Chapter 22 Mayan God of Death

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Rapture By: LadyDawn

The Music Video On Right is:Evanescence -Bring Me To Life >>>>>  

Chapter 22 Mayan God of Death

The times at Ravenwood were magical with the arrival of the twins, The goddess knows what life before them was like, with how the Queen is so happy all the time, with singing to the twins while rocking them in her favorite rocker, one would never believe this is the savior of the human race.

Her life has settle down, feeding babies, changing diapers, washing little ones all around playing momma. Yes life has been good to the Queen of the Protectors and the High Council.

A call came over the intercom for the Queen, for her to come to the office to pick up a fax from a remote reporting office; one of the first since setting up the quick response reporting system. Calling out to Camdon, Hunter, and Xandria to meet her in the office she scurries on down to the office to pick up the fax, as hunter is just finishing up reading it with a worried look on his face.

“What's with the sour face there Hunter is it that bad a case we are going on?” the Queen asked Hunter. He hands over the fax to her shaking his head in doing so.

The queen reads the fax which reads.

***** Fax #: *********87421221*****2011*********2***********1

***** Sender ****** Guatemalan reporting agent.75934 ******

***** Attn: Queen Verena Protector US Eradication Unit 1 *****

***** Date: 2.21.2011 *****

***** Case # 00000 1000001.00007 *****

***** Subject: Strange sightings Mythical in nature. *****

***** Memo: Ghost of the God Kisin the god of death,

linked with earthquakes was reincarnated *****

***** Problem: Ghost Kisin of Mayan killing humans at Mayan Temple *****

***** Location: W 89° 37' 19.2” X N 17° 13' 38.45” *****

***** Location: Tikal, Peten Guatemala *****

***** End of Memo ****#*87421221*****2011*********2***********21

“Were going to a Mayan temple? In Guatemala? For real? OMG that sound like so much fun” the Queen said before she read the reason for going “Oh crap not another ghost and a war ghost of a Mayan killing king at that! Why can't we get an easy one for a change of pace” The Queen said frowning now that she read the whole fax through then handed it off to Xandria to read seeing as this would probably be more to her liking that the rest of them.

“This is more like it! This is right up my alley. I am finally getting to show my worth” Xandria said giggling to herself “When do we leave ? Soon I hope this one I can't wait to get started on! I am going to go start packing bye!” Xandria said flitting out of the office so fast the Queen didn’t have time to finish her meeting, or even respond to so much as one of Xandria's questions.

“Well I guess that's settled lets all get packed we leave at noontime sharp see you all at the plane” She said turning toward to exit door, The next thing she knew Amalie was in her arms waiting to be fed, startled almost dropping the little one she stepped back against the door frame to catch her balance before walking on out the door.

“Wilda!” she screamed out walking into the house as in a flash there was Wilda by her side with Amalia in her arms

”You called your Highness?” Wilda asked.

“Um yes Wilda. I was just walking out of the office and Amalie popped into my arms all the way from my bedroom down to the office. We are going to leave for a mission, you are going to have to handle both children while we are gone.” She was telling Wilda the news to prepare her for the extra work with the twins.

High noon they headed out for the south of Mexico flying high and fast taking a total of five and a half hours travel time, landing at the Santa Elena airport south of our destination. Then then transferringto a helicopter for the second part of their trip to the Mayan ruins. Landing there late in the evening just as the sun is setting behind the trees tops.

Setting up camp we set to work checking out the ruins just as the ones that had gone missing had previously done; to see if we could come upon the long dead war god of the Mayan people. Xandria started climbing the temple; all the way to the top while scanning every inch of the area with her keen sense of premonition, and sensory perception; checking out everything within a 1 mile radius of the temple, for the God Kisin the god of death, or any of his present day followers.

Xandria reached an entrance three quarters way to the top of the temple, an energy field emanating from deep inside can be felt not only by her; but by Queen Verena as well, they go inside to check out the reason for the energy spike.

Queen Verena turns a corner and is frozen to the spot, unable to move her feet, can't mover further into the temple center; nor turn back, stuck where she is, where as Xandria is unaffected what so ever, she moves in further to check thing out. “Xandria you go ahead see if you can find the Mayan God and stop him and set me free” She said standing there.

Xandria nodded her head then headed into the temple deeper still......She found the cause of the energy.......a Mayan ritual, a death ritual to bring back other Mayans like, Ah Puchthe god of death, Cizin, Kinich, Ahau one aspect of Itzamná, he was associated with jaguars, they were all Mayan gods of death and war.

Once she found the source of this great energy, Xandria started chanting in a Mayan language herself, from an ancient script unknown to anyone of this time and place, it just came to her as if it was her native tongue rolling out of her mouth, first the Queen was released then the temple started to shake violently. God Kisin the god of death was angry, upon seeing Xandria chanting to the Sun and Moon God of old to take him back to where he belongs.

God Kisin struck out with an earthquake to rattle the temple and all those in and around it to try to stop them from interfering with his return and the return of his fellow death and war gods, but Xandria's magic was stronger than his followers magic was; and in the end she succeeded when they couldn't. They were sent back to their underworld to rest in peace never to walk this land again. And the followers were all rounded up and taken off to jail in a maximum security jail for Mythical prisoner.

They spent two nights there cleaning up the mess that was caused by all the followers to the temple, then choppered out to the airstrip for the long flight back to Queensbury, PA. to there home Ravenwood Manor. The Queen Verena couldn't wait to see her beautiful twins again and a hot shower was calling out her name as well.

It was a long strange trip to the Mayans temple not one they will soon forget. Thought it only took them one day to finish this mission; the cleanup took several day from start to finish with transporting the followers to prison and making sure they never came back. The flight back home now that was a memorable one with all the talk about the Queen being stuck in one spot unable to move she was still fuming about it all the way home bitching up a storm to Xandria.

The Queen wanting to know how Xandria was able to release her from the grip of the Mayan spell, all Xandria could say was magic, magic released her from her trapped state she was in. Xandria had no other explanations for it.

They landed exhausted totally from all the constant bickering back and forth between the Queen and Xandria still going on about the Mayan ruins and their mission there. Till they were safely inside the hanger parked and ready to deplane. Who should pop into mothers arms? Amalie! You guessed it. Before the doors could even open she was in Mommy's arms holding on for dear life. Mommies girl Amalie.

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