Nirvana, Almost Tears, and Glue (Chapter 39)

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The live shows are in less than an hour. My throat aches but I sound better than a few days ago. I try to smile at the beautiful girl in the mirror. She looks like a complete badass but a total sweetheart. How the stylist did that? I have no idea.

"Rebekah, we need to get you on for soundcheck." Some guy says as I nod and walk behind him to the stage.


"Next we've got Rebekah Anderson with the song Creep!" The host announces as I walk onto the stage and stand in the middle. The song is supposed to be dramatic so I sing with passion. My eyes close due to the overwhelming crowd and the emotions inside me.

When I finish the crowd is silent until a loud cheer erupts and then a slight chant begins until everyone is cheering.

"Rebekah! Rebekah!" They're chanring my name. Tears spring in my eyes and I wave and blow kisses in all direction while walking off the stage.

The next act goes on while I walk towards Cher.

"Beautifully done." She smile.

"Thank you, your performance was amazing too!" I smile and hug her.


"Dude, I am literally your biggest fan." I smile as Zayn walks off the stage with the boys.

"Really?" Zayn grins.

"Of course, I'm the biggest fan." I kiss his nose. A camera man walks up to Zayn telling him that One Direction are going to do an interveiw. Zayn kisses mt nose then walks towards a separate room. I stand alone as I wait for the two performances and then the elimination of one more act.

Another group goes home, something Divas and now we are left with 29 contestants and after tomorrow night we will have 27. I sigh in with cointent and hope that I will survive yet another week on the X Factor.


"Alyssa and Tony, you two are going to compete tonight for safety. Your fellow contestant Eliza went home tonight, let's see who is next!" The host says mostly for the crowd. I feel my body tense because of Alyssa, she's so talented and she actually had a way better performance than half the people tonight, including myself.

"Hey, she will make it." Cher tries to reassure but it doesn't read her eyes.

"I hope." I stare towards the stage at Tony performing while Alyssa paces back and forth. Tony sings a rendition of Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. His voice is raspy and hard but really amazing. The crowd cheers and he walks closer to the fans then his voice breaks. He tries to play it off and continues the song. When he finishes I look towards Alyssa who happens to look when I do, I smile as big as I can and give her a thumbs up. She faintly smiles, takes a deep breath and walks on stage. She sings a ballad that shows the strength in her voice. The crowd has their eyes glued to her and their hands up and moving to the melody.

"Wow, great performances you two." The host says and her stands between the two.

"The judges have deliberated and Alyssa," He pauses and I see the tears form and fall within a moment.

"You're safe!" He says, she laughs through her tears and lightly slapps his shoulder then walks past him and towards Tony. She gives him a hug and he smiles lightly. He look heartbroken but smiles through it. Alyssa blows kisses to the crowd and then she walks off the stage while the host talks to Tony. When she is out of frame of the cameras she runs towards Cher, Ava, and I. She has a giant grin and part of her mascara is running.

"You did so amazing." Cher smiles and hugs her tight. She goes along the line from Cher to Ava and Ava to me. We bask in the joy if not being eliminated and come together in a group hug of four.

"This the first of many great after parties!" One of the guys from the group, Disclosure, says into microphone as the music blasts on. In front of me is blur of dancing bodies along with people sitting to the sides. Zayn stands to my left while Niall stands to my right. Louis is dancing with Harry, Liam, Ava and Alyssa. Cher stands with a guy about yen feet to i my right. She laughs a and smacks his chest lightly. The dim light makes it hard to figure about who it is until he turns to grab a can of soda.

"Hey, is that Matt with Cher?" Niall asks beside me.

"Apparently." I laugh and coimtinue to watch. Are they together? I wonder instead of being a creep I open my phone and see I have three messages.

Auntie Iris: Hey honey! So proud of you and miss you so much. the girls say hi!

Mom: Your aunt said that you made it! I'm so proud of you. I love you.

Penny: I miss you so much :( Angela, Kyle and I are so awkward. I wish you would hurry and win so we could hang out! Miss you :)

The text messages make me want to cry but I hold it in and show Zayn who is also on is phone with a giant grin. We exchange phones and read the text messages in silence.

"Wanna leave?" Zayn whispers in my ear as the song changes. I nod enthusiastically as his hand slips in mine and we walk away from the part leaving Niall by himself. Zayn almost falls which causes me to giggle as we make our way to my room. Elly isn't there, since she's downstairs with that friend of hers. Zayn kisses my nose then advances to my cheek and then my lips. His slightly chapped lips move against mine, his hands squezzing my sides and my hands running through his hair and geipping the back of his neck. The kiss gets heated when he pushes me a bit until my legs his the bed. I giggle as we both fall into a mess of tangled limbs. His eyes are wide open as he lays across from me, his arm resting on my waist while mine are pushed against his chest.

"Its weird isn't it?" He asks. As he looks out the window. the moonlight causing his eyelashes to cast a shadow on his cheeks.

"What?" I ask lightly.

"How everything, just works out." His eyes meet mine.

"How so?" I ask.

"You didn't want to move here, I never liked singing in front of anyone, let alone with my four best friends that you brought me." he smiles again.

"I didn't bring you them." I mumble, a slight blush spreading across the tops of my cheeks.

"But you did, I didn't talk to anyone before you came, neither did Penny and Angela. You remember how the other guys used to be a bit of jerks?" He asks. I nod thinking of Liam on the first day, he didn't even look at me.

"You brought us together, with this beautiful personality you have and the glow of happiness." He caresses my cheek. The blush is definatly darker as he talks about me.

"Rebekah, you're our glue. You hold us all together." He states and kisses me again.

"Do you remember the first time I said that I loved you?" I ask.

"Vaguely," He teases, " Of course I remember." He grins.

"I do too, I remember how nervous and sure I felt." The day comes back to me, the mix of so many emotions between us.

"That was a weird time." He mumble,s surely thinking the same thoughts as me. I think of our spot behind the school and the day we spent all day holding each other after the whole Louis incident.

"I love you." He says. I look into his eyes and know exactly what love is. Its when you can laugh at the dumb things you say, or the feeling of want even after forever. What really made me realize what love was, was when I imagined our future. Little hazel eyed, dark haired children running around a yard of grass while Zayn and I sat together. At least twenty years from now, and I hoped he had the same vision.

"I love you." I reply back. He pulls me into his chest as we fall asleep together.


Guys, I'm still shipping Reyn because no one gave me a better name. So go Reyn! bc that's the only one I could think of.  Malderson.....better? no? okay.

#Reyn #Malderson #ShittyShipNames

#Vote? #Comment? #Maybe? #♥


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