Chapter 29. What Happened

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(Y/n) POV

I woke up and felt pain throughout my entire body. My eye lids felt heavy but I slowly opened them. I tried to slowly get up.

"Don't move too much yoi. You need to rest."

I looked next to me to see a man with pineapple hair. He looked familiar, but I couldn't remember right now. I didn't know where I was or where Luffy was.

"Um. Where am I?" I asked the pineapple haired man.

"Your on the Moby Dick yoi. The Whitebeard pirate ship." He gave me a confused look. "Don't you recognize me yoi?"

I looked at him for a minute then I remembered. "Marco! Wait, what am I doing here?"

"That's what we were all wondering yoi. We found you floating in a lifeboat yoi."

"What?" I looked down and tried to remember.

"You OK yoi?" Marco asked.

I closed my eyes to remember and saw waves and red hair. Then I remember about Heidi coming and attacking us.

"Well, there's this woman named Heidi who attacked our ship and everyone was fighting her but I was hidden down below deck. And I remember Zoro coming down telling me it wasn't safe then a wave came rushing in and I blacked out." I explained.

"That sounds crazy yoi. I'm glad we got you safe."

"Yeah. Did anyone else end up here?"

He shook his head. "No. Only you."

"I hope there all OK." I placed a hand on my stomach. I was scared that something had happened to everyone.

"Oh yeah and I meant to say, congrats yoi."

I was confused for a second but then I realized he meant the baby. I smiled. "Thank you, Marco!"

"Luffy's the father right?"

"Of course!"

He smiled. "Wait till Ace hears yoi. He doesn't even know your here. He's gonna be really happy when he hears your pregnant yoi."

I had completely forgot Ace was on this ship. "Ace! Can I see him?"

Marco nodded his head. "You stay here and rest yoi, and I'll go tell Ace to come in here to see you."

I smiled "thank you Marco."

He nodded his head and left the room. I looked around the room. It was a small clean room. It must have been a spare room they had. I felt the baby kick my stomach. I smiled softly and rubbed the bump.

"Don't worry. Everything is gonna be OK. We're safe and I'm sure daddy is OK." I whispered to the baby and partially to myself.

The door opened. "(Y/n)!?!"


He came in and smiled. "I didn't know you were here!!"

"Well I would've told you if I would've known I was coming!"

He sat down next to me he pointed at my hand on my stomach. "Is that what I think it is!?!"

I laughed. "Yes it is. Your an uncle Ace."

He had a big smile. "So Luffy's gonna be a dad."

I nodded my head. "We're so excited. We have a nursery built on the ship." I giggled. "Luffy got so happy when I told him."

Ace smiled. "You guys are gonna be great parents. I know it. You guys will have fun too." He paused. "Can I feel the baby?"

I nodded and took his hand. I placed his hand on my stomach where I felt the baby. He kept his hand there for a minute. The baby kicked and his smile grew.

"That's so cool! I can't wait to see the baby! I bet Luffy's getting impatient."

I laughed. "Yeah, he keeps asking why I can't speed it up and have the baby now."

Ace laughed. "Of course. So anyways I heard what happened and were trying to find out about the others. Pops said your welcome to stay until we find them."

"Thank you Ace, are you sure I won't be in the way?"

"Its fine! You won't be in the way! Your always welcome here!"

I gave Ace a hug. "Thank you Ace."

"No problem (y/n)." He hugged me back and laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"As happy as I am that your pregnant with Luffy's child, I still can't believe it. Luffy's always been so innocent I just can't imagine him doing that with you, or anyone!!"


"Sorry! Its true! I never thought he'd ever be a dad because of that! Don't deny it, you know how innocent he is."

"That doesn't mean you need to talk about it. That is personal between me and Luffy. You don't need to think about it."

He laughed and got up. "OK ok! I'll stop. I gotta go, I'll talk to you later (y/n)."

"Bye Ace." I said waving at him.

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