighing I unwrap it but I soon start tearing up... it's a photo my father is cradling me and my arms are spread out as I laugh while looking at him pull a funny face at me and my mom sits on the floor looking down at Prim who's just a toddler looking back up at mom

"I-I didn't think this still existed" I sniff letting the happy tears fall, I look up at my aunt and uncle

"We finally decided to get you that photo you always wanted. Your cousins found the photo and your uncle and I chose out a new frame" Effie explains as I hug it close to me

"You guys don't know how much this means to me" I smile, wiping my tears and they all bring me into a hug

"Were just happy that you're becoming our Katniss again" Haymich says as we break away

"So are we still going to Madges's family Christmas party?" I ask

"Sounds great. As long as I get alcohol instead of that disgusting eggnog" Haymich replies earning a slap on the chest by Effie.


"Hey guys!" Madge cheerfully greets as we walk in, lots of people turned up... including Peeta and his parents

"Katniss?" I take my eyes away from Peeta's to look at Madge who's smirking

"What?" I say

"I said how've you been. You were too busy looking at baker boy to hear me" she giggles

"How do you know he's a baker?" I confusingly ask her

"His family brought delights for dessert" she beams, in the corner of my eye I see Peeta approach us and eventually he's standing right next to me

"Hey Katniss" he smiles, I smile and pull him in for a hug, he smells like pine and vanilla and it soothes me...

"How's you Christmas been?" He asks as we break the hug

"It was great. I finally got the one present I was asking for, the one photo of my family that I wanted" I smile brightly which he returns

"That's so great to hear! I finally got new paints and cooking stuff" he replies before we hear his name being called and he looks over his shoulder

"I gotta go. My mom is calling for me. I'll see you around" he says and I nod, we hug one last time before he walks off

"You totally like him... more than a friend" Madge smirks crossing her arms

Flower Crowns: An Everlark Story   {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now