Chapter 34. Yes

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*3 year time skip*

Luffy POV

"Okay Luffy. Do you think your ready?" Sanji asked me.

I looked at him. I was kinda nervous.. Which is weird for me. "I-i guess so... Why do I feel so nervous.."

Sanji smiled "Don't be worried. Now go get ready while Nami gets Zoro and Scarlett ready."

I nodded my head and started to get ready.

(Y/n) POV

I frowned "where is everyone.."

We were at a spring island and I had decided to make a lunch for Luffy the kids and I to have at the park here. But I couldn't find Luffy or the kids anywhere around the park and I was beginning to get worried.

I checked at restaurants on the island and they weren't there either.

I sighed and started to walk back to the ship when I heard small footsteps and a little voice calling to me. I turned around and saw Scarlett running towards me.


Her (h/c) was neatly braided and she was in a nice sundress. I picked her up.

"Where did you get that dress? And who did your hair?"

She giggled and smiled brightly "auntie Nami!" she jumped out of my arms and grabbed my hand "come on mommy!!"

I looked at her confused "where are we going?"

She smiled and started to drag me "to see daddy!!!" she started to run but I picked her up.

"Slow down, wheres daddy?" I was really confused.

She giggled "you have to follow me!"

I sighed and set her down. She immediately ran and I had to run after her. She ran into an empty meadow, it was covered in brightly colored flowers. Scarlett seemed to be following a trail of (f/c) flowers. I followed being confused.

Scarlett suddenly ran faster and I chased after the direction where I saw her go.

"Scarlett!!! Where did you go???" I yelled.

"Over here mommy!"

I heard her voice go into a small patch of woods. The (f/c) flowers still seemed to be continuing.

When I finally get to where I had heard her my eyes widen at the sight.

There was Luffy with a small box in his hand. He was dressed up in a tux. Zoro in a little tux holding flowers on Luffy's right, and Scarlett holding flowers on Luffy's left.

Luffy smiled and walked to me. He grabbed my hand. My heart was racing.

"(Y/n). I love you with all my heart.. You the best thing in my life. Better than any treasure I could ever collect. You've been my girlfriend for years now and we have an amazing, beautiful family... So.. Will you marry me and be mine forever? Be my pirate queen."

I had tears in my eyes and I nodded my head yes over and over. I was smiling so much "yes Luffy yes!!"

He put the ring on my finger. It was beautiful. It had a (f/c) colored diamond on it.

He lifted me up into the air and spun me around in circles. I giggled and held tightly onto him.

"I love you (Y/n)." he said as he set me down and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you Luffy."

I smiled and kissed him passionately.

As we kissed I heard clapping. I broke the kiss and saw everyone coming out from behind trees and clapping. I smiled brightly and blushed. Nami ran up to me and hugged me.

"Im so happy!!!! Im the brides made right???" she smiled.

I laughed "of course!"

I looked over at the boys.

"Good job Luffy, Im surprised you remembered it all honestly" Sanji said and laughed.

Luffy smiled "shishishi I wouldnt have had a clue of what to say if you guys wouldn't of helped!"

Zoro smiled and walked over to me.

I smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

He hugged me tightly as well. "Good job. Im proud of you."

I looked up at him "for what?"

"Everything. Your an amazing mom, gonna be an amazing wife, and your a pirate. And you've always kept strong. I'm so happy for you and Luffy."

I smiled "thank you Zoro."

I felt rubber arms wrap around me from behind and I giggled. I turned around to face Luffy.

He smiled "did I do good proposing??"

I giggled "it was absolutely perfect Luffy."

He smiled and kissed me again. Just as passionate as the last kiss.

I giggled "so, when should we start planning the wedding?"

Luffy smiled brightly. "Lets go back to the ship and start planning now!!!"


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