Chapter 28 And Then There Were Four

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Rapture By: LadyDawn

The Music Video On Right is: Evanescence - LACRYMOSA>>>>>

Chapter 28 And Then There Were Four

Time passed quickly after the Dark Witch died and they all returned back home. The Queen turned into a living blimp, with the new upcoming twins which decided to come a bit early. Here we are all in Germany, the Queen ready to give birth, a nervous King Hunter, Xandria; the all powerful Witch, the first set of twins Amalia & Amalie, Wilda, and lastly the Queens mum & dad all camped out in the delivery room waiting on Queen Verena to give birth to these new twins.

*********** Germany Delivery Room 101 **********

“Push that's a girl come on one more big push and the second one will be crowned, come on I can see the hair, a little more, yes that's it your doing just fine”

S c r e a m

“Would you shut up damn it” Hunter shouted after his lovely wife screamed into his ear for like the hundredth time.

“Come on you can do it one more hard push and it will be here now PUSH!” The Doctor said encouraging Verena.

“Damn it I am PUSHING! What the hell do you think I am doing here sleeping shit”

“That's it good girl she's out! It is another girl! You have twin girls! Congratulations Your Highness and welcome to the world to you little one”

“Let me see her please” The Queen asked the midwife.

“Here you go they are just the cutest little girls” she said “They have their daddy”s eyes and hair color” The midwife stated.

“Yes I agree don't you Wilda?” The queen asked “S c r e a m! Watch what your doing!” The midwife finishing up after the birth. “I..I need some blood,... preferably fresh right from the source” The Queen asked for. They all turned, nurse headed out into the hall, she headed down to the waiting area looking for a suitable donor, returning with a young host donor.

When the Queen was done feeding feeling stronger, the host donor was placed on a gurney, then sent to a recovery room. The Queen got up and proceed to help feed, the newest new born, the second to be born, Ceferina, while Wilda fed Catarina, two of the cutest wolf babies.

At 01:15 hours in the morning after 11 hours of labor she finally gave birth to identical twin girls, one minute apart. Catarina & Ceferina were born both weighting in at 5 pounds 7 ounces each with, a full head of dark brown hair and brown/gold fleck eyes and Hunters olive toned skin almost the spitting image of Hunter, such beautiful little ones.

After checking out the babies health they were both taken to the nursery for a full medical check up while the nurses brought the Queen mother over to her own luxury room which had two beds one King sized for the King and Queen; one full size for Wilda, and two cradles for the twins.

Amalia & Amalie are so fascinated with the new twins, “Mommy they are so little, can they talk?” Amalia asked so thrilled

“No baby girl they are too little to talk just like you didn't at first” Mommy explaining to her little ones giggling the things little one ask. The older twins keep touching their sisters bonding with them, and when ever they back away from the newborns they start to cry, the same thing happens when mommy or Wilda is touching or feeding them. It is the bond that they are forming between the four children, mother and Wilda the nanny.

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