Chapter Twenty-Five

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The game went on and Jack made more baskets . The team was winning by over 35 points ... All Jack could think of was that performance.

There was only a minute left and there was no way in hell that the other team could win.

"Come on Jack !" He heard in Katherine's voice . He then shot the ball and it went in.

The buzzer rang and the team cheered . Their team had won and that stupid superstition was over and done .

The team finished and the cheerleaders all ran on the court and cheered for the guys .

The girls all hugged them , Katherine watched as Sara tried to hug him. Katherine watched as the team walked off to their locker rooms .

Katherine had her Veronica outfit off and was just in jeans and one of Jack's t-shirts that she stole . She also had her big sweatshirt over .

Katherine said goodbye to her friends and walked to the outside of the boys locker room , she waited for Jack .

Her purse was slung over her shoulder and she waited . "Hey , Pulitzer .... Shit , I mean Kelly ... You're pretty good at signing ... Sorry about my sisters ... You can't pick your family " Davey said.

"Thanks , congrats ok the win " she said .

"Thanks " he said and walked out .

Jack came out with his gym back on his shoulders and phone in his hand . "Hey , Mr. Basketball played pretty well ! Congrats on the win " Katherine said .

Jack looked up from his phone and smiled "thanks ... " he said and hugged her "you sung amazing ... The whole team loved you !" He said .

"Thanks ... " Katherine said , they began to walk out to jacks car , there was light snow on the ground .

Sara walked past them and Jack quickly put his arm around her shoulder . "Great job Jack " she said and smiled .

"Thanks ... But Katherine stole the show" Jack said .

"Yeah ..." She said and walked off . Jack and Katherine got in his car and he began to drive home .

"So ... When did they make a cheer for you ?" Katherine asked .

"When I was a freshman ... The varsity team had a missing player so they asked me if I would help , I was in varsity basketball every since " Jack said .

"You're parents seemed really proud " Katherine said .

"Yeah , I'm sure I'll get some calls from my dad yelling at me because of my form or how my elbows looked " Jack said .

"Well I think you did great ... Jack it was pretty impressive " Katherine said .

They turned into their street , and the snow began to fall harder . They parked and Jack and Katherine walked up the stairs to their door .

He opened the door and then closed it quickly . It was freezing . Katherine put her bag on the hook and grabbed her phone .

"I'm gonna take a shower " Jack said and went to the stairs

"Good ! I wasn't about to lay next to you all sweaty " Katherine said .

"Ha , ha !" He said walked up the stairs .

Katherine quickly got changed for bed and laid down on her phone . Jack was dressed and his hair was wet.

Jack flopped down and was laying down , his legs on Katherine's stomach "get off of me !" She said laughing trying to push him off .

"Sorry I'm going to sleep " he said .

"Come on !" She said laughing and tried to push him harder . Katherine got him off of her and whacked him with a pillow .

"Oh okay , now you're gonna get it !" He said and he began to tickle her . She started to laugh as Jack tickler her . She was laughing so much .

"Stop !" She said laughing . Jack stopped for a second and he helped her up. They died from the laughter .

"You know Jack ... I can actually say that I was pretty proud to be your wife tonight" Katherine said .

"Me too ... Everyone enjoyed your performance... You can really sing b.... Kath " he said and quickly caught himself from saying babe .

"Thanks .." Katherine thankfully didn't notice the b he said .

Katherine grabbed her rubber band that was on the nightstand and tied her hair up. Jack watched as she did so.

Katherine yawned "you're tired " he said pushing her shoulder .

"No I'm not ..." She said and yawned ."besides its a fries day !"

"Friday ?" He said .

"Yeah ... Fries day " she said yawning .

Jack smiled . She then fell onto his shoulder and was dead asleep . He smiled to himself and picked her , tucked her in and went to sleep himself .

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