Chapter 8. First Day Together

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(Y/n) POV

I woke up and freaked out at first. I wasn't in my room. I saw arms wrapped around me and felt my back against someone's chest. I then remembered that Luffy had asked me to be his girlfriend last night. I blushed when I realized I had fallen asleep with Luffy and that I was so close to him. I heard him yawn and I rolled over to look at him. His eyes opened up half way.

"Good morning Luffy."

He smiled and pulled me closer. "Good morning (y/n)."

I giggled "we should probably get up."

"Whyyy?" He whined. "I wanna cuddle more!"

I wanted to cuddle too but at the same time, I was hungry. "Luffy, don't you want breakfast?"

Luffy jumped up and grabbed my hand "come on (y/n)! Let's go get breakfast!" We ran out of the room, Luffy still holding my hand, partially dragging me.

I couldn't hold back my giggles. He was so cute. We entered the kitchen and everyone looked at us. Nami and Sanji had big smiles looking at us, Zoro had a small sad smile, while Usopp looked completely confused.

"Oi what's going on?" Usopp pointed at mine and and Luffy's hands that were connected. I didn't realize that Usopp had been the only one who had no clue what had been going on.

Luffy smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. "(Y/n) is my girlfriend!"

Usopp's jaw dropped. "What!?"

I blushed and Luffy just smiled. We sat down to eat. Nami looked up at us "so (y/n). I went to your room last night to talk to you, but you weren't there." She raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Where were you?"

"She was in my room!" Luffy said proudly, obviously not understanding what Nami thought happened.

Zoro's head shot up "what!?"

I panicked. "I-its not like that! I promise! N-nothing happened! We were just tired! All we did was sleep! I promise!"

Zoro relaxed a bit but Nami kept her smirk. Luffy looked completely confused "what's wrong?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. Its nothing Luffy."

He shrugged and went back to eating. I sighed and finished my food too.

After breakfast we went out onto the deck. Luffy sat in his normal spot on the Going Merry's head.

"You should come up here too (y/n)."

I looked at him "its ok Luffy, its your special spot."

He smiled "you can be up here too since your my girlfriend!"

I giggled "ok Luffy."

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up. I was sitting on his lap, he put his chin on my shoulder.

"Hey (y/n)? Why was everyone so freaked out about you staying in my room?" Luffy asked innocently.

"Well uh. Never mind. It was nothing. Don't worry about it." I really didn't feel like explain what they thought was happening to Luffy. It would probably scare him.

I kissed his cheek making him a blushing mess."I love you Luffy."

He smiled "I love you too (y/n)." He kissed my forehead making it my turn to blush.

"Aw. You guys are too cute." I turned around to see Nami.

I blushed and hid my face in Luffy's chest to hide my embarrassment. "Shut up Nami!"

She laughed and left me and Luffy. He hugged me "your so cute when your embarrassed (y/n)."

I punched him playfully "shut up Luffy."

"Shishishi its true." He started to tickle me.

"N-no! D-dont tickle me!" I said between my giggle fits. I bit my lip trying to hold my laughter back. "L-luffy! Stop!" I burst out laughing not being able to hold it back anymore.

He looked at me "but your laugh is so cute!"

I put his hat on my head and tipped it down to hide my red face.

He lifted my head up with one hand and laced the other with my own hand. "Don't hide (y/n)! I like seeing your smile!"

"L-luffy." My blush kept growing.

He leaned in close his face only centimeters from mine. He pressed his soft lips onto mine. I closed my eyes and kissed back.

"Oi! Do that somewhere else so I don't have to watch. I helped you guys get together but I don't wanna watch you guys make out."

We broke our kiss and saw Nami again. Both of us blushing like crazy. "If you don't wanna see it don't stick around. You keep coming back over here." I laughed.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. But its still gross. None of us wanna see you guys suck face."

"Fine!" Luffy grabbed my arm.

"Luffy!" My eyes grew wide in shock.

"She said they don't wanna watch us kiss, so we're going to the crows nest!" He pulled me to the crows nest and shut the door. He may be an idiot but I sure love him.

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