Chapter 8 What Did We Get Ourselves Into?

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Rapture By: LadyDawn 2011 Copyright © All Right Reserved

The Music Video on Right is: Xandria - Ravenheart >>>>> 

Chapter 8 What Did We Get Ourselves Into?

The twins and Blaine flew through the night sleeping most of the flight arriving in the early evening Romania time. They step off the plane and head into the camp to meet the camp commander and other trainers waiting for their arrival.

They settle in with a shower and a meeting in the barracks. The commander had to explain what will be expected of them in the coming three months. “Work hard and study the information given to you then you should be back at the manor working beside the Princess before the 31st of October, the night after the full moon ceremony.” The commander of the training camp told them.

The next morning they are brought out for their first ever 10 mile run to which they all come in dead tired from, the training instructor says. “You have fifteen minutes, rest up before taking your first hand to hand training session” They all grumble under their breath. They start off easy this first day learning, but it will slowly get tougher they all know, then as the day wears on it is now dinner time, they head back in to clean up and change.

“In your wardrobes are dress uniforms with gold strips on the sides of them. Wear them every night for dinner with the Queen no exceptions. You do know the regulations when you meet the Queen do you not?” The training instructor barked out.

They all shouted out in unison “Yes Sir Curtsey and hold it till told otherwise”

“Very good. Now go get cleaned up we leave in thirty minutes. Dismissed.” He barked back, turning walked out the barracks door.

Once they all showered and changed, the camp commander escorts them up to the door of the dining room, but before he opens it her explains again just in case. “When you go in and meet with the Queen you Curtsy to the floor bowing your head hold it there till she tells you to rise, is that understood?” He asks the new recruits.

They all reply. “Yes” He asks again.

“I can't hear you! I Must not have heard you correctly”

They once again say “YES SIR” In unison louder. Almost a shout back to the camp commander.

He only grins then opens the door leading them up to the Queen and bows from the waist as the three girls curtsy to the floor bowing their head, the commander shakes his head side to side at the Queen to indicate not to rush it, she waits a few seconds before she states simply “Rises” Then points to the seats around her. “Take your seats please” and watches them scurry to sit down around her.

The Queen claps her hands together and the servers bring out all the food and start serving them starting with the Queen then each of the girls then finally the commander gets his food and they all get their drinks as well.

The Queen speaks up “This is your first day of training the instructors were told to go easy on you today, tomorrow your real training begins, tonight when we finish eating will go to the classroom and start with your first test, fill out some paperwork, then handout your first assignment due tomorrow night for a test due before class starts.

“Groan” They all let out a groan at the same time. The Queen just smiled at them and went on eating.

Blaine and the twins walked into the classroom following the Queen noticing three desks all stacked with books, pencils, papers, and a laptop and in the center of the desk was a white booklet in front of that a gold name plate with each of their names on it, Blaine's in the middle of the twins, 'I guess that was so they wouldn't sit by someone they would be comfortable cheating off of, Blaine was thinking'

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