Liam, Nap, and, Eliminations. (Chapter 37)

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Bright lights. Bright lights surround me along with the buzzing of the crowd. Around me are the back up dancers waiting for the song to start.

"Oh god." I breathe and finally look up to see the people. I'm met with thousands of eyes and in that moment everything but them and me fade away. in that moment I know I was ment for the stage. The song starts and so do I.


"Brilliant Rebekah! Let's give her another hand!" The host days as I walk off while waving. There Zayn is waiting for me with a grin.

"You did it!" He smiles and hugs me.

"Babe we're next, wish me luck." He kisses my forehead and walks to the stage with Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis. They look like they were made to perform together.


"I'm sorry." I confess to the three girls in front of me.

"Its fine, I mean you thought we had betrayed you." Cher smiles.

I had rold them about the text messages when we got to the mansion. Mini had been toted off by the police who, by then she was full on confession mode. She was shouting "I loved him! He was mine!" After that Zayn told me how they went on a few dates and they had been together for a month until she started getting extremely clingy. He broke it off with her and changed his number until she found it multiple times. He said he hadn't heard from her in months before I mentioned her tonight. Sadie found out that Mini had been disqualified due to the fact that she would be in jail for a few months and she left the competion without reason. Mini had just turned 18, if she hadn't she would have gone to juvie.

Since they had left there was currently 30 contestants, one of them was eliminated and tomorrow two would leave. In the end everything kind of worked out.

"You ex is crazy." I mumble as I breath in his cologne.

"I'm sorry. She was stalking both of us to the point she knew our most intimate points." He says and pulls me closer. We currently resign in my bed while Elly went to her frinds room, some guy.

"I think things are finally looking up." He smiles.

"I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up my friend." I smile.

"You're a dork." He pokes my side.

"I know." I whisper proudly as he pulls me in closer. Tonight was okay, I can't say I'm not nervous but I can say that I'm better more at peace if you must.

"I think I'm going to pass out any second." I mumble. Instead of answering he turns the lamp off and pull his arms around me.

"Night." He says as my eyes finally close.


In the morning Elly's bed is till empty and Zayn lays next to me.

"Morning beautiful." He whispers.

"How long have you been up?" I ask.

"An hour, but you were really clutching me so I couldn't leave without waking you up." He smiles but moves out of my arms.

"I've really got to pee." He laughs and moves to the bathroom. I sit up with my wildly messy hair and pick out something to wear. Today is judging day and there's only twenty nine contestants.

When Zayn retuns I go back in there and shower then get dressed simply since we will be dressed up again. Zayn leaves to his room and then I go down to breakfast and see the girls. Cher and Alyssa sit together. I gather my food and continue to sit with them. Across the way I see Elly getting very cozy with another contestant named Jerry.

"Rebekah! Hey!" Cher says happily.

"Hey, good morning." I greet.

"How are you?" Alyssa asks.

"I'm fine, where's Ava?"

"She still getting ready. That girl takes forever." Cher says.

I nod in response and see the boys come into the room and get their food. Harry and Louis are joking around as usual and Niall has his eyes trained on the food. Liam however looks upset and barely grabs any food.

"Are you okay Li?" Louis asks.

"Yeah m'fine. I miss Ang." He says as they approach us.

"Call her!" I say.

"No, she probably busy. I don't want to intrude." He mumbles.

"Liam! She probably misses you as much as you miss her. Just call her." I see that I've convinced him when he nods and abruptly stands and walks out. We continue and finish our breakfast. Liam walks in with a wide grin and then one of the producers tell us what's happening today. Its basically we're starting a bit earlier and we'll go into makeup and hair at the same time. We leave at noon but for now we have free time. We discuss what we could do in the small time frame and I decide that I'm going to take a nap. Zayn goes with Niall to play a video game and Louis, Liam, Harry, and Cher go out to play soccor (football they insist I say but I will not give it up.) Ava and Alyssa go watch a movie.


"This bus smells rotten." Louis plugs his nose.

"Quit your whining. Man up mate." Niall teases. Liam sits on another seat, probably texring Angela and Harry is doing the same but with Kyle.

"I'm still nervous. I swear I'm going to be nervous this whole competion." I mumble dryly.

"We all are. Don't worry." Zayn pats my shoulder. The rest of the ride is spent with me resting my head on Zayns shoulder until we get ti the venue. We go to the same waiting area as yesterday. Its currently three in the afternoon and I have yet to be dressed for the show. I make my way to the same dressing room which house two other contestants who are getting their hair and makeup done. The same stylist from yesterday meets me and greets me with a hug.

"I'm to go very simple for this look." She says and pats on concealer them does winged eyeliner, blush, and mascara. She braids my hair into a side braid then pushes me towards the dressing room with a clothing bag. In the whitebag is a pink and black floral dress along with one inch black heels, and a grey cardigan. I walk out of the dressing rooms, ready withing minutes.


"Cher Lloyd." She screams and runs away from the stage as though they might take it back if she doesn't move quickly enough.

"Matt Cardle."

"Rebekah Anderson." I walk off the stage to Zayn who looks scared until he sees me.

"Onstage are Corey and Albert. PSL was sent home earlier tonight and now Corey and Albert will a song of their choosing and the judges will decide who they liked better. There's a short break for rehearsal when a few other contestants go and give good luck toCorey and Albert. When they come back Albert goes to the stage and begins singing Titanium. When he's fimished the crowd cheers and Corey hugs hik then goes on the stage and begins a song I'm not familiar with. Its a sad slow song that gives his voice the time it needs to build up. The crowd goes wild when he finishes. The judges finish their decision there will be 27 contestants left.

The judges were feeling Corey's more today and so he won ovwr Albert. Albert took it like a sport and hugged Corey. U patted his back as he exited the stage.

"We just made it through the first week of the X Factor Zayn says as he leans in to kiss me.

We did just make it through a week on the X Factor.


So I didn't say this in the last chapter bit Mini was a little crazy, am I wrong?

Anyway thanks for reading! I love you! Sorry its short but I felt bad because I haven't posted for a bit and I thought I had been doing well with my posting :P

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