Cher, Snores, and Harry (Chapter 40)

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*One Month, Four Shows Later*

"Rebekah and Cher." The host says the two names I don't want to hear.

"You're in the bottom two." after those words I blank out and look to Cher who is giving me a sad smile. I try to smile back but I can't. I'm going up against one of my friends, its terrible. I understand that I've been up against them this whole time but the realization is just hitting me now. We are rushed backstage to prepare ouselves during the short commercial break.

"Rebekah, I want you to know that if you stay and I go or vice versa, I want to still be friends." She clasps her hands in mine. I want to cry because the pain in her eyes is real. I nod and hug her. She's going to be first, in a matter of moments She's called to the stage where she begins her song. She sounds nervous, but amazing as always.

"Hey, you okay?" Zayn comes from behind me. One good thing came from today, One Direction came out first in the polls. I hear the ending of Cher's song and begin to prepare myself. When she walks off she smiles again but its weak. My face probably mirrors hers. I walk up the stairs and to the stage, ready to sing my song.


"Cher, I'm sorry. You're going home tonight." The host host announces with sorrow. I imediantly step to her and hug her. Her hands press into my back as do mine. My shirt dampens under her but I let it go and whisper "I'm sorry"'s in her ear. She giggles and reassures me and walks towards the back.

"Rebekah, how do you feel." He asks.

"I'm really sad Cher had to leave but ecstatic that the crowd somehow liked me enough to stay. Thanks!" I smile and walk off the stage as the host closed the show. Cher is backstage with everyone hugging her and wishing her goodbye.


"Are you okay?"


"Earth to Rebekah." Someone says to my right. I realize that I'm standing in the middle of the backyard. Zayns arm wraps around my waist as he asks if I'm okay again.

"M'fine." I mumble.

"You don't look fine."

"I'm just-I'm just upset about Cher." I sigh.

"Hey, don't worry about her. She's amazing and full of suprises, I'm sure we will be seeing the name Cher Lloyd in lights." He laughs. I nod because if I know Cher, that will definatly happen.

"You're right." I reassure myself further with those words.

"We have less than ten shows left. Don't worry. I promise we will get through this." His voice is low and reassuring. We walk back to the crowd of people to waiting to back to the house.

"Rebekah!" Someone calls from behind us. I look back to see a mess of brown hair.

"Liam?" I smile. Niall, Harry, Louis and surprisingly Matt trail behind him.

"Congratulations on making it through. " He continues.

"Oh, thanks, you too. You guys were great up there, as always." I grins and realize I left out Matt.

"You too Matt, great job." I put up my thumb. He laughs at my gesture and thanks me.

"So, what made up this unlikely, friendship?" I ask rather awkwardly.

"Well, there's less and less people every week so I thought I would broaden my friendships." Matt replies jokingly.

"So basically all your friends were voted off mate?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah, pretty much." He laugh and shakes his head like he's kidding.

We laugh until our ride back arrives. The ride is short as always. Zayn and I walk towards my room where we hear sobbing. I peak into see Elly sitting on the be with her face in her hands.

"Is she crying?" Zayn asks. I nod silently and leave her to cry, we aren't close I know she probably wouldn't want to be comforted by me. That night I sleep in Zayns room and endure Nialls snores and Zayn taking us the while bed.


"I miss her." Niall sighs.

"Me too." Harry whines as we eat breakfast. We are back to the usual routine of going to sessions of vical coaching, choreography and doing publicity with our mentor. Cheryl suggested I get a twitter account. So now I am @ItsRebekah on twitter. I know, original.

"Baaaabe." Harry throws his arms around my shoulder as we walk through the halls to get lunch.

"Harry?" I smile.

"I miss him." He groans into my neck.

"It'll be okay." I pat his back. He groans again and puts his head down.

After lunch I make my way to the studio to practice for this weeks song, Nine In the Afternoon. The repetion of everything has finally set in. Its all very exciting to the point that I'm practically bouncing of the walls by the end of the week.


Hi guys....I'm terribly sorry this took forever but I'm in the process of moving and I just have had really bad writers block. I think its because this story seems like its just dragging on so I might just skip around so I can finally get to the end since I already know what I want to happen. I will do my best to get the next chapter up in a few days hopefully.

Thank you all for reading and putting up with me. It really means so much to me that people read this. Thank you for reading. It would also mean a lot if you read my other story "Last Wishes". Okay, thanks again. I love you!

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