Chapter 15. Plans

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(Y/n) POV

I woke up and blinked trying to focus my vision. I went to rub my eyes but my arms were held down by something heavy. I look behind me to see I had been handcuffed to a chair. I looked around and didn't recognize anything, but then again, there wasn't much you could recognize, it was a dark room with no windows and one door a few feet in front of me.

"Where the hell am I?" I mumbled.

"Oh, are you awake?"

I looked up and saw a young woman with long straight red hair, tied up in a high ponytail, she had brown eyes and wore a tight white t shirt with jeans and black boots.

I looked at her. "Where the hell am I?" I then remembered what had happened at the restaurant and realized she was the waitress. "Where are Luffy and the others!"

She smiled. "Don't worry (y/n). They'll be here soon enough. They've realized you've been taken so it shouldn't be long now. You'll see them soon enough."

I growled at her. "There gonna kick your ass when they get here."

She laughed. "Oh really? Who do you think is going to be the one to try to grab you. Luffy, right." She pointed to my hands. "Take a look at those handcuffs. What do you think there made of?"

I looked behind me and realized what she meant. "Its seastone."

She smiled. "So you do have some intelligence. Well when Luffy tries to take those cuffs off you he'll fall to the ground, weak and powerless. Then all your stupid nakama will be trying to save the two of you, and while their busy, I'll trap them like I have you and then I will get my rewards for the Bounty's on all of your heads."

I smiled at her. "Your crazy if you think that's going to work."

"Oh honey. You don't know what I'm capable of." She said.

Suddenly the door was flung open.


I smiled "Luffy! Its about damn time."

He looked around "Who took you!?"

"Luffy, don't you recognize her, she right in fro-" I stopped. The girl had left. I looked around. "Where the hell did she go!?"

"Who!?" Luffy shouted with anger.

"T-the waitress from the restaurant.. She's the one who kidnapped me. She was just here.." I then realized that only Luffy had come. "Um. Luffy. Where is everyone."

He looked at me. "What do you mean? There right her-" he looked behind him, obviously expecting to see the crew. "WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY!?" He yelled.

"Luffy. Be careful. You don't know where she could be." I said looking around.

We heard a noise outside the door. We both looked at the door.

"Luffy, don't open it." I warned.

We heard a scream from someone, we couldn't tell who it was though. I bit my lip, hoping it wasn't any of the crew.

Luffy ran over to me and reached for my handcuffs. "We need to get out of here, or you nay get hurt."

I kicked him away. "No! Luffy! Don't touch my handcuffs!"

"(Y/n)? What are you doing?  We need to get the crew and leave." He said coming back towards me.

"No! Luffy! The cuffs will hurt you! There made of seastone!" I yelled at him.

"Seastone!? How am I going to get you out then!?" He asked/yelled.

"You need to go find the others. But only send one back to get me, you need to get the rest back to the ship, then me and whoever you send will go to the ship as soon as they break me free." I explained.

"But why?" He asked.

"Because. I was captured by a bounty hunter. Her plan is for all of you to be in here at the same time, then somehow she's going to catch all of you. Please just listen to me!" I begged. I didn't want Luffy or any of the others getting hurt.

Luffy looked down, his hat covering his eyes. "(Y/n). We're not going to get hurt. I will find the others and send whoever I find first to you." He placed his hat on my head. "Don't worry. It'll be OK."

I wanted nothing more than to pull him into a big hug.

Luffy stood up and started to head for the door. But suddenly the door was flung open and sent Luffy flying.

"I heard my little brother and his crew were in a bit of trouble! Can I be of any help?"

I look in the door way to see no other than..


A/n: hello my readers. (This may be a spoiler depending on how far you are in One Piece)  Soo yes. Ace is alive in my story, and he won't die either just because I love Ace and hate his death. I'm really liking this story and I hope you all are enjoying it too!! Love ya all. Byeeee!!

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