Chapter Five

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( this chapter is dedicated to KatherinePulitzumber who has a boo boo ... *kisses it * ALL BETTER ! Now enjoy and send her warm wishes and cupcakes !!!! Muah ! )

Katherine woke up groaning . School was actually a good thing for her but today was going to be horrible .
She quickly got dressed and threw her hair up in a ponytail . Katherine grabbed a water bottle and her keys and began to walk out the door.

She walked to her car rather quickly "Katherine!" Her father said . Katherine turned around and saw him.

"Yes ?" She asked putting her bag and binder in her car.

"Remember tonight is the country club... 6 pm sharp ... " he said .

"Okay ... Bye dad " Katherine said and got in her car. Joseph walked off to his own car and he drove to work.

Katherine picked up Clara and they got coffee. "Can we talk about something ?" Katherine asked .

"Yeah what's up ?" Clara asked .

"Do you know anyone at school who's married ? Who's not a teacher ?"

"No... Why ? Do you have some gossip ! Oh tell me what very thing !!!" She happily squeaked .

"Don't tell anyone ... But -"

"But what ?!"

"My dad's business partner and him made a deal and I'm getting married... Soon" Katherine said as she turned into the schools parking lot .

"You're marrying your dad's business partner?" Clara asked .

"What ?! No ! God no ! I'm marrying his son ... He's 17... "

"Wait , is isn't illegal to get married before you're 18?" Clara asked .

"No , not if you have your parents permission... And apparently I don't have a choice !" Katherine said angrily .

They got out of the car and walked inside the school . Clara had to walk to her first period without Katherine.

She walked inside her first class , AP biology. She walked in and sat down . "Why the down face ?" Race asked her as she angrily write her name on her paper .

"My parents are so stupid !" Katherine said opening her text book.

She went on with her day . Lunch was where she finally smiled today . "Katherine?!" She turned and saw Clara holding a cupcake .

"What ?" Katherine asked .

"I got you a cupcake.... Here my dear " she said . Katherine smiled and they walked to their table .

Katherine ate her lunch and chilled with her friends . There was a crash near the lunch lines and she turned her head . There was a fight going on. Katherine and Clara ran to see Race and some kid from the basketball team fighting .

"Race ! Stop !" Katherine said. "Come on race !" She said . Two of the guys from their group pulled him off .
Katherine held onto his shoulders . "What were you thinking ?" She asked .

"He said that they should have gotten all the money " race said .

"But we have it all .... So stop !" Katherine said .

"Hey Pulitzer ! Tell your gay boy to stay off my defense !" Jack said .

Katherine winced at 'gay boy' . Race was an amazing performer and had a huge heart .... "Race .... Kill him " she said and set him free .

"THIS ONES FOR NEIL PATRICK HARRIS !" Race said running to the boy and taking him down.
Katherine smirked at Jack , her 'gay boy ' was so much stronger than his defense dude . Eventually the dean came and broke it up .


Katherine went inside her house and began to get ready for the stupid country club dinner . Once she was dressed and she was ready she walked down the stairs to her parents car.
The drive to the club was long and boring. And seemed to go on forever.

Katherine was helped out of the car by a worker and she followed her family inside .

"I'm going to see if Roger is here .... Roger is the boy's father " Pulitzer said . Katherine nodded .

"Sit up straight please dear " her mother said . Katherine sat up straight and looked around . There was pm egg of young men so one of them had to be her future husband.

"Katherine? Come with me dear " her father said . Katherine got up and followed her father .

They walked upstairs to one of the tea rooms . "Katherine? Go inside and sit down .... He will be here soon ... Then after you meet each other for a while , come downstairs and we'll all eat a nice dinner together... " her father said .

Katherine opened the door and sat down on the small chair . Her hands shook as she nervously awaited for this boy to come .

The door opened and Katherine turned around .

"Hello , I'm Jacks- you !" Jack said .

Katherine yelled "no !" And then went to the window .

"What are you gonna jump ?" Jack joked .

"No .... I was making it easier for you to jump " Katherine said .

Jack rolled his eyes . "I really don't want to get to know you .... Let's just go downstairs " Jack said .

"I guess we can agree on something " Katherine said . They walked down the stairs and went to the table .

"You must be Katherine, I'm Roger , Jack's father " the man said . Jack helped Katherine into her seat .

"Yes ... It's nice to meet you ... " Katherine said . Their food was brought out and Katherine made a mental note to kill her parents in their sleep .

Jack got out of his chair and cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen... Can I have your attention please ?" Jack asked and the entire dining hall. "Miss Katherine Pulitzer?" Jack asked .

Katherine got out of her chair with help of her father and walked to him .

"Miss Katherine Pulitzer, would you do me the honor of marrying me ?" He asked getting down on one knee.

"Yes .." She said and Jack slid the ring on her finger . He hugged her and smiled to the crowd .

"You know for a sports guy ... you're not to bad at acting " Katherine said mocking him .

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