Chapter 44 Blaine Has Twins? Oh My!

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Rapture By: LadyDawn 2011 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 44 Blaine Has Twins? Oh My!

It has been six months since the wild party at Ravenwood Manor, and the wonderful night of lovemaking between Blaine and Camdon. The Moon Goddess has blessed them, Blaine is now pregnant with a hugh baby bump, you can see it enter a room long before you know it is her, the baby bump is that large. She looks like she going to burst at any minute waddling around holding her back with both of her hands trying to stand up straight. Most days she spends in bed with Stela catering to her every need hand and foot; breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Blaine is due any day now she has already chosen the names for the twin boys in her belly one being Sandu the other Sorin, after two of the original ONES, from the book the Queen showed her the night of their conception. She is so miserable being so large with the twins inside her kicking and fighting so it seems. She just wants it all to be over. “STELA” A shout rings out throughout the castle walls. Flitting in comes her Lady-in-waiting.

You called Your Highness how may I be of assistance?” Stela asks scurrying over to her mistresses side of the bed.

“Ugg I am just so uncomfortable these twins won't stop kicking and fighting I swear when they get out I going to tan their little hides” Blaine puffs out her cheeks she is totally flustered “Can you get me something, anything to make me more comfortable? I can't take much more of these two kicking my insides out I swear they are going to be the death of me” Blaine shifting positions trying to get comfortable. “They keep trying to kick my bladder like a darn football” Blaine really having a hard time dealing with two active growing twins in her overly large belly.

“Right away Mistress let me see what I can do for you” Stela turned and disappear leaving Blaine alone in her bedroom squirming here and there trying to shift her overly large baby bump into a position to get comfortable. Seconds later Stela was back by her side with a bright red glass of blood and a comfortable looking pillow for Blaine to place behind her back. Twenty minutes later two babies were sound asleep. If Blaine wasn't positive they were both vampires she would have sworn that they were both purring inside her belly, they were so content.

“Stela that was amazing what was in that drink beside my blood?” She asked.

“That was sent here by your doctor just in case something like this happened to you. I was told to use it only if it was an emergency and this looked like one to me” Stela was smiling back down at her comfortably resting charge Blaine. “You get your rest I will inform your doctors you are ready to give birth any day now, see when they want us to bring you in” Stela informed her as she turned heading out turning off the lights so Blaine could get a few minutes sleep before the twins decided to play another game of footsie inside her belly.

Stella informed Blaine's doctor of her impending birth to have them ready for her arrival and to have a proper supply of blood on hand unlike last time. They were told to wait till Xandria got there that evening before heading out which they all did. Stella, Anton, Camdon , Blaine, and Xandria all flew into Germany to the birthing center at the medical clinic at the High Council. They left behind Sabine and Liese to run the office by themselves this time with instructions that if a big mission came in to call Camdon and he would head out right away.

Blaine was in labor for twenty eight hours this time all was going great the first baby's head was cresting. Camdon was by her side holding her hand lifting her pillow to assist her in pushing. Xandria was assisting the doctor by lessening Blaine’s pain and sending calming waves into her body relaxing the twins making the birth go by smoother. It was going so good Blaine was about to give birth to the first child; the head was almost out completely, Camdon looked down at the doctor, then at the mirror that he and Blaine could see the babies birth in, then it happened. Bang! Slam! Crash! Blaine turned her head in the direction of Camdon, or in the direction Camdon was supposed to be standing but he wasn't there.

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