Everything is Fine...Right? (Chapter 17)

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After Zayn and I ditched the rest of the day we sat there just enjoying each others presence. I could fell him gently kissing my head and his arms tightening around me at times like he didn't know if this was real or a dream.

He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. After he took a long drag he just looked out.

The smell of the cigarette had a weird calming effect because it reminded me of Zayn. It brought me back to the first time we talked.

"Rebekah?" He asks.

I look up towards him.

"Do you love me?" He asks his voice shaking.

I automatically reply, "More than you even know." I mumble embarrassed of the way I've shown it.

"I know I broke your trust and i will take however long it takes for you to take me back." He smiles a bit.

"Come on." He suddenly stood up and walked towards the student parking lot. I follow knowing that I trust him completely.

We get to his car. He reaches in and looks for something. He brings out a silver necklace.

"I was planning to give this to you on Sundays but..." He fades off, " if you say you will never break my heart for as long as you love me...well you will have my full trust." He mumbles. I grab his chin and turn it so i am looking directly in his eyes.

"Zayn Malik, for as long as I, Rebekah Anderson love you, I will never ever break your heart, because you will always be my first love and hopefully...my last." I whisper the last two words. He lips make contact with mine for only a brief moment. He come back to put the necklace on. I look down to see a star, about an inch with the word Love on the back.

I look up to see Zayn holding a dog tag necklace between his fingers. On the back it has a star and then love also.

I grin and then pull my arms around him. "I am so sorry. I love you so much it hurts." I whisper.

He pulls away and leads me to the passenger side. I get in while he walks back over to the drivers side. We start to drive until we arrive at the park he took me to the night after we went to the club. He grabbed a blanket and sat under a shady tree.

We settled in and sat in a comfortable silence, me under his arm and him holding me.

"Do you remember the night I look you to DJ with me?" I nod at him and look up curiously.

"Well the morning after when you asked if you did anything crazy, I lied." He says with a grin.

"Oh my God Zayn! What did you let me do?" Horror crossing my face.

"I actually quite enjoyed it." He smirks and then laughs.

"Well, what did I do? Come on! I'm going crazy over here." He laughs at be again.

"Well, I could probably show you better than I could tell you.." He trails off leaning into me.

His lips touch mine as my eyes close. He starts to kiss me passionately until I loose my breath. He pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"That's exactly what happened." He says with a smirk. I laugh at him.

"I'm so glad that it was you and not some stranger." I grin.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too."I give a small kiss.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask a little concerned.

"I wasn't ready and neither were you."

"I see. Well I'm glad that now we are okay. Right?" I look up with hopeful eyes.

"Right."he grins. He sits there with his arms wrapped around me, occasionally kissing my hair. We stay at the park until the sun sets.

"What a beautiful orange." I whisper.

"I know." We watch the sunset, no matter how cheesy it was it was pretty perfect.

"Come on. Your family is probably freaking out." He says standing.

"I don't want to go home yet." I whimper as he tries to pull me up.

"Come on this weekend we can hang out just the two of us. Okay?" He asks.

"Alright." I finally let him pull me up. We walk back slowly yo his car. He comes over to my side to open the door then gets in on his side.

"Any station?" I ask. He smiles and nods. I look through for a while and finally settle on a pop station. I turn it all the way up and Zayn grins as the sun shines in giving a him a very attractive shadow.

I sit there and sing along until Zayn pulls into my driveway.

"Goodnight Love." He whispers. I smile.

"Goodnight baby." I hug him and hold him for a few minutes. After I get out and wave. He drives away while I walk up to the door.

Once I get in its quiet then I hear the voices in the living room.

"Uhhm, hey." I say nervously. I just disappeared for a few hours and turn up at home, someones ought to be mad at me.

"Oh my gosh Rebekah! I was so worried." My uncle comes to me. My aunt sits behind him smirking for some reason.

"Where were you? I was so worried." He says.

"I was with Zayn.." I trail off.

"Told you!" My aunt starts laughing. That's why she had that smirk. A small smile comes to my face.

"How was it? are you two okay now?" She asks, pleased. I feel a little overwhelmed and she notices.

"Come on lets go upstairs." She say already walking upstairs. I follow quickly and when I get to my room she's already sitting. I'm grinning and she grinning. I tell her about how I found him behind the school and how he looked as bad as I did then about how he rejected Rachelle. I skimmed over the part about skipping the rest of classes and told her about the park. I showed her the necklace he gave to me. She seems really happy.

"Oh honey that's great just be the best you can be for him, everyone makes mistakes." She says. After she leaves I change into some sweats. The doorbell rings then I walk down to get dinner.

"Hell no." I hear Kyle say sternly.

"Please. I need to talk to her." Someone pleads.

"No her and Zayn made up, leave them be." I peek around the corner to see who he's talking to. I see Louis. I am so not ready to confront him yet. I take a deep breath, close my eyes and step out from behind my corner.


Hello readers :) hope you enjoyed. sorry its so short and its been a while so you know how I like cliffhangers. yeah so anyway you guys heard about Diana getting leaked!? yeah I am pretty upset but kind of happy. I haven't heard it though. like people are saying it saved their lives so that makes me happy but they worked so hard and then it just gets leaked? that's messed up you know? sorry for that but I had to get it out. Alright hope you guys have an awesome day/night :)


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Then there's Angela to the side c:

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