Chapter 18: Birthday

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Today is May 8th, the day that celebrates my life . Today is my 18th birthday, I'm having a dinner at my home which I invited Peeta to. Peeta and I's relationship has been one hell of a roller coaster ride and I'm sure that it's going to continue that way but like always Peeta and I will get through it, we always do.

I walk through the door from school to a silent house, furrowing my eyebrows I decide to figure out why no ones here, I hear some shuffling from upstairs and muffled voices, confused, I make my way upstairs and see that it's coming from Leevy's room, I know I shouldn't but I press my ear against the door

"Please, I'm not in the mood for your booty call" I hear her say

"I don't give a fuck. We had a deal, I come to you for booty calls to get my anger out, you're constantly getting laid" my eyes wide at Marvels voice, I hear a slapping noise, I hear some muffling before I hear more talking

"You're going to be my obedient girl. Do what the fuck I say" I hear Marvel grunt

"Stop! It hurts when you do it like this!" I hear Leevy cry out, I immediately run into the room and I'm shocked at the sight, Marvel thrusting into Leevy as she's bent over the bed, he's pressing her head onto the mattress

"Get off of her!" I yell pushing him off her without even thinking, he falls to the ground and I throw him his pants without looking down at his nude bottom half

"Get out. Don't make me call the cops" I threaten, Marvel runs out with his shirt and bag, I look to see Leevy curled in a ball on her bed, I reach out and touch her back making her flinch

"It's okay... it's Katniss" I reassure her, helping her dress, I go to rub her back but she swats my arm away

"Leave me the fuck alone, for once" she snaps, I feel hurt at her outburst because I don't want to leave her alone but she seems like she doesn't want company

"Well, I'll be here for you when you need to talk" I tell her before shutting her bedroom door and going into my own room, Marvel actually did that... he raped my cousin, I thought that it wasn't his thing? Catos, definitely, what's with all these messed up people at my school?


Peeta, Madge and Gale arrive on time and they bring me presents which I told them before not to do. We eventually sit at the table to eat the food Effie has prepared, as I eat I look over to Leevy with a saddened look as she eats silently and not talking to anyone, I feel a hand on my knee and a little squeeze, I look up to see a concerned look on Peetas face but I just give him a smile in return.

The cake Peeta made for me was really delicious and when we're finished we all go into the sitting room, though Leevy says she's calling it a night and goes upstairs, I open my presents and there quite expensive, I then get to Peetas which looks to be a book or something, I unwrap it and smile at the writing, Katniss's Memory Book, at the front it's a picture of Peeta and I kissing in the snow

"Open it" he tells me, I open to the first page which only has writing, To My One And Only, I go to the next page and my eyes fill with tears

"I uh... I found a picture of your parents and little sister. I drew them so if you lose the photo you still have another to look at" he explains, I look at him

"Thank you... it's my favourite gift of them all" I sniff, we share a soft kiss and I look at the writing

Katniss's family. They mean the world and they'll
never be forgotten and will live in
through the hearts of their loved ones, especially Katniss.
They're the first thing you see when opening
showing their importance

I smile at what he wrote and I then proceed to go through, he was only able to do Haymich, Clove, Leevy, Effie and Gale in the limited time he had. My birthday goes on and I'm walking Peeta to the door and join him on the front porch so I can thank him privately for my gift

"That was really sweet of you, Peeta" I say

"I thought it'd make you happy. That's all I ever want for you, Katniss" he replies, grabbing my waist and pulling me against him

"I love you, forever and always" he says, inches from my lips

"I love you more" I reply with a smile, I close the gap to bring our lips together, we stand there enjoying our kiss that we get lost in

"Can't you just let me take you somewhere... make your night even better?" He asks and I roll my eyes

"Is that your hint at wanting to have sex?" I smile amusingly

"I don't know, is that what you want my hint to be? I happen to know the perfect spot" he whispers against my ear, I open the front door and call out that I'll be back later and walk with Peeta to his car.


"Is it just me... or do we get better... every time?" Peeta asks in a pant as we lay in the back seat of his car

"You know what they say... practice makes perfect" I reply causing him to chuckle, we lay in silence and as I play with his fingers he breaks the silence

"Leevy seemed... not herself. She was unusually quiet" he says, I contemplate if I should tell Peeta or not but I know it's not my place to say something

"I have an idea why but it's not my place to tell. It's Leevy who should be saying it" I answer and he kisses my neck

"Have I told you that it's sexy when your loyal?" He growls

"I don't think I've heard that one before" I giggle and that's how it starts again. After it almost being midnight, Peeta takes me back and home, like always he walks me to the front door and kisses me one more time

"I'll see you tomorrow" he mumbles against my lips, I smile and kiss him before turning to go inside. I walk upstairs but before I get to my room, I hear a muffled sound coming from Leevy's room, I knock before opening the door and see her laying on top of her bed crying, I shut the door and rush over to her

"Leevy... please talk to me. I'm not leaving until you do" I firmly tell her, she looks at me and it pains me at the look she gives me

"I... I'm pregnant" she sits up and I know notice the slight bump

"What? Who's is it?" I ask

"Marvels... when you came in on him... you know. I just told him and he took that as the best birth control, the first time felt good but after he told me that I'll be his number one booty call, that Glimmer doesn't have to know. I was so angry and stood up to get dressed, he didn't like it. He told me that I needed to commit to being his and that I'm tied to him now that I'm having his baby" she explains

"Leevy... you need to tell Haymitch and Effie. They need to know" I say

"I don't want it to be this huge thing that involves the cops" she frowns

"It doesn't have to. If you tell them then you want have to carry the weight alone. I'm here for you Leevy" I reassure her and she nods her head

"Could you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone" she croaks and I nod joining her on her bed and coaxing her to sleep but a new anger rises for Marvel, I can't help but think to just punch him straight in the face, I'm going to do just that.

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