Chapter 5. Luffy is.. Nervous?

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(Y/n) POV

I heard Luffy shout and quickly jumped up. Zoro jumped up too and immediately went to protect me thinking we were under attack. "Oi Luffy what is it?" He started to reach for his katanas.

"Let go of (y/n)!"

Zoro and I looked at each other in confusion. Then we realized Zoro had me in his arms to protect me. 

"Sorry (y/n)! I didn't realize! I thought we were being attacked so I went to protect you!" Zoro quickly let go.

"Shut up you bastard! I saw you cuddling with her! Don't touch her again!" Luffy curled his hands into fists.

"Luffy calm down! I was upset so Zoro  helped me feel better! What's your problem Luffy!" I didn't realize I was yelling so much.

"I don't like him holding you!" Luffy looked mad.

"Luffy, are you jealous?" Zoro asked with a smirk.

"What does that mean?" Luffy still seemed mad.

"It means that you got mad when I was with (y/n) instead of you. You wanted to be with her and not me. That's why your mad! Your jealous that she was with me instead of you." Zoro raised his eyebrow "Why are you so jealous? Do you like (Y/n)?"

Luffy blushed slightly "Shut up Zoro! Y-you don't know anything!"

Zoro stood up and waved, his smirk never leaving his face. "Whatever. Bye." He left the crows nest leaving me and Luffy alone. 

I looked up at Luffy who looked like he was a mixture of mad, confused, and.. nervous?

"Luffy are you ok? You look nervous."

He looked at me no longer looking mad just nervous and confused. "W-what? Oh y-yeah I'm fine!"

"Are you sure? Your face is red and your voice is shaking, are you sick?" I placed my hand on his forehead "You don't have a fever. Whats wrong?"

He quickly shook his head "N-nothing! I'm fine!"

Luffy POV

I want to tell her how I feel but everytime I open my mouth I freeze up! Why am I so nervous! It's just (Y/n)! I telk to her all the time, so why can't I say anything now?

"Luffy I'm not sure your ok, maybe you should go see Chopper." (Y/n) said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"N-no really (Y/n) I'm not sick. I feel fine."

She smiled at me "If your sure, I was just worried. If your not sick can you at least tell me why you look so nervous?"

I like her smile. It makes me feel better. I like making her smile. I wanted to tell her that but I felt like I couldn't.

(Y/n) POV

I looked at Luffy who was obviously nervous. Maybe Sanji and Nami got him to understand.

"I uh I-im not nervous really!" His blush kept slowly growing.

"Luffy don't lie to me." I crossed my arms and looked him in the eyes.

He blushed a bright shade of red. I was trying so hard not to have a giggle fit. He was so cute!

"F-fine! I'm nervous!" He quickly covered his mouth.

"Why are you nervous then?"

He looked to the ground "I um I'm nervous because.." He paused "Because Sanji said I can't have any meat if I don't do something!" 

He said it so quickly I almost didn't catch any of it. He then quickly ran out of the crows nest and into the kitchen. I stood there. What just happened. I don't even know anymore. Was he really nervous about not getting meat or was he trying to cover something else. There was no way Luffy was smart enough to make something up like that. I sighed. I need to stop getting so hopeful. Oh well. I guess Luffy wasn't really nervous.

Luffy POV

I ran into the kitchen and closed the door behind me "SANJI!"

"What is it? Where is (y/n)? You were supposed to bring her here so that you could talk to her alone." Sanji looked at me with a questioning look.

"I-I got to nervous! I felt like I couldn't talk to her! I didn't know what to do! Help me Sanji! Why can't I do this!?" I was freaking out. I've never felt like this! Especially around (Y/n)!

Sanji nodded his head. "I get it. I'll talk to her for you. I can tell her and then I will leave you to together. Don't worry about it Luffy. I'll help you out."

"Thank you Sanji!" I felt a little relieved that Sanji was going to help me. I couldn't wait for (Y/n) to be my girlfriend!

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