Chapter 31. Finally

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(Y/n) POV

"(Y/n)! Wake up!! I see their ship!!!" Ace shouted.

I woke up and saw the Going Merry and a huge smile formed on my face. "Let's go!!!!"

Ace smiled and took us to the Going Merry. As we got close we both shouted "LUFFY!!!!!"

My smile grew when I saw Luffy run to the edge of the deck and he saw us. Luffy smiled brightly at us.

"(Y/n)!! Your home!!!!" His arms stretched out and wrapped around me. I giggled and he pulled me onto the Going Merry, he pulled me into a giant hug. "(Y/n)!! I've missed you so much!!"

I giggled and hugged him tightly "I've missed you too Luffy!!"

Luffy smiled and kissed me which I happily kissed back until I heard the others.

"What didn't miss any of us?"

I turn around and see Zoro and I gave him a big hug "Zoro!! Of course I missed you!!" He laughed and hugged me.

I smiled and gave everyone a big hug then went back to where Luffy and Ace were.

Luffy smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close making me blush. I wrapped my arms around his neck "I've missed you so much!"

Luffy kissed my nose "I missed you more (y/n)!"

I giggled and rested my head on his chest "no way"

Ace laughed and smiled "I'm glad you guys are back together!"

I nodded my head hugging Luffy "I'm so happy to be back"

Luffy smiled and held me close "you don't need to worry about Heidi anymore, we kicked her ass!!"

I signed in relief "really!?! Thank god!"

Luffy laughed "of course! I didn't want her to take you again! Your mine."

I giggled "your so cute, I've missed you"

Ace smiled "sorry to come and go but I need to leave, I need to get back to whitebeard"

I smiled and hugged ace "thank you for bringing me home"

Ace hugged me back "no problem! Anything for my future sister in-law! "

I giggled and let go of him. Luffy wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as Ace got on his small boat and left,we all waved goodbye to him.

Luffy smiled brightly "we missed you (y/n)!"

I giggled and put my hand on my stomach "we missed you guys too"

Luffy looked at my stomach "it looks bigger!!"

"That's because the baby's growing"

"Can I feel it?"

I giggled "you don't have to ask luffy, put your hand on my stomach"

Luffy put his hand on my stomach and the baby kicked softly. He smiled "I'm so excited! How much longer until its here?"

"Only about a month"

"I can't wait!!"

I giggled and kissed his cheek "calm down luffy!"

"But I'm just so happy!"

"I an too you goofball"

Luffy smiled like the cute dork he is and kissed me making me blush darkly. I took his hat and used it to hide our faces from everyone as we kissed.

He pulled away and his hat on my head. "I love you (y/n) I hope we never lose you like that again"

I smiled softly "I love you too Luffy" I blushed slightly and kissed him again and everyone left not wanting to watch us. I looked up at luffy "can I go lay down? That small boat wasn't very comfortable and I'm exhausted"

Luffy picked me up bridal style making me blush and carried me to our room he laid me on the bed and laid next to me and wrapped his arms around me "you can lay down as long as I get cuddles. Ive missed cuddling you."

I giggled and smiled. "Of course you get cuddles, I've missed our cuddles too" I cuddled into him and he held me close.

I set my hand on my stomach and he placed his hand on top of mine

"I wish we didn't have to wait another month." Luffy said. "What do you think it'll look like?"

I thought "I don't know, but I bet it'll be a cutie like you"

Luffy blushed "i-im not cute!"

I rolled my eyes and cuddled into him "oh shut up, you don't even know how adorable you are"

Luffy blushed more and cuddled me as I fell asleep, he fell asleep shortly after.

A/n: so I know I said I would update regularly again but my grandma is forcing me to help her at a vacation bible school all week which I don't want to do. She told me I didn't have to if i dont want to and I said I really don't want to but she's making me do it anyways. So I don't know if I'll be able to update this week I'm really sorry that my grandma is being a bitch I hope you all understand! I'll try to find time to update but I just wanted to say this for in case I'm not able to!

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