Chapter 4. (y/n) and Zoro's friendship

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Luffy POV

I stood there not knowing what to do. Why did (Y/n) run away like that? Maybe I should go after her. I started to chase follow (Y/n) but someone grabbed me. "Oi! I need to talk to (Y/n)! Let me go!"

"No. Leave her alone."

I turned around to see Sanji.

"Sanji! What are you doing! Your the one who told me to talk to (Y/n) about how I felt and she ran away before I could say anything! What did you do Sanji!" I pulled away from him.

"Baka! Don't you get it! She loves you but shes scared! You hurt her before!" Sanji looked like he was mad at me.

"How did I hurt (Y/n)!"

"Don't you get it! Earlier you told her you only love her as a nakama! She doesn't think you love her!"

I looked at Sanji. "So she thinks shes just a nakama. Sanji! What do I do Sanji! Help me! I need to fix this!"

Sanji nodded his head. "Come on, I'll help you."

(Y/n) POV

I feel kinda bad for running away from Luffy like that. He probably just wanted to play or something but I didn't want to be around him right now. I ran to the crows nest and hid not noticing Zoro.

"Oi are you alright (Y/n)?"

I quickly turned around "Z-zoro! I-I'm sorry! I didn't know you were in here!"

"Its fine I don't care, but whats wrong? Your crying."

I touched my cheeks. Shit. I am crying. "I-its nothing. I didn't even know I was crying."

"Come on (Y/n), you know you can tell me anything." It was true I could tell Zoro anything, I was really close to him, he was one of my best friends. "Is it Luffy?"

I looked at him with wide eyes "W-what? H-how! I mean um"

"(Y/n). Come on. Your one of my best friends. I can tell when your in love. I probably knew before you even did."

I sighed.

Zoro wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "Its ok (Y/n). He probably just doesn't understand. He's too stupid. If he was smart enough he would realize how lucky he is to even have a chance with you. I'm always here if you need me."

I tightened my grip onto Zoro. He can seem selfish, a lot of people just think he drinks, sleeps, and trains, but hes actually a great friend. I can always count on him. He's always there for me when I need him. I felt kinda bad though because a long time ago he told me he loved me and I could tell he still loved me. Sometimes I wish I loved Zoro instead of Luffy, it would be a lot easier, but thats not how feelings work. So I'm stuck being heart broken in love with Luffy.

"Thank you Zoro. I don't know what I would do without you."

He smiled. "I'll never leave you. Why don't you get some rest for now, your tired out and need a break I can tell. Your welcome to stay in here and take a nap with me if you want. It's a good place to be if you want to avoid everyone."

I smiled slightly "Thank you Zoro. I think your right, I probably do need a nap." I laid down and put my head on his stomach and cuddled up to him. "I'm sorry Zoro."

"For what? You haven't done anything."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry I love Luffy. I wish I could change my feelings. I wish I could love you. It would be so much easier and we would both be happier. I'm sorry."

He stroked my hair. "Don't be sorry (Y/n). Its not your fault. Were just not meant to be. I'll move on eventually. I'm just glad were still friends. And I'm going to do everything I can to get that idiot to understand. I promise."

"Thank you Zoro." I said as I fell asleep.

Luffy POV

"So Luffy. Your going to go to (Y/n) and tell her I need help in the kitchen. Then she will follow you and as soon as you guys get in the kitchen I'll lock the door with you two inside so you can talk to her and she can't run. Got it?"

I nodded my head as I listened to Sanji explain to me what to do. "Yosh. I got it. But where is (Y/n)? We have to find her first don't we?"

"Ask Nami-san. I'm sure she knows."

I nodded my head and ran out of the kitchen and into Nami's room. "Oi Nami! Where is (Y/n)?"

Nami looked up from her map "I think she ran up to the crows nest. I think shes with Zoro."
I got a burning feeling in my chest "are her and Zoro alone?"
She nodded her head "I think so, she spends a lot of time with him, are you just now noticing this?"
I quickly ran out of Nami's room and to the crows nest. I entered the crows nest to see (y/n) cuddled up with Zoro asleep.
(Y/n) and Zoro both jumped up at the same time.

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