Chapter Thirty

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Katherine and Jack drove to the restaurant. The second Jack walked in men were congratulating him on the win. Many of them saying they watched it on their phones .

Jack smiled and led himself and Katherine to their table , where both sets of parents were sitting , talking about stuff .

The families ordered their food and began small talk . Katherine was unfolding her napkin when Jack's mother asked her the worst question of all.

"So when do you two plan on having children?"

Katherine's eyes widened and Jack gasped . "Mom , that's not necessarily the best topic " Jack said .

"It's a question all of us are dying to know" Hannah said for Whitney .

"Mom , it's not that we don't think it's not your question it's just is it really the time to talk about it ?" Katherine asked .

"I say it is " Joseph added taking a sip of his coffee .

"I second that " Roger said .

"Katherine and I haven't talked about this" Jack told them all.

"And we said we wouldn't talk about it until I finish high school " Katherine said .

"Well you're graduating with early aren't you ... You graduate what .... A week after Jack ... Why can't we talk about this?" Roger said .

"I'm not ready to be a mom ! I can't take care of myself ... Or Jack for that matter " Katherine said .

"It's true ! She didn't wake me up once " Jack replied quickly .

"But a baby is different " Hannah said .

"Do you two really want to be called grandma ?" Jack asked . Their mother both stopped for a minute to think .

"Of course not ! I would be grannah " Hannah said .

"I like that ! I'll be Granity " Whitney smiled .

Katherine put her head in her hands . "Not what we meant"

"Besides, who wants to be in college and have a baby to come home to ?" Jack asked .

"I did " Joseph said .

"But dad , mom didn't go to school when she had Steven " Katherine said .

"Then how about you don't either " he said .

"Katherine's education is more important than a baby " Jack retorted quickly .

"I'm not saying it's not I'm saying she could take a gap year or three until the child could be in preschool " Joseph said .

"Joseph does make a point " Roger said.

"Guys , this is our lives okay ... We don't want a baby ... Now .... However maybe in 5 or 6 years we will be ready for one " Katherine said .

"Besides , you guys forced us to get married can you lay off the baby thing ?" Jack said .

They all looked at each other and nodded "very well ... We'll change the subject " Roger said .

"Jack have you picked a university?" Hannah asked .

"NYU... Basketball ." Jack said .

"Dear , have they talked to you about you playing professionally?" Whitney asked .

"Like the NBA ? No , but I think if I play college ball it will get some open doors " Jack said .

"What about you Katherine , any thoughts ?" Roger asked her .

"Business, like dad " Katherine said

"But you seem to have this passion for performing ... NYU has a performing arts program ... You should look into that " Whitney said .

"I have , but if I preform I only have like a .5 percent chance that I'll actually make it ... It's better this way " Katherine said and then their food came .

Jack could tell Katherine's emotions fell after that. He could also tell Joseph probably felt like a jerk after seeing her face so upset .

Their meal ended and they all went their separate ways . Katherine and Jack were walking to the car "oh ! I forgot to give your father the tickets to the game were gonna see ... Here's the keys " Jack said and handed her the car keys .

"Okay " she replied as she got in the car . Jack jogged across the lot to Pulitzer.

"Sir ?" Jack asked , the cold air moving out into a cloud .

"Jackson ? What's this matter ?" He asked .

"Sir , I really think that you should pay for Katherine to pursue theatre ... She's good , really good ... And I know she wants to go to Carngine Mellon , but NYU already accepted her . She could change majors and then get into their theatre program ... " Jack said .

"Jackson , we've decided that she will go to business where it's stable " he said .

"Sir , she lights up a stage when she's on it ... When my parents dragged me to see Phantom of the Opera when I was 15 I thought Christine was good ... Sir Katherine is some much better acting and vocally ... Please sir " Jack said .

"I don't know -"

"Business could always be a back up " Jack said .

"Oh alright " he said . Jack shook his hand and went back to his car .

Katherine and Jack were driving home , some music playing . "Guess what " Jack said as he turned down their street .

"What ?"

"You get to go to NYU , majoring in theatre ... With a minor is business " Jack said and parked the car .

Katherine's mouth was wide open as he got his duffle bag out and began to walk up the steps to the door .

"You're kidding !"

"Nope , talked to your dad a minute ago " he said and opened the door to their home .

Katherine followed him inside "Jack ... You're not joking ?"

"No " he said .

Katherine hugged him tightly , and he hugged her bag , dropping his duffle bag to the floor .

"Thank you so much Jack " she said .

"But part of the deal is you go to business school as a back up if you don't make it ... Which I doubt will happen " Jack said .

"Jack thank you so much !" She said and wrapped her arms around his neck once more . He hugged her back tightly .

Soon enough they both pulled away and stood their , looking at one another .

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