First Day (Chapter 2)

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I heard the sound of my alarm going off. I turned it off then got up. I grabbed a towel then slowly walked to the bathroom. I turned to the mirror to look at myself. I saw a girl with dark brown hair and light brown eyes. Her light skin contrasting to her dark shirt.

I got into the shower letting the water warm my body. I finally got out and got dressed. I wore dark blue skinny jeans and a green v-neck. I applied a little mascara then a little eyeliner on my top lid only. I finished it off with concealer.

I grabbed my jacket and backpack then went downstairs. My cousins were down there already. They were eating cereal. My aunt cam over and brought a spoon and bowl. I poured my cereal then ate.

"Are you ready for school?" my aunt asked cheerfully. I gave her a forced smile. She gave me look that told me she knew the truth, but I ignored it.

"Time to leave guys", my aunt said. We grabbed our stuff then went into her mini van. We dropped off the twins first.

We rode in silence then we finally got to the school. My heart was racing. I could feel the nervousness in my stomach. We got out if the van then started walking towards all the buildings. Kyle pointed in the direction of the office, I gave him a small smile. He returned a smile then left. See what never seeing your family that lives in UK does to you? we haven't even spoke a word today.

I entered the building, it looked like any other school. As I walked the hallway to the office area there was a group of girls who gave me dirty looks as I walked, I cowered away and looked down. The school itself was dark, dull, and old. I went to the woman at the front desk. She was typing away furiously.

"Hi, I'm a new student."

"Name?" she asked without looking away from her screen.

"Rebekah Anderson"

She handed me my schedule, school ID, locker combination. and a map of the school.

"Welcome to our school." she said cheerfully. The bell would ring in fifteen minutes. I quickly found my locker them started to look for my classroom. While looking at the map a tall boy bumped into me, knocking over what was in my hands.

"Oh, I'm so sorry let me help you." he bent down to help me retrieve my things. I got a good look at him he had curly hair and huge hands. His green eyes stared at me.

"You're new here right?" I looked at him,"Uhhm did you know?" he asked a little creeped out. He laughed at my expression which probably mirrored my feelings.

"Well I've never seen here so I just guessed" he smirked. "Oh yeah" I laughed too. He seemed very nice. "Here i'll help you out" he said taking my schedule. "Well you have everything with me except for French and Music. C'mon i'll show you your first class." he said with a grin, dimples popping out. He was attractive, but not my type. "By the way my name is Harry." he said. Oh well he seems like a good friend. We were in math first, or maths as they called it. We walked to the class and went in. I walked to the teachers desk as Harry took his seat next to a group of boys that took over the left front corner of the desks. I talked to the teacher, Mr.Smith.

"Class, class," he spoke in a loud deep voice, "Listen up, we have a new student by the name of Rebekah." I instantly felt insecure due to the really pretty, perfect looking girls. They looked at me in the way an animal looks at its prey. I looked down again, it was the same girls from the hallway.

Mr.Smith told me to take the empty seat between a boy with Brown cropped hair and a girl with glasses, a pony tail of blonde hair and blue eyes. She gave me a warm friendly smile. The boy didn't even notice me, and I was fine with that.

The bell rang signaling class had ended. Harry waited for me to take me to my next class. We walked down the hallway as one of the girls who looked at me like I was prey went past me. When she passed me knocked my books out of my hands. She looked back then said" Oops, sorry" in the most sarcastic tone I've ever heard.

"Not cool Rachelle" Harry chimed in.

"No Harry its fine" I said in a small voice. Harry stayed silent. We picked up my stuff again. He told me I had Music next. He showed me the class and I thanked him.

I walked into the class to see no one was there, not even the teacher. The class was a music room, with chairs around an area that was the "stage". I sat in a chair to the back then started to play angry birds on my phone. This day was good and bad. I already had a friend and I already had someone who didn't like me.

I heard footsteps walk through the door. I looked up to see the girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and glasses. She came up to me smile then spoke, "Hello, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself, my name is Penny." I smiled.

"Well you already know my name I guess," I sounded cocky " I'm glad I even sort of know someone in this class." She smiled. The teacher came in. She was an older women in her fifties. She had a warm friendly atmosphere.

It was finally lunch. After Music I had gone to English which Penny showed me to. She had introduced me to her friend Angela. I was now sitting with then at lunch. I spotted Kyle with that boy Harry and the other boy I sit next to in math. There were two other boys with them. Angela saw me looking,"Like what ya see?" she said with a smile. I laughed "No I was just curious about those boys, one of them is my cousin anyway."

"Really? Which one?" Penny asked excitedly. "Kyle" I replied.

"Well lucky you " she replied with a wink. I had a feeling she liked Kyle.

Lunch was over and I had French.

French started the same, the teacher introduced me to the class then assigned me a seat. Penny, Angela, or Harry weren't in this class. The class was packed. I sat in the back right corner next to a boy with dark skin, dark hair, and brown eyes. The teachers name was Ms.Bernard. I could tell she could be very strict yet very laid back.

"Class, first day back does not mean fool around of means get back into the swing of things,"She said very strictly, "Pick a partner, they will be your partner until the end of the year." Everyone turned to their friends and had partners. I was still alone. "Anyone not have a partner?" Ms Bernard asked. I sheepishly raised my hand as did another student. The boy right next to me raised his hand too. She immediately put us together. "Okay class I want you and you partner to translated these 30 words on the board. This is due at the end of class."

I turned to my partner. He was quiet for a moment then he turned in his desk. "My name so Zayn and yours is Rebekah, right?". I only nodded because I was stunned, he was completely gorgeous. I didn't even know I had a type until I met Harry. Was this boy my type?

"Rebekah?" I heard him say.

"What? sorry?" I said softly.

"I asked how much French you knew." I blushed, I didnt know any they just put me in this class.

"I uhhm don't know much, the school kind of just put me here."

His expression hadn't changed at all he looked bored. "Oh okay well I have taken it four years so don't worry about it." I felt releived. I smiled at him, but his eyes were glued to the paper. I sat there feeling useless as he did the work. He seemed like a really smart person.

The bell finally rang signalling the end of school. I had gone through two more classes after French. Harry, Angela and Penny had been in them. I met Kyle back where we were dropped off. My aunt picked us up. She asked me how my day was. I told her the truth. It was actually a good day. I had a couple friends.

When we got back I went to my room. After a while I got a knock on my door. "Come in", I called. Kyle walked in. "Hi" I said. "Hey", he replied. "What's up?" I asked.

"Oh well you know Harry?, he uhhm asked me to invite you to a party his friend is having, he said you can bring people, like two or three." He seemed kind of awkward asking. "Oh well thanks that sounds nice." I said. He gave me a quick smile then walked out. I feel like my own cousin doesn't like me.

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