Complications, Forgiveness, and Firsts(Chapter 22)

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*Zayn's P.O.V.*

Oh no, its him, I think to myself.

I can't believe he found us. I look to Rebekah and see her face reflect the horror in mine. I knew telling her was the right thing to do but what does she think now?

I see Vic walk towards me but Rebekah's gaze stays in its previous place. I follow it and see Louis. I feel anger rise in me and am about to say something, when Vic walks to me with his friends.

"What up man?" He asks smoothly with his hand out. I see Rebekah walk forward out of the side of my eye.

What is she doing? I ask myself.

*Rebekah's P.O.V.*

I feel my legs bring me forward. I don't want to move but I am. I am walking towards the Louis.

Louis. The boy who I let ruin Zayn's and I relationship. Why am I walking again?

He looks up and I see his crystal blue eyes, so clear. They always seem to change. His face his surprised and happy. I want to stop walking but its already too late because by the time I regain my limbs he's already saying hi.

"Rebekah," He breathes.

"Hi, how have you been?" His grin widens.

"Uhm, good." I feel myself tense as he lightly puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I really miss hanging out with you all." He says sadly. I feel so bad because in a way this is all my fault. I could have denied him and he everything would be okay. I want to cry because I realize what I have done. I've torn a life long friendship apart. All these people have probably know each other since elementary school and I have taken what they have and torn it apart, torn to shreds.

I walk away, because I do feel like I'm going to cry and I refuse cry in a crowded room. I feel the tears spill onto my cheeks as I grasp the handle to the stairs. I quickly walk up and turn to my left. I walk into the first room.

I turn in to see what looms like a boys room. It looks like Zayn's but has a different feeling. I sit on the bed. and let the tears fall but I don't dare make a sound.

The door is opened and I look up to see Harry and Kyle, their lips are attached to each other. I feel my cheeks heat up as I realize I have interrupted such an intimate moment.

"Becca?" Kyle asks and squints through the dark.

"Babe, have you been crying? What's the matter?" Harry asks concern laced through his voice.

I shrug and feel another wave of tears coming.

"Come on. Tell us." They sit on either side of me and hug me.

"I'm just so selfish." I say lightly.

"What? Why do you say that?" Harry asks.

"I've torn apart a friendship. Just completely demolished it. The worst thing is I could have chosen to stop this but I was selfish. I went for what I knew I couldn't have." By then I've stopped crying because the self pity has gotten to be too much.

"Our friendship with Louis?" Kyle asks. I only nod and wait for them to agree.

"Look friends, they come and they go. Louis happened to be one that left but you, you came and now you are here. I mean who brought us together in the first place?" I nod as though I understand but I completely disagree.

"Yeah, I mean who do you think inspired me to come out?"Kyle asks.

"Me?" I ask.

"Yes, you because when you came here I saw how miserable you actually were but you never spoke up and complained. I thought if she can do that then I can deal with whatever comes with me being gay." He says with happy smile.

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