Your Queen Enters The Room

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Rapture By: LadyDawn

Your Queen Enters The Room

“All kneel and curtsey to your Queen and King!, It gives me great pleasure to introduce you all to your beloved Queen Verena Rosalind Coinín Davin and your King His Majesty Hunter Davin” 

******************Behind The Stage Curtain *************************

“Looks like we have a good crowd here tonight Hunter”

“I do believe you are right sweetie. Lets hope we have better luck this time that the last time we talked to them, or we may have to go Protector on a few of them to demonstrate we mean business.”

“I don't think we will have to go that far. These are reasonable people that are reading our story they will understand when we ask them nicely. Come on lets go out there on stage and talk to them.”

****************** On Stage Queen Verena & King Hunter ******************

“Good evening Ladies and Gentleman thank you all for coming tonight to see us and listen to our little speech tonight. All Rise and take your seats please. I would like to start out by saying Thank You to LadyDawn for all her hard work in documenting our life and struggles to protect and keep our kind hidden from the vast majority of your species.” The Queen looking around at all the faces looking back at her a sly smile appears upon her face.

“Originally when the Historian LadyDawn purposed to us to put our life story here on Wattpad we were dead set against it. She told us that you all were good people and would like to read about our life's trials and tribulations, the missions we had to do to keep the human race safe from our kind and oblivious of us.” Hunter stretching out his arms to the crowd of people showing he is talking to each of them.

“Well seeing as you all here reading our story who know more that we originally wanted anyone to know about all of us; being the Protectors, now that you do anyway I want to know one thing from each of you?”

“I expressly told LadyDawn under no condition to mess up my story by placing any kind of comments by the Author on any of the chapter weather it be for a notice, a comment, a request, or any other reason. I strictly forbid it! I told her if she wanted to ask for comments or vote to do it through Facebook, Tweeter, +1, or by sending out messages to all you good fans that read my story. Ah but here lies the problem she has informed me just this past week when I sank my teeth into her to read her mind.” Queen Verena looked to hunter to take over.

“You all have not been leaving any comments or many votes on the chapters for the last twenty of so chapters possibly longer for some of you. That is not a very nice thing to do. My Queen has told me after reading LadyDawn's mind that aside from from her messing up on one chapter that she was punished for severely, that she can't seem to motivate any of you to leave comments! So I am going to ask you right here and now WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? It only take a few second to type in a few short words, I know you can do that I see you doing it on other stories all the time. All we are asking you is to give us a tiny bit of consideration.” Hunter turned the stage back over to Queen Verena

“Think of that poor human LadyDawn stuck with all of us Vampires and Werewolves day in and day out just to get all the facts down on her laptop, so she could write her poor fingers to the bone. For what just so you could read my story; and my family and fellow Protectors stories. Now don't you think you could spend just that few seconds it takes out of your busy day to leave a comment, and to click that little vote thingy up there to the upper left hand side to show her you appreciate her hard work? So what do you say give her a little credit for me your Queen Verena”

Queen Verena looking down upon all the readers sitting there looking back at her thinking this doesn’t apply to me when in reality it does! How long has it been since you the reader has left a simple comment or voted for a chapter? How simple a thing to do for an Author isn't it but how often do we skip over doing it. I as a reader am guilty of doing it from time to time, Hanging my head in shame not that the Queen has brought it to my attention. I will try to be a better human and Wattpad reader.

“That is all we wanted to ask of you fine folks here tonight. We really do appreciate every single one of you reading our story and supporting it on Wattpad like you all do. You are the best fans and readers on any book reading site on the internet and I as Queen bow to each one of you. Thank you all for following my story and I hope you will follow my childrens story when LadyDawn decides it is the right time to post that to Wattpad also.”

Queen Verena Rosalind Coinín Davin

King Hunter Davin

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